Ghost Killers And Ghost Saviors - Alternative View

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Ghost Killers And Ghost Saviors - Alternative View
Ghost Killers And Ghost Saviors - Alternative View

Video: Ghost Killers And Ghost Saviors - Alternative View

Video: Ghost Killers And Ghost Saviors - Alternative View
Video: I Am Ghost - Killers Like Candy with Lyrics and HD SOUND QUALITY ^_^ 2024, July

Ghosts are not just ethereal entities that live somewhere in the other world and sometimes become visible. Sometimes they can cause real harm to a person and even … kill. And sometimes they are able to save people's lives. Don't believe me? Let's delve into the history of the paranormal. There is a lot of interesting evidence on this topic …

Horror in the cemetery

Andrey Dorokhov and Pavel Voloshin were returning home from a neighboring village at about midnight. Both took a little on the chest and decided on the way to wrap up in the cemetery, to test themselves for courage. The idea was unsuccessful. Near one of the graves, friends noticed a strange creature, apparently of "otherworldly" origin. The last thing that Andrei remembered was how the ghost began to quickly approach him … He woke up only the next morning in a ditch not far from the cemetery, his face, hands and clothes were covered in blood … Nearby lay Pavel's body with his head torn off. Of course, Dorokhov was accused of murder and arrested. Of course, nobody believed in the "bike" about the ghost that was chasing friends.

The only thing that amazed the experts was that the victim was first gnawed at the throat, and the head was torn off with brutal force. As a result, the alleged killer was declared insane and spent several years in a psychiatric clinic …

Mysterious wound

Last November, 37-year-old American ghost hunter Robert Lorsen decided to spend the night in a house in Willisca, Iowa. In 1912, an unknown person entered here and hacked to death with an ax the family living in the house - a husband, wife and six children. The culprit was never found, and since then various anomalous phenomena have been repeatedly observed in the house.

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Lorsen hoped to make contact with the spirits. But it ended badly for him: he ended up in a local hospital with a serious wound, which he allegedly inflicted in the chest with a sharp object. The weapon of the crime was never found, and the wounded man himself could not explain anything clearly …

Who pushed Cecillia?

More recently, a video appeared on the Internet, which shows how 34-year-old Chilean Cecillia Carasco is knocked down by a ghost. Rather, the woman herself is convinced of this. She went to her lawyer's office and suddenly fell to the floor. At the same time, there was no one next to her at that moment.

Cecillia was taken to hospital with serious head injuries. Although the doctors didn’t believe the ghost story she told, the footage in the video does look strange …

The apparition of the deceased nephew

In turn, stories when ghosts help people, saving them from trouble, are not so rare. For example, a certain Henry Sims had a dream about his nephew Paul, who died tragically in a fire. He called him: "Uncle Henry!" When he woke up, Henry saw the figure of his late nephew standing by his bed. And the air smelled of smoke … The vision melted, and Sims began to wake up the household. Fortunately, everyone managed to jump out of the burning house in time …

Kindhearted cousin

Several years ago, a worker from a local construction company, Larry Simpson, was taken to a hospital in the English city of Maidstone (England) in a state of clinical death. A few days later he came to his senses and told an amazing story.

The owner of the company decided to save money on housing for the workers and settled them in the factory basement. The living area consisted of a small hall, several bedrooms and a cramped kitchenette. There was a gas leak in the kitchen one night. Larry was fast asleep when something strange began to happen. “I felt like a man had entered my room through the wall,” he recalls. - His body was half transparent and seemed to glow in the dark with a bluish light. The man approached me and put his hand on my shoulder. “Wake up, Larry,” he said. "Wake up, or it will be late."

To bring Larry to her senses, the night visitor began to grab the things in the room and throw them at the tenant. “The stranger tried to lift me, but he didn't succeed. It seemed to me that with the tension his hands seemed to pass through my body, as if it were water, - said Larry.

He also remembered the name given by the stranger - Peter. At the hospital, Larry learned that three other workers had died from gas poisoning, and realized that Peter had saved his life. At first, he decided that the stranger was real and tried to find his savior. But a shocking discovery awaited him.

“It turns out I had a relative I knew nothing about,” Simpson says. “Peter van Duggan was my half-cousin. As soon as I looked at his photograph, I immediately recognized the stranger. But the most amazing thing is that Peter has lived almost his entire life in Maidstone, a mile from the place where I almost gave my soul to God!"

But by the time this story happened, van Duggan had been resting for eight years in the local cemetery … So he came from the other world?

Margarita Troitsyna
