Radomir's Departure Or How Was Jesus Actually Executed? - Alternative View

Radomir's Departure Or How Was Jesus Actually Executed? - Alternative View
Radomir's Departure Or How Was Jesus Actually Executed? - Alternative View

Video: Radomir's Departure Or How Was Jesus Actually Executed? - Alternative View

Video: Radomir's Departure Or How Was Jesus Actually Executed? - Alternative View
Video: Was Jesus Actually Resurrected 2024, September

A quiet spring evening was fragrant before us with southern scents. Somewhere in the distance, the last glare of the dying sunset was still blazing, although the sun, tired of the day, had long since set in order to have time to rest until tomorrow, when it will again return to its daily circular journey. In the rapidly darkening, velvet sky, unusually huge stars flared up brighter and brighter. The world around us was gradually preparing itself for sleep … Only sometimes, somewhere, suddenly, you could hear the offended cry of a lonely bird, never finding rest. Or from time to time, sleepy barking disturbed the silence by the echo of local dogs, which showed their vigilant vigilance. But the rest of the night seemed frozen, gentle and calm …

And only in the garden enclosed by a high clay wall were two still sitting. These were Jesus Radomir and his wife Mary Magdalene …

They spent their last night … before the crucifixion.

Clung to her husband, resting her tired head on his chest, Maria was silent. She still wanted to tell him so much!.. To say so many important things while there was still time! But I couldn't find the words. All the words have already been spoken. And they all seemed meaningless. Not worth these last precious moments … No matter how hard she tried to persuade Radomir to leave the foreign land, he did not agree. And it was so inhumanly painful!.. The world remained the same calm and protected, but she knew that it would not be the same when Radomir left … Without him everything would be empty and cold …

She asked him to think … She asked him to return to his distant Northern country, or at least to the Valley of the Mages, to start all over again.

She knew that wonderful people were waiting for them in the Valley of the Mages. They were all gifted. There they could build a new and bright world, as the Magus John assured her. But Radomir didn’t want to … He didn’t agree. He wanted to sacrifice himself so that the blind could see … This was exactly the task that the Father raised on his strong shoulders. The White Magus … And Radomir did not want to retreat … He wanted to gain understanding … from the Jews. Even at the cost of your own life.

None of the nine friends, loyal knights of his Spiritual Temple, supported him. No one wanted to hand him over to the executioners. They didn't want to lose him. They loved him too much …

But then the day came when, obeying the iron will of Radomir, his friends and his wife (against their will) vowed not to get involved in what was happening … Not to try to save him, no matter what happened. Radomir fervently hoped that, seeing the clear possibility of his death, people would finally understand, see the light and want to save him themselves, despite the differences of their faith, despite the lack of understanding.

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But Magdalene knew this would not happen. She knew this would be their last evening.

My heart was torn to pieces, hearing his even breathing, feeling the warmth of his hands, seeing his focused face, not darkened by the slightest doubt. He was sure he was right. And she could do nothing, no matter how much she loved him, no matter how fiercely she tried to convince him that those for whom he went to certain death were unworthy of him.

- Promise me, my sweetheart, if they still destroy me, you will go Home, - suddenly very persistently demanded Radomir. “You’ll be safe there.” There you can teach. The Knights of the Temple will go with you, they swore to me. You will take Vesta with you, you will be together. And I will come to you, you know that. Do you know?

And then Magdalene finally burst through … She could not stand it any longer … Yes, she was the strongest Magician. But at this terrible moment she was just a fragile, loving woman who was losing the most dear person in the world …

Her faithful, pure soul did not understand HOW could the Earth give up her most gifted son to be torn apart?.. Was there any sense in this sacrifice? She thought there was no point. Accustomed from an early age to an endless (and sometimes hopeless!) Struggle, Magdalene was unable to understand this absurd, wild sacrifice!.. She did not accept blind obedience to fate, or empty hope for someone's possible, neither in her mind nor in her heart. insight "! These people (Jews) lived in their own isolated world, tightly closed to the rest. They did not care about the fate of the "stranger." And Maria knew for sure - they would not help. Just as she knew - Radomir would die pointlessly and in vain. And no one can bring him back. Even if he wants to. It will be too late to change anything …

- How can you not understand me? - suddenly, having overheard her sad thoughts, Radomir spoke up. “If I don’t try to wake them up, they will destroy the future. Do you remember Father told us? I have to help them! Or at least I must try.

