The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of Four People Without A Trace In Sweden - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of Four People Without A Trace In Sweden - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of Four People Without A Trace In Sweden - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of Four People Without A Trace In Sweden - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Disappearance Of Four People Without A Trace In Sweden - Alternative View
Video: Most MYSTERIOUS Disappearances NOBODY Can Explain! 2024, September

Mysterious disappearances of people are found all over the world in different forms, but the strangest kind is when suddenly it is not clear where not one person disappears (what else can be attributed to the activities of maniacs, accidents or something else), but several people at once. And even years later, no one could find a trace of these people, as if they had disappeared into thin air.

One such case of a mysterious mass disappearance occurred in Sweden in 1965. It was an unremarkable day on July 29 in the city of Gothenburg, except that it was raining in the morning.

Three young friends Guy Karlsson, Jan Olof Dalsho and Kjell Ake Johansson worked at the local shipyards, but this morning, for some reason, all three got into a blue Volvo owned by Karlsson's brother and… nobody else was ever seen again.


The police investigation stalled from the start. This is primarily due to the fact that the disappearance of the three men was reported by their families at different times, and at first no one linked the three disappearances to one incident. Later, when someone described how he saw all three getting into the car, it turned out that none of the three had a driver's license, and moreover, none of them had ever driven a car before.

It was suggested that the men suddenly decided to go camping. But since there was a downpour that morning and there was mud outside the city, this thought was dismissed as unlikely. In addition, none of the three had previously even stuttered about the desire to go on a hike.

It was also found that all three men had a happy life with no troubles. None of them suffered from depression or mental problems. One of them, moreover, was expecting an addition to the family and was very happy about it. No traces of their car were found either in the city or outside the city, even in later years. He, like men, seemed to have disappeared into thin air.

The police have bravely tried to fight this mystery for some time. But then another one was added to it. It turned out that on the same day another man went missing in the area. This time it was the 18-year-old student artist Hübner Lundqvist.

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On that day, the young man followed the path from Gothenburg to the city of Lysechil, and before disappearing, he managed to send his family a postcard with the words "I'm fine, don't worry."

At first, the police tried to merge the Lundqvist case with the case of the three previous missing persons, but in reality it was never clarified whether they were connected or not.

On the same day, another incident occurred in Gothenburg, but it was also unclear if it was related to the disappearance of four people. At 2 pm, two people showed up at a local bank, one of whom was wearing dirty clothes. Both men shouted threats and fired pistols into the air.

The police managed to injure one of them, but the men managed to escape with some money. The robbers managed to run to the river, where they took off their clothes, finding themselves in swimming suits. But the police still detained them, as well as their accomplice. All three ended up being Hungarian citizens.


Thus, in just one day on July 29, at least three strange and atypical events for the city took place in Gothenburg. It was definitely not an ordinary summer day.

In subsequent years, the case of the disappearance of four residents of Gothenburg was repeatedly raised by journalists and there were several other oddities associated with it. After the artist Lundqvist was allegedly seen either in Singapore or in Australia, but these were all rumors and subsequent checks in these places did not find anyone.


Also, the sister of Guy Karlsson in the first days after the disappearance of his brother went into his apartment and suddenly saw there a stranger wearing her brother's sweater. When she asked what he was doing here, he said that he knew where her brother was and that he was in a local pub. What this meant remained a mystery. Karlsson was not found in the pub, and the stranger immediately disappeared.

This strange case is not widely known outside Sweden, but in Sweden itself it is still being discussed several times on forums and books with different versions and hypotheses are being published on it.