Aliens And UFO Messengers Of The Antichrist? - Alternative View

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Aliens And UFO Messengers Of The Antichrist? - Alternative View
Aliens And UFO Messengers Of The Antichrist? - Alternative View

Video: Aliens And UFO Messengers Of The Antichrist? - Alternative View

Video: Aliens And UFO Messengers Of The Antichrist? - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, July

We remember the 20th century as the century of the First and Second World Wars, the Cold War, the sexual revolution, the ecological crisis, space flights and many other fateful events.

But the 20th century is also the century of UFOs. How do people explain the UFO phenomenon? What are they ready to see in the sky? Are they really aliens from other galaxies or parallel worlds? Or maybe UFOs are something completely different, something that we don't even think about, that we don't want to believe?

Among all the immense number of UFO encounters, the most interesting and indicative are close contacts, during which people often experience deep shocks, then the UFO phenomenon reveals itself from the mental side. These are meetings with UFO pilots or their passengers, call it what you want. What are these meetings? Real contact with guests from outer space, or something else lurking behind external events?

Nearly all of the testimony of alien abductions made for the purpose of study or testing comes from deep hypnosis. From forced acquaintances with guests from space, people are left with impressions so traumatic for the psyche that the consciousness does not fix them. Only some time later, they agree to a hypnosis session in order to get an explanation for the mysterious waste of time associated with close contacts.

At first glance, such cases seem simply implausible, some kind of strange hallucinations or the fruit of a sick imagination. But there are already too many of them known to be

brush them off with a light heart. At the same time, psychiatrists warn that the information obtained in a state of deep hypnosis is unreliable. The person being hypnotized is often unable to distinguish true facts from suggestions imprinted in his brain by the hypnotist himself or by someone else during the alleged close contact. But even if these experiences are not entirely real, the very fact that so many of them have been instilled in people in recent years is indicative.

It was also found that close contacts are associated with paranormal phenomena. Immediately before an encounter with a UFO, people sometimes have unusual dreams or hear a knock on the door, behind which there is no one, or after contact, strange visitors come to them. Some witnesses receive telepathic messages from aliens. Recently, UFOs have just materialized and dematerialized, instead of coming and going. Sometimes miraculous healings of people near UFOs take place. But most often, contacts are fraught with leukemia, mental disorders, lead to personality degradation, insanity, and suicide. In 95% of cases, as statistics show, they affect people negatively.

People, as a rule, are ready to see in the sky what the development of our civilization has brought them to: spaceships of aliens, equal in knowledge and power to the gods. Aliens, helping to solve the global problems of mankind, leading him to a future that is a mixture of supertechnology with Eastern philosophy and the occult.

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For some reason it seems to us that our point of view is the only and most correct one. But we forget that people who believe in God (or gods) live next to us. There are millions of millions of them, and their explanation of the UFO phenomenon has nothing to do with ours, atheistic. All these "flying saucers" and "little green men", they say, are nothing more than fairy tales of the 20th century, fairy tales for children and adults. In fact, the UFO is not hiding behind an evil empire, plotting to enslave the universe, and not evil lizards who decided to let humanity go for meat, but completely different forces.

What kind? Let's try to figure it out

Among all the immense number of UFO encounters, the most interesting and indicative are close contacts, during which people often experience deep shocks, then the UFO phenomenon reveals itself from the mental side. These are meetings with UFO pilots or their passengers, call it what you want. What are these meetings? Real contact with guests from outer space, or something else lurking behind external events? Nearly all of the testimony of alien abductions made for the purpose of study or testing comes from deep hypnosis. From forced acquaintances with guests from space, people are left with impressions so traumatic for the psyche that the consciousness does not fix them. Only some time later, they agree to a hypnosis session in order to get an explanation for the mysterious waste of time associated with close contacts.

At first glance, such cases seem simply implausible, some kind of strange hallucinations or the fruit of a sick imagination. But there are already too many of them to be dismissed with a light heart. At the same time, psychiatrists warn that the information obtained in a state of deep hypnosis is unreliable. The hypnotized person is often unable to distinguish true facts from suggestions imprinted in his brain by the hypnotist himself or by someone else during the alleged close contact. But even if these experiences are not entirely real, the very fact that so many of them have been instilled in people in recent years is indicative.