“Tell me, you don’t understand them, do you? - Carefully stroking his hand, Magdalene whispered softly. - Just as they did not understand you. How can you help the people if you don’t understand them yourself?!.. They think in different runes … And do they think in runes?.. This is a different people, Radomir! We are not familiar with their mind and heart. No matter how hard you try, they won't hear you! They don't need your Faith, just as they don't need you. Take a look around, My joy - this is a strange house! Your land is calling you! Go away, Radomir!

But he didn't want to put up with defeat. He wanted to prove to himself and to others that he had done everything that was in his earthly powers. And no matter how hard she tried, she could not save Radomir. And, unfortunately, she knew it …

The night had already come to the middle … The old garden, drowned in the world of smells and dreams, was comfortably silent, enjoying the freshness and coolness. The world surrounding Radomir and Magdalena slept sweetly, carefree sleep, not anticipating anything dangerous or bad. And only to Magdalene for some reason it seemed that next to her, right behind her, laughing maliciously, there was someone ruthless and indifferent … Rock was staying … Relentless and formidable, Rock looked gloomily at the fragile, tender woman, whom he still for some reason they could not break … No troubles, no pain.

And Magdalene, in order to protect herself from all this, with all her strength clung to her old, good memories, as if she knew that only they could at the moment keep her inflamed brain from a complete and irreversible "eclipse" … In her tenacious memory, they still lived like this dear years spent with Radomir … Years, it would seem, lived so long ago!.. Or maybe only yesterday?.. It did not matter much, because tomorrow he will be gone. And their whole bright life will then truly become only a memory … HOW could she put up with it ?! HOW could she look, lowering her hands, when the only person on Earth for her was going to death ?!

- I want to show you something, Maria, - Radomir whispered softly.

And thrusting his hand into his bosom, he pulled out … a miracle!

His thin long fingers shone through with bright pulsating emerald light!.. The light poured more and more, as if alive, filling the dark night space …

Radomir opened his hand - an amazingly beautiful green crystal rested on it …

- What is it??? - as if afraid to frighten off, Magdalena also whispered softly.

- Key of the Gods - Radomir answered calmly. - Look, I'll show you …

(I talk about the Key of the Gods with the permission of the Wanderers, with whom I was lucky to meet twice in June and August 2009, in the Valley of the Mages. Before that, the Key of the Gods had never been openly discussed anywhere and never).

The crystal was material. And at the same time, truly magical. It was carved from a very beautiful stone that looks like an amazingly transparent emerald. But Magdalene felt that it was something much more complicated than a simple gem, even the purest one. It was diamond-shaped and elongated, the size of Radomir's palm. Each cut of the crystal was completely covered with unfamiliar runes, apparently even more ancient than those that Magdalene knew …

- What is he "talking about", my joy?.. And why are these runes not familiar to me? They are a little different from those that the Magi taught us. And where did you get it from ?!

“It was once brought to Earth by our wise Ancestors, our Gods, to create the Temple of Eternal Knowledge here,” Radomir began pensively looking at the crystal. - So that he would help the worthy Children of the Earth to acquire Light and Truth. It was HE who gave birth to the caste of the Magi, Veduns, Veduni, Darin and the rest of the enlightened ones on earth. And it was from him that they drew their KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING, and from him they once created Meteora. Later, leaving forever, the Gods left this Temple to people, bequeathed to preserve and preserve it, as they would preserve the Earth itself. And the Key to the Temple was given to the Magi, so that it would not accidentally fall into the hands of the "dark-minded" and the Earth would not perish from their evil hand. So since then, this miracle has been kept for centuries by the Magi, and they pass it on from time to time to a worthy one, so that the random "keeper" does not betray the command and faith left by our Gods.

Joshua with his associates at the "Last Supper" of the Tabernacle Institute in the United States
Joshua with his associates at the "Last Supper" of the Tabernacle Institute in the United States

Joshua with his associates at the "Last Supper" of the Tabernacle Institute in the United States.

- Is this really the Grail, Sever? - I could not resist, I asked.

