Maria Orsic, Who Served The Devil, Helped Hitler Create UFOs - Alternative View

Maria Orsic, Who Served The Devil, Helped Hitler Create UFOs - Alternative View
Maria Orsic, Who Served The Devil, Helped Hitler Create UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Maria Orsic, Who Served The Devil, Helped Hitler Create UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Maria Orsic, Who Served The Devil, Helped Hitler Create UFOs - Alternative View
Video: Hitler's Supernatural Rise to Power? | National Geographic 2024, October

We will call this story a "myth" because all we know about it is information that has not yet been documented, writes

These are rumors, stories of people who have already died, photographs, the reliability of which is not firmly certain. It is impossible to check anything, since all the documents that we have are only photographs taken secretly from the archives of some special services. And all this is so implausible that it looks more like a myth than real events. Historians do not dare to touch on this topic, since for them to show interest in Maria Orshich means putting an end to their scientific career. And only the most famous researcher of German occultism Nicholas Goodrick-Clark decided to break the taboo several years ago and devoted a whole chapter to this story in his book Black Sun. Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and politics of Identity , 2003 (Black Sun. Aryan cults, esoteric Nazism and its political self-determination). But he did it academically as correctly as possible, calling this story a myth of modern neo-Nazism.



Maria Orsic (Maria Orsic, sometimes referred to as Maria Orschitsch, Maria Orsik), was born in Vienna (Austria). Her father was a Croatian immigrant from Zagreb and her mother from Vienna. She was a renowned medium and became the leader of the Vril Gesellschaft Society.

Maria was an active participant in the German nationalist movement in Austria, which was active at that time and aimed at uniting Austria with the German Reich. In 1919, Maria moved to Munich to her boyfriend, who later became her fiancé, but whether they eventually married or not is unknown, since both disappeared in 1945.

In Munich, Maria came into contact with the Thule group, and soon she, together with another girl Traute A. from Munich and a few of her friends, created their inner circle “Alldeutsche Gesellschaft für Metaphysik” (the official name of the “Vril Society”).

That is, according to this myth, the group of Maria Orsik acted as the initiator of the creation of the "Vril Society". According to other sources, Maria Orshich just created her own group within the Vril Society, but it was the mediums of her group that were the source of the most important information for the Vril Society.

Promotional video:

They were all young girls who opposed the fashion for short hair. Both Maria and Trout were beautiful girls with very long hair. They wore long hair with a ponytail, which was very unusual and sexy-defiant at the time. This became a hallmark of all the women who were part of Maria Orshich's group in the "Vril Society". It is known for certain that the group existed until May 1945. The women of this group believed that their loose, long hair served as antennas that received messages from extraterrestrial beings. But when they appeared in public, they gathered their hair in a ponytail. For their own identification, Vril members wore a disc with images of their two strongest mediums: Miriya Orshich and Sigrun. About Sigrun nothing is known except her name.)


In December 1919, a small group of representatives of the Thule Society and the DHvSS (Lords of the Black Stone) society rented a small house in the forest near Berchtesgaden (Germany), where they met with Maria Oršić and Sigrun. Maria announced that she had received a mediumistic message written in a secret code of the German Templars, which was unknown to her. This message contained technical information for the construction of a flying machine, which came from the Aldebaran star system, which was 68 light-years away in the constellation Taurus. The surviving Vril Society documents do mention that these telepathic messages came from Aldebaran. Maria Orshich wrote down two folders of papers: one in the language, written in the Templar code, the other in an incomprehensible language. Mary herself believedthat the second folder was written in some ancient, oriental language, which she identified as "Pan-Babylonian." These reports were taken up by scientists close to the Thule Society: Hugo Winckler, Peter Jensen, Friedrich Delitzsch and others.


They figured out that the mysterious language was in fact the language of the ancient Sumerian civilization, which predated Ancient Babylon. Sigrun, along with members of the Thule Society, was able to translate messages from this language and decipher the strange drawings of a circular, flying machine.

Due to financial difficulties, it took about three years before this project of building flying machines began to be implemented. It wasn't until 1922 that parts of the car began to come from various manufacturers. All this was fully paid for by the Thule and Vril societies.


At the end of November 1924, Maria Orsic visited Rudolf Hess at his apartment in Munich, together with Rudolf von Sebottendorff, founder of the Thule Society. Sebottendorff wanted to establish contact with Dietrich Eckart, who had died a year ago. Eckart was a member of the Thule Society until his death. In order to establish contact with Eckart, Sebottendorff and other members of the Thule society joined their hands around a black-draped table.