It was also found that close contacts are associated with paranormal phenomena. Immediately before an encounter with a UFO, people sometimes have unusual dreams or hear a knock on the door, behind which there is no one, or after contact, strange visitors come to them. Some witnesses receive telepathic messages from aliens. Recently, UFOs have just materialized and dematerialized, instead of coming and going. Sometimes miraculous healings of people near UFOs take place. But most often, contacts are fraught with leukemia, mental disorders, lead to personality degradation, insanity, and suicide. In 95% of cases, as statistics show, they affect people negatively.

As time went on, UFOs gradually turned from a physical into a mental phenomenon. More precisely, psychic influence was becoming more and more important. This led experts to think about the similarity of the UFO phenomenon and spiritualism. It also combines psychic effects with strange physical phenomena, only its technology is simpler.

Scientists began to wonder why, for example, so many UFOs land right in the middle of the road? Why do such perfect ships require frequent repairs? Why did their pilots have to collect so many rocks and sticks for decades? Why test so many people if UFOs are the intelligence ships of extraterrestrial civilizations? Check out a few and that's enough.

Perhaps, the famous ufologist Jacques Vallee suggests, guests from space serve as a cover for a more complex technology, and UFOs are not an invasion from space at all, but part of a certain system of control over humanity? It is quite possible to make a significant part of society believe in the existence of supernatural races, in the reality of unusual flying machines, in a plurality of inhabited worlds, by playing several carefully prepared scenes, some details of which are adapted to the culture and superstitions of a given time and place. The same Vallee compares these scenes with occult rites of passage - initiations - that open consciousness for a new system of symbols and views. Or, in other words, hypnotic techniques.

Here we come to the main thing - for the sake of which this long conversation about flying saucers was started. Modern researchers have already found answers to many of the above questions. But due to incompetence in matters of religion, they do not fully realize the significance of their discoveries. American Brad Steiger, after a careful study of the US Air Force's files, came to the conclusion that this is a multidimensional paraphysical phenomenon, largely belonging to planet Earth. D. Hynek and J. Vallee put forward a hypothesis about interpenetrating universes, from which extraterrestrials can appear suddenly or produce physical effects, while remaining invisible.

John Keel, a staunch atheist, went so far as to claim that UFO stories are stories of ghosts and ghosts, strange mental disorders, and an invisible world that bursts into our world. This is an illusory world, where reality is distorted by invisible forces, which obviously can control space, time and matter. In general, according to Keel, the properties and characteristics of UFOs are variations of the long-known phenomena of the phenomenon of demons. He writes: "Many of the authentic stories about UFOs now published in the popular press are strikingly similar to stories about demonic possession, about psychic phenomena that have long been familiar to theologians and parapsychologists."


The battle for our souls

Many experts, writes the American Orthodox philosopher, Hieromonk Seraphim Rose (or Rus), in order to better understand UFOs, turn today to the field of occult and demonology. He is supported by Protestant evangelicals, the authors of several scientific works on UFOs. The flying saucers phenomenon is demonic in nature.

The story of people involved in UFO encounters, Rose continues, reveals the standard traits inherent in dealing with demons. For example, a California policeman began seeing flying saucers in 1966 and has seen them frequently since then, usually at night. After one landing, he and his wife discovered UFO tracks on the ground. Over the next weeks, the policeman later said, he turned into a man obsessed with waiting and looking for UFOs, convinced that something momentous was about to happen. He stopped opening the Bible and turned his back on God, reading only books about UFOs, whatever he could get his hands on.

This man spent many nights in vain waiting, trying to make mental contact with those whom he considered aliens, almost begging for them to appear and wanted to get in touch with them. Finally, he waited for close contact with a ship about 80 feet in diameter, with rotating colored lights. The ship rushed off almost immediately, leaving the enchanted policeman waiting for the next "miracle". But he never got anything else. In despair, the policeman fell into depression, started drinking, and sometimes even began to think about suicide. Only turning to Christ put an end to this period of his life.

People who had close contact with UFOs and UFOs experienced the worst - creatures from flying saucers literally "took possession" of them and threatened to kill if they resisted. What is mysterious and inexplicable to most scientists, Rose says, namely the strange combination of physical and mental characteristics, is not at all surprising to those who read Orthodox spiritual books, especially the lives of saints. Demons also have “physical bodies”, but their “matter” is so subtle that they cannot be seen by a person if his spiritual “doors of perception” are not open by God's will (like with saints) or against him (like with sorcerers and mediums).

The American theologian turns to the Orthodox tradition, which gives many examples of the manifestations of demons that fit exactly into the scheme of UFO phenomena: visions of "bodily" beings and "tangible" objects - the demons themselves and their illusory creations, which appear and disappear in the blink of an eye, always with a purpose frightening people and clouding their minds. The lives of Saints Anthony the Great (IV century) and Cyprian of Carthage (III century) are full of similar cases.