- No, Isidora. The Grail has never been what this amazing Smart Crystal is. It's just that people "ascribed" what they want to Radomir … like everything else, "alien". Radomir, all his adult life, was the Keeper of the Key of the Gods. But people, naturally, could not know this, and therefore did not calm down. First, they were looking for a Chalice that allegedly "belonged" to Radomir. And sometimes his children or Magdalene herself were called the Grail. And all this happened only because the "true believers" really wanted to have some kind of proof of the veracity of what they believe … Something material, something "holy" that could be touched … (what, to the great unfortunately, it is happening even now, after many hundreds of years). The "dark" ones invented for them a story that was beautiful at that time in order to light it up the sensitive "believing" hearts … Unfortunately, people have always needed relics,Isidora, and if they were not there, someone would simply invent them. Radomir never had such a cup, because he did not even have the "last supper" … at which he allegedly drank from it. Prophet Joshua had the cup of the "Last Supper", but not Radomir.

And Joseph of Arimathea really once collected a few drops of the prophet's blood there. But this famous "Grail Chalice" was really just the simplest clay cup, from which all Jews usually drank at that time, and which was not so easy to find afterwards. The golden, or silver bowl, completely covered with precious stones (as the priests like to portray it) never existed in reality either during the time of the Jewish prophet Joshua, or even less so during the time of Radomir.

But this is another, albeit an interesting story.

"The Last Supper". Valentin de Boulogne (1591-1632). National Gallery "Antique Art", Rome
"The Last Supper". Valentin de Boulogne (1591-1632). National Gallery "Antique Art", Rome

"The Last Supper". Valentin de Boulogne (1591-1632). National Gallery "Antique Art", Rome.

You don't have much time, Isidora. And I think you will want to know something completely different, which is close to your heart, and that, perhaps, will help you find more strength in yourself to withstand. Well, and this, too closely "dark" forces, the tangled deep of two lives alien to each other (Radomir and Joshua), in any case, cannot be unraveled so soon. As I said, you just don't have enough time for this, my friend. I'm sorry …

I just nodded back to him, trying not to show how much I was fascinated by this whole true story! And how I wanted to know, even when I was dying, all the incredible amount of lies that the church brought down on our trusting earthly heads … But I left the North to decide what exactly he wanted to tell me. It was his free will - to say or not to tell me this or that. I was already incredibly grateful to him for his precious time, and for his sincere desire to brighten up our sad remaining days.

We again found ourselves in a dark night garden, "eavesdropping" on the last hours of Radomir and Magdalene …

- Where is this Great Temple, Radomir? - Magdalene asked in surprise.

- In a wondrous distant country … At the very "top" of the world … (I mean the North Pole, the former country of Hyperborea - Daaria), - Radomir whispered quietly, as if he had gone into the infinitely distant past. - There is a holy mountain made by man, which neither nature, nor time, nor people can destroy. For this mountain is eternal … This is the Temple of Eternal Knowledge. Temple of our old Gods, Mary …

Once upon a time, a long time ago, their Key sparkled on the top of the holy mountain - this green crystal that gave the Earth protection, opened souls, and taught the worthy. Only now our Gods have gone. And since then, the Earth has plunged into darkness, which is not yet able to destroy the man himself. There is still too much envy and anger in him. And laziness too …

The alleged "bowl" of the prophet Joshua. Judea, 1st century AD
The alleged "bowl" of the prophet Joshua. Judea, 1st century AD

The alleged "bowl" of the prophet Joshua. Judea, 1st century AD

- People must see the light, Maria. - After a little silence, Radomir said. - And it is YOU who will help them! - And as if not noticing her protesting gesture, he calmly continued. - YOU teach them KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING. And give them real FAITH. You will become their Guiding Star, no matter what happens to me. Promise me!.. I have no one else to entrust what I had to do myself. Promise me, my fair one.

Radomir carefully took her face in his palms, peering into the radiant blue eyes and … suddenly smiled … How much endless love shone in those wondrous, familiar eyes!.. And how much deepest pain there was in them … He knew how scared and lonely she was … Knew how much she wanted to save him! And despite all this, Radomir could not help smiling - even at such a terrible time for her, Magdalena somehow remained the same amazingly bright and even more beautiful!.. Like a clean spring with life-giving transparent water …

Shaking himself, he continued as calmly as possible.

