Gagarin Was The Thirteenth Cosmonaut! - Alternative View

Gagarin Was The Thirteenth Cosmonaut! - Alternative View
Gagarin Was The Thirteenth Cosmonaut! - Alternative View

Video: Gagarin Was The Thirteenth Cosmonaut! - Alternative View

Video: Gagarin Was The Thirteenth Cosmonaut! - Alternative View
Video: [AI stuff] Interview enhanced by neural networks. Yuri Gagarin, first cosmonaut, London, 1961. 2024, September

The Soviet Union, the Soviet people, the Bolsheviks, the Party, Lenin, in one impulse, as one person, on April 12, 1961, broke into space!

The Soviet Union, the Soviet people, the Bolsheviks, the Party, Lenin, in one impulse, as one person, on April 12, 1961, broke into space! The first time! No damn lumpy, no bitch and no hitch!

Do you know this? Do you believe this? And this turns out to be the most common Soviet propaganda lie!

Gagarin is undoubtedly a hero and a man and a human being! But only he is far from the first, he is the thirteenth …

Since before him there were twelve heroic cosmonauts in space, twelve heroes whose names are forgotten, twelve pioneers thanks to whom Gagarin's flight became possible … They died clearing the way to the stars for Gagarin …

Don't believe me? Well then listen:

Italians were the first to talk about the USSR's failures in conquering space.

In December 1959, the Continental telegraph agency made the following statement: according to its data, the USSR space program for launching people into space has existed since 1957.

Promotional video:

All flights are made in secret, because the conditions for them, let's say, are very, very inhuman, because the Russians fly not on spaceships, but on manned ballistic missiles! According to the Italians, at that time not a single unsuccessful flight was made, which is why the Russians are in no hurry to share information with the world community.

To confirm the data on the unsuccessful launch of the rockets, the agency gave the names of four dead cosmonauts: Alexei Ledovsky, Sergei Shiborin, Andrei Mitkov and Maria Gromova.

Then information appeared in the Western media that on September 27, 1960, Ivan Kachur crashed during the launch at Baikonur.

Later, in October 1960, a ship of the Vostok series exploded with Peter Dolgov on board.

On April 11, 1961, the American Daily Worker published a note from Moscow correspondent Dennis Ogden that on April 7, the son of a famous aircraft designer, test pilot Vladimir Ilyushin made a successful orbital flight on the spacecraft. However, during landing, the equipment failed, and the first cosmonaut sat down in China; the further fate of the cosmonaut is unknown.

Interesting information in the early 60s was published by the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, which published on its pages the story of two brothers-radio amateurs Archillo and Giambatista Yudica-Cordilla, who in November 1960 and February 1961 caught strange signals from space.

In the first case, they managed to intercept telemetric radio signals of the heartbeat.

In the second - negotiations with the Earth: "The conditions are getting worse, why don't you answer?.. the speed is falling, the world will never know about us …"

On February 23, 1962, Reuters circulated a statement by US Air Force Colonel Barney Oldfield that in May 1960, due to a failure in the orientation system, a Soviet spacecraft crashed, with the pilot Zavodovsky on board.

The German magazine Spiegel, in an article dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Baikonur cosmodrome, for the first time, with a sense of full responsibility, declared the existence of Russian cosmonauts who saw the Earth from orbit even before Gagarin's flight.

The USSR, and today Russia did not find it necessary to comment on the statements of the Western media in any way, and the names of the heroes of space remain a mystery to us to this day, while their names have long been known in the free world.

Moreover, the KGB treated their memory so carefully, to their feat, that materials about them are either classified, or finally destroyed.

Nevertheless, I managed to collect the names of 12 space apostles from various sources, here they are:

Full name Flight date Media version of death Who reported
Alexey Ledovsky November 1, 1957 Crashed on a manned ballistic missile at the Kapustin Yar training ground. Continental (Italy)
Sergey Shiborin February 1, 1958 Crashed on a manned ballistic missile at the Kapustin Yar training ground. Continental (Italy)
Andrey Mitkov January 1, 1959 Crashed on a manned ballistic missile at the Kapustin Yar training ground. Continental (Italy)
Maria Gromova June 1, 1959 She died while testing an orbital aircraft with a rocket engine. Continental (Italy)
Gennady Zavodovsky May 15, 1960 The 1KP ship was lost due to the failure of orientation systems. Continental (Italy)
Ivan Kachur September - October 1960 The ship exploded at the start. Reuters (UK)
Petr Dolgov October 11, 1960 Explosion of the ship in orbit. Associated Press (USA)
Alexey Belokonov October 1960, 1961, 1962 (several versions of death) Choked in space from lack of oxygen. Readers Digest (USA) Corriere della Sera (Italy)
Alexey Grachev November 28, 1960 The ship is lost in the depths of space. Corriere della Sera (Italy)
Gennady Mikhailov February 4, 1960 Equipment failure in orbit - no exact information Associated Press (USA)
Valentin Bondarenko March 23, 1961
Vladimir Ilyushin April 7, 1960 Landing accident. The astronaut survived, but was captured by the Chinese. Daily Worker (UK)

Konstantin Kutepov