Hess became nervous as he watched Maria Orsic's eyes roll back so that only her whites were visible, seeing her in a trance state with her mouth open. However, Sebottendorff only smiled with satisfaction as Eckart's voice began to sound through the medium. Eckart announced that he had been chosen to convey an important message in his voice. This someone identified himself as "Shumi, an inhabitant of a distant world who orbits the star Aldebaran of the constellation Taurus." Hess and the Schulte-Strathaus stared at each other in surprise. Shumi explained that they were a humanoid race that colonized the Earth 500 million years ago. The ruins of ancient Larsa, Shurrupak and Nippur in Iraq were built by them. Those of them who survived the Great Flood of Utnapishti (Flood of Noah's Ark) became the ancestors of the Aryan race. Sebottendorf was skeptical about these claims and asked for proof. While Maria was in a trance, she wrote several lines of strange signs. These signs were similar to the language of the ancient Sumerian civilization, the forerunner of the ancient Babylonian culture.

In December 1943, Maria was present with the girl Sigrun at a meeting organized by the Vril Society at the seaside resort of Kolberg. The main purpose of the meeting was the development of the Aldebaran project. By this time, the mediums of the Vril society had already received all the accurate information necessary for building a flying machine and regarding the inhabited planets around Aldebaran. And now they were going to organize a trip there. This project was discussed again on January 22, 1944 at a meeting between Hitler, Himmler, Schumann (Dr. W. Schumann - scientist and professor at the Technical University in Munich) and Kunkel - a member of the Thule Society. It was decided that the Vril-7 "Jäger" spacecraft could be sent through a timeless superluminal channel to Aldebaran. According to Ratthofer's indications,the first test flight in a timeless dimension took place in late 1944. This test flight almost ended tragically, because after the flight the Vril 7 looked "as if it had flown for hundreds of years." Its inner lining looked very old, worn out and was badly damaged in several places.


It is known that the main element of the design of these aircraft was an alloy of red powder, which in the molten state was similar to mercury, but red in color. If you spin this "red mercury" at a speed of 7200 rpm, then the disc with this mercury began to screen the gravitational field. During flights through the timeless channel at superluminal speed, the aircraft could only be controlled by a female pilot, and she needed to be in a state of incessant orgasm. Because only in this state, a person could control events, being in timeless space. The best pilot was Sigrun.


Maria Orsic disappeared with her fiancé and her entire group in 1945. On March 11, 1945, a letter was sent to all members of the Thule society, which was written by Maria Orshich and ended with the words “niemand bleibt hier” (“no one stayed here”). This was the last testimony about her group and since then no one has heard of Maria or the rest of her circle.

Photo of the letter dated March 11.


Translation of fragments in German, which we managed to make out.

(Below, in brackets translation into Russian)

Vril-Thule-Gesellschaft fur Metaphysik

(Vril-Tule Institute of Metaphysics)

Vril College, 11 März 1945

(Vril College March 11, 1945)

Liebe Vrilerinnen!

(Dear Vrilerinnen!)

… Der Odin-Ausflug zwischen mitte und März April…

(… One-journey between mid-March and April …)

Alle jungen Vrilerinnen deren toll, von der Älteres die, die anfordern Aufgehen haben.

(all great young Vrilerinnen and seniors should be ready)

Den biede also. Erst [,] alle kommen sie an bleiben mit Maria hier, und zwei [,] die sie braucht, außerdem zeit eine gebe junge Vrilerin unter 24 sich freiwillig soldat.

(Two then. First, they must come and stay here with Mary, and second, they must also give time to young people under 24 who are preparing to become soldiers …)

… Bei Maria am bleiben, das ist….

(… stay with Maria to …)

Maria mit Gruppe gleich …

(Maria with … the same group …)

… Eines anderen, Aldeberan Ausflug. Niemand bleibt hier.

(… Varied, Aldebaran journey. No one stayed here.)

Mit Frischem Mut

(With cheering courage)



Note: This letter is addressed to women and girls as the Vrilerinnen group. Young women who were about to become soldiers were addressed as Vrilerin. The masculine gender of this noun is Vriler. The plural Vrilerinnen can be applied to both boys and girls. The fact that Vrilerin is used in the letter shows that there were no men among them (a similar word Schüler means a schoolboy, his feminine Schülerin means a schoolgirl, and their plural Schülerinnen means schoolchildren, both girls and boys)

It has been suggested that they all flew on flying saucers either to Antarctica or to Aldebaran.


According to skeptics, there never was a Vril-Gesellschaft in Germany and Louis Powells invented the story. However, several independent sources have confirmed the existence of UFO projects.

Several years ago, the German scientific journal PM stated that Hitler had ordered the building of flying saucers at the end of World War II. According to the publication, the prototype actually flew, and there were 15 prototypes in total.

The magazine cited eyewitnesses who claim that the UFO was marked with an iron cross, the symbol of the German army, and that it was seen flying over the Thames in 1944. In addition, the Americans reported that their radar detected the ship as a potential hazard.

Medium Maria Orsic reportedly disappeared in 1945. Sebottendorf, founder of the Thule Society, committed suicide by jumping into the Bosphorus. Most of the members of Thule and Vril came from the upper strata of society. After the war, many Nazi scientists were employed by NASA, where they made major contributions to the development of American space exploration programs.