- Look, I will show you how this ancient Key is opened …

An emerald flame blazed on Radomir's open palm … Every slightest rune began to open up into a whole layer of unfamiliar spaces, expanding and opening with millions of images that smoothly flowed through each other. A marvelous transparent "structure" grew and whirled, revealing more and more new levels of Knowledge, never seen by today's man. It was overwhelming and endless!.. And Magdalene, unable to take her eyes off all this magic, plunged headlong into the depths of the unknown, with every fiber of her soul experiencing a burning, incinerating thirst!.. She absorbed the wisdom of the ages, feeling, like a powerful wave, filling every cell, unfamiliar Ancient Magic flows through it! The Knowledge of the Ancestors flooded, it was truly immense - from the life of the slightest insect, it was transferred into the life of the universes,flowed over millions of years in the life of alien planets, and again, a powerful avalanche returned to Earth …

Opening her eyes wide, Magdalene listened to the wondrous Knowledge of the Ancient World … Her light body, free from earthly "fetters", bathed like a grain of sand in the ocean of distant stars, enjoying the greatness and silence of universal peace …

Suddenly, a fabulous Star Bridge unfolded in front of her. Stretching, it seemed, into infinity, it sparkled and sparkled with endless clusters of large and small stars, spreading at her feet in a silver road. In the distance, in the very middle of the same road, all enveloped in golden radiance, a Man awaited Magdalena … He was very tall and looked very strong. Coming closer, Magdalene saw that not everything in this unseen creature was so “human” … Most of all, his eyes were striking - huge and sparkling, as if carved from a precious stone, they sparkled with cold facets, like a real diamond. But just like a diamond, they were insensitive and aloof … The manly features of the stranger's face surprised with their sharpness and immobility, as if there was a statue in front of Magdalene … Very long, magnificent hair sparkled and shimmered with silver,as if someone had accidentally scattered stars on them … "Man" was indeed very unusual … But even with all his "icy" coldness, Magdalene clearly felt how wonderful, enveloping the soul, peace and warm, sincere kindness came from a strange stranger … Only for some reason she knew for sure - not always and not to everyone this good was the same.

The "man" raised his palm, unfolded towards her, and said tenderly:

- Stop, Star … Your Path is not finished yet. You can't go Home. Return to Midgard, Maria … And take care of the Key of the Gods. May Eternity keep you.

And then, the powerful figure of the stranger suddenly began to slowly hesitate, becoming completely transparent, as if about to disappear.

“Who are you?.. Please tell me who you are?!..” Magdalene cried imploringly.

- Wanderer … You will still meet me. Goodbye, Star …

Suddenly the wondrous crystal slammed shut … The miracle ended as unexpectedly as it had begun. It immediately became chilly and empty all around … As if it was winter outside.

- What was that, Radomir ?!.. This is much more than we were taught!.. - Magdalena asked in shock without taking her eyes off the green "stone".

- I just opened it a little. So you can see. But this is just a grain of sand that he can. So you must keep it, no matter what happens to me. At any cost … including your life, and even the life of Vesta and Svetodar.

Glaring at her with his piercing blue eyes, Radomir persistently waited for an answer. Magdalene nodded slowly.

- He punished it … the Wanderer …

Radomir just nodded, clearly understanding who she was talking about.

- For thousands of years people have been trying to find the Key of the Gods. Only no one knows what he really looks like. And they don’t know its meaning,”Radomir continued much softer. - The most incredible legends go about him, some are very beautiful, others are almost crazy.


(True, different legends are circulating about the Key of the Gods. In what languages have they not tried to paint the largest emeralds for centuries!.. In Arabic, Jewish, Hindu and even Latin … But for some reason no one wants to understand that from the stones will not become magical, no matter how much someone wants it … The proposed photos show: the Iranian pseudo Mani, and the Great Mogul, and the Catholic "talisman" of God, and the Emerald "tablet" of Hermes (Emeral tablet) and even the famous Indian The cave of Apollo from Tiana, which, according to the Hindus themselves, was once visited by Jesus Christ (You can read more about this in the book “The Holy Land of Daarius”, which is being written now. Part 1. What did the Gods know about?))

- It just worked, apparently, someone once had a generic memory, and the person remembered - there was once something incredibly great, given by Gods. And here is WHAT - not able to understand … So for centuries “seekers” have been walking for unknown reasons and circling in circles. As if someone had punished: “go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what” … They only know that the strength in him is hefty, unprecedented knowledge. The smart ones chase after knowledge, but the "dark", as always, try to find it in order to rule the rest … I think this is the most mysterious and most (to each in his own way) desired relic that has ever existed on Earth. Now everything will depend only on you, my dear. If I'm gone, don't lose him for anything! Promise me this, Maria …

Magdalene nodded again. She understood that this was the sacrifice that Radomir asked her. And she promised him … She promised to keep the amazing Key of the Gods at the cost of her own life … and the lives of children, if need be.