The Life of Saint Martin of Tours (4th century), written by his student Sulpicius Severus, contains an interesting example of demonic wiles, during which demons used strange "physical" phenomena, very similar to close contacts with UFOs. A certain young man named Anatoly monasticized near the monastery of St. Martin, but because of his secret vices became a victim of demonic obsessions. He imagined that he was talking with angels, and in order to convince others of his holiness, these "angels" promised to give him shining garments from heaven as a sign that the power of the Lord dwells in him.

Once, around midnight, near his skete, there was a loud clatter of dancing feet and the rumble of many voices, and Anatoly's cell was illuminated with dazzling light. Then a dead silence fell, and the lost one appeared on the threshold of his cell in his "heavenly" clothes. The light was brought in, and everyone began to carefully examine the garment. It was very soft with a wonderful bright scarlet sheen. What kind of matter it was, no one could understand. The next morning, the spiritual father of Anatoly decided to take him to Saint Martin to find out if this was the work of the devil. The lost one in fear refused to go, and when he was dragged by force, the clothes disappeared. The devil could no longer mask his obsessions, for Saint Martin had an extraordinary ability to recognize the Prince of Darkness in any guise, even if he appeared under the guise of Jesus Christ himself.

Clearly, Rose concludes, the flying saucers are within "the limits of devilish technique," and there is no better explanation for their mystery. Various demonic obsessions are now adapted to cosmic mythology, that's all. Anatoly today would be known simply as a "contactee". The purpose of UFOs in such contacts is also clear: to make the souls of witnesses tremble, to give them "proof" of the existence of higher forms of intelligence, no matter what angels, if the victim believes in them, or guests from outer space, more suitable for modern humans. All this is just a preparation, a shell of the message that the Devil wants to instill in people.

Abduction by demons, literally a copy of abductions committed by UFO pilots, is described in the life of St. Nil Sorsky, who lived in Russia since the 15th century. Soon after his death, a priest with his son settled in the monastery he founded. Once, when the lad was sent on an errand, a stranger suddenly attacked him, seized him and carried him, as if on the wings of the wind, into an impenetrable forest and carried him to a large room in his dwelling. The priest and the monastery brethren prayed to Saint Nile to help find the boy. The saint came to the youth's aid and ordered the demon to return the kidnapped person to the monastery. The same unknown person who stole the boy like the wind brought him back, throwing him into a haystack, and disappeared. When the monks found the boy, he told them everything that had happened to him. Since then, he has become very quiet, as if numb.

Similar stories of demonic obsessions have been common in past centuries. Today, most of them make a smile. But the point is that modern UFO researchers are looking for a compromise answer, trying to explain the spiritual to the material, without going beyond the scope of scientific analysis. But the spiritual realm, says Rose and other proponents of the diabolical concept of flying saucers, cannot be approached with impartial objectivity without discerning the nature of spirits. If the physical world is morally neutral, then the invisible, spiritual world is by no means. It is inhabited by creatures both good and evil, therefore an objective observer is not able to distinguish one from another, if he does not accept the revelation given to man by God.

Defenders of the religious concept of UFOs assure that it is possible to truly assess accidents with UFOs only on the basis of Christian revelations and experience. Of course, they say, man is not able to fully explain the invisible world of angels and demons, but he has been given enough knowledge to understand how these creatures act in our world and how we should respond to their actions.

The appearance of UFOs in large numbers is a terrible apocalyptic symptom. The Christian worldview that protected humanity from a massive attack of evil forces as a whole no longer exists. The beast came out of the abyss to deceive the nations, to prepare them to worship the Antichrist. Perhaps never since the beginning of the Christian era has demonic power been so openly and universally as it is today. It is necessary to help sober up the deceived consciousness, to prevent the death of people, giving them a solid spiritual support.

Of course, it is not necessary to unquestioningly believe in this version, but you must admit that there is something in it … It was created by people who see the world differently than most of us. These people cannot be denied logic, and we cannot but admit our almost complete illiteracy in all matters concerning the other world. And one more thing: their outlook on things is attractive for its originality and spirituality, care for our spiritual world. At the same time, the religious concept of UFOs is little known in our country; Russian ufologists who are considering different options for the space version rarely talk about it. But who knows who will be right in the end?..

Abnormal News 30, 2007