Radomir carefully put the green miracle in her palm - the crystal was alive and warm …

The night was running too fast. It was already daylight in the east … Magdalene took a deep breath. She knew that soon they would come for him to hand Radomir into the hands of jealous and deceitful judges … with all their callous souls who hated this, as they called, "foreign messenger" …

Curled up in a ball between the strong hands of Radomir, Magdalena was silent. She just wanted to feel his warmth … as far as possible … It seemed that life, drop by drop, was leaving her, turning a broken heart into a cold stone. She could not breathe without him … This, such a dear person!.. He was her half, a part of her being, without which life was impossible. She didn't know how she would exist without him?.. Didn't know how she could be so strong?.. But Radomir believed in her, trusted her. He left her a DEBT that would not allow her to give up. And she honestly tried to survive …

Despite all the inhuman composure, Magdalene hardly remembered further …

There were strangers, enveloped in an incomprehensible malice …

There was pain and horror watching Radomir's suffering …

There was a tiny hope that vanished in an instant …

And there was a CROSS … An inhuman and terrible instrument of death.

The crucifixion of Radomir on "Bald Mountain", 1086, Constantinople. From a painting by Bruegel the Elder
The crucifixion of Radomir on "Bald Mountain", 1086, Constantinople. From a painting by Bruegel the Elder

The crucifixion of Radomir on "Bald Mountain", 1086, Constantinople. From a painting by Bruegel the Elder.

She was on her knees right under the cross and looked into Radomir's eyes until the very last moment … Before his pure and strong soul left its already unnecessary, dead body.

Magdalene at the time of the crucifixion … Stained glass window from a church in the town of Dorset
Magdalene at the time of the crucifixion … Stained glass window from a church in the town of Dorset

Magdalene at the time of the crucifixion … Stained glass window from a church in the town of Dorset.

A hot drop of blood fell on the mournful face of Magdalene, and merged with a tear, rolled to the ground. Then the second fell … So she stood motionless, frozen in the deepest grief … mourning her pain with bloody tears …

Suddenly, wild, more terrifying than an animal, a cry shook the surrounding space … The cry was shrill and prolonged. His soul froze, squeezing his heart in an icy grip. It was Magdalene screaming …

The earth answered her, shuddering with all her old mighty body.

After that darkness fell …

People scattered in horror, not making out the road, not understanding where their disobedient legs were taking. As if blind, they bumped into each other, darting in different directions, and again stumbled and fell, not paying attention to the surrounding … Screams rang everywhere. Crying and confusion enveloped Bald Mountain and the people who watched the execution there, as if only now allowing them to see clearly - to truly see what they had done …

Magdalene stood up. And again a wild, inhuman scream pierced the tired Earth. Drowning in the rumble of thunder, the cry snaked around with evil lightning, frightening the cold souls … Having freed the Ancient Magic, Magdalene called on the old Gods for help … She called on the Great Ancestors.

The wind fluttered her wonderful golden hair in the darkness, surrounding her fragile body with a halo of Light. Terrible bloody tears, still scarlet on her pale cheeks, made her completely unrecognizable … Something like the formidable Priestess …

Magdalene called … With her hands behind her head, she called her Gods again and again. She called the Fathers who had just lost their wonderful Son … She couldn't just give up … She wanted to return Radomir at any cost. Even if it is not destined to communicate with him. She wanted him to live … no matter what.

Painting by Sandro Botticelli "Lamentation of Christ"
Painting by Sandro Botticelli "Lamentation of Christ"

Painting by Sandro Botticelli "Lamentation of Christ".

But the Gods did not respond … Magdalene could not believe it!

She didn't want him to die. I didn't want to lose him …

The pain was blinding … It was just inhuman.

Friends came up - the Knights of the Temple … Unable to tear Magdalena from the dead body, they respectfully waited. Her grief was so deep and hopeless that it hurt even the most severe and hardened …

Then death came.

She did not feel how she was taken aside and seated. I didn't see who washed Radomir for the last time … She knew only one thing - HE had to rise again!.. And she had to help him with this …

Farewell to Radomir. On Radomir and Magdalena, the color of the clothes is very similar to the usual clothes of the Wanderers and Magi
Farewell to Radomir. On Radomir and Magdalena, the color of the clothes is very similar to the usual clothes of the Wanderers and Magi

Farewell to Radomir. On Radomir and Magdalena, the color of the clothes is very similar to the usual clothes of the Wanderers and Magi.

But then the night passed, and nothing changed. His essence spoke to her, but she stood dead, hearing nothing, only endlessly calling the Fathers … She still did not give up.

Finally, when it was light in the yard, a bright golden glow suddenly appeared in the room - as if a thousand suns shone in it at the same time! And in this glow, a tall, taller than usual, human figure appeared at the very entrance … Magdalena immediately understood that it was the one whom she had so vehemently and persistently called all night …

- Get up, Joyful!.. - said the visitor in a deep voice. - This is not your world. You have outlived your life in it. I will show you your new path. Get up, Radomir!..

“Thank you, Father…” Magdalene, who was standing next to him, whispered softly. - Thank you for hearing me!

The old man gazed at the fragile woman standing in front of him for a long time and attentively. Then he suddenly smiled brightly and said very gently:

Radomir leaves for a new life
Radomir leaves for a new life

Radomir leaves for a new life.

- It's hard for you, woe!.. Afraid … Forgive me, daughter, I'll take your Radomir. It's not destiny for him to be here anymore. His fate will be different now. You yourself wished it …

Magdalene just nodded to him, showing that she understood. She could not speak, her strength was almost leaving her. It was necessary to somehow endure these last, most difficult moments for her … And then she will still have enough time to grieve over the lost. The main thing was that HE lived. The rest was not that important.

A surprised exclamation was heard - Radomir stood looking around, not understanding what was happening. He did not yet know that he already had a different fate, NOT EARTH … And he did not understand why he was still living, although he remembered for sure that the executioners had done their job superbly …

- Farewell, my Joy … - Magdalene whispered softly. - Goodbye, my dear. I will fulfill your will. You just live … And I will always be with you.

The golden light flashed brightly again, but now for some reason he was already outside. Following him, Radomir slowly walked out the door …

Radomir leaves for a new life
Radomir leaves for a new life

Radomir leaves for a new life.

Everything around was so familiar!.. But even feeling completely alive again, Radomir somehow knew that it was no longer his world … And only one thing in this old world was still real for him - it was his wife … His beloved Magdalene….

- I will return to you … I will definitely return to you … - Radomir whispered to himself very quietly. A whiteman hung over his head in a huge "umbrella" …

Bathing in the rays of golden radiance, Radomir slowly but surely followed the sparkling Elder. Before leaving, he suddenly turned around to see her for the last time … To take her amazing image with him. Magdalene felt a dizzying warmth. It seemed that in this last look, Radomir was sending her all the love accumulated over their long years!.. He sent her so that she would also remember him.

She closed her eyes, wanting to withstand … Wanting to seem calm to him. And when I opened it, it was all over …

Radomir left …

The earth lost him, being unworthy of him.

He stepped into his new, still unfamiliar life, leaving Maria with Duty and children … Leaving her soul wounded and lonely, but still the same loving and the same steadfast.

Sighing convulsively, Magdalene stood up. She just didn't have time to grieve yet. She knew that the Knights of the Temple would soon come for Radomir to betray his dead body to the Holy Fire, thus escorting his pure Soul into Eternity.

An old 11th century fresco showing Waiting for Wightman. It is called the "Plate at the Tomb of Jesus" and is currently in the Vatican Museum, Rome
An old 11th century fresco showing Waiting for Wightman. It is called the "Plate at the Tomb of Jesus" and is currently in the Vatican Museum, Rome

An old 11th century fresco showing Waiting for Wightman. It is called the "Plate at the Tomb of Jesus" and is currently in the Vatican Museum, Rome.

The first, of course, as always, was John … His face was calm and joyful. But in deep gray eyes, Magdalene read sincere sympathy.

- Great thanks to you, Maria … I know how hard it was for you to let him go. Forgive us all, honey …

“No… you don’t know, Father… And no one knows this…” Magdalene whispered softly, choking on her tears. - But thank you for your participation … Please tell Mother Mary that HE is gone … That he is alive … I will come to her as soon as the pain subsides a little. Tell everyone that HE LIVES …