UFOs And Nuclear Weapons - Alternative View

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UFOs And Nuclear Weapons - Alternative View
UFOs And Nuclear Weapons - Alternative View

Video: UFOs And Nuclear Weapons - Alternative View

Video: UFOs And Nuclear Weapons - Alternative View
Video: What Disabled Missiles at Malmstrom Air Force Base? 2024, June

If aliens are interested in anything on our planet, then first of all - weapons of mass destruction. This is confirmed by all military personnel who have ever seen a UFO …

America is at a loss

Moreover, according to the testimony of a huge number of retired military personnel who at one time were directly involved in the storage and use of nuclear weapons, the aliens are most active precisely near the depots with this deadly weapon.

From an FBI Confidential Memorandum: “On February 10, 1949, agents responsible for the safety of nuclear facilities in the southwestern United States were suddenly confronted with an unexpected and frightening nocturnal phenomenon - the periodic appearance of greenish lights above secret objects moving across the sky at high speed. The lights began to appear at the end of November 1948. They were seen by several security personnel at the Los Alamos military facility, then spotted near Sandia base, and then observed at Camp Hood, Texas. In other words, these lights first revealed themselves shortly after the invention and testing of atomic weapons. They first appeared in the area where atomic bombs were designed (Los Alamos), then where they were produced (Sandia base), and finally, where the bombs were stored (Camp Hood).

Retired captain Robert Salas became one of the witnesses of the UFO visit to secret objects. He reported the following: “On March 16, 1967, I was on duty at Malmstorm Air Force Base, Montana, when an unidentified object flew in and hovered directly over the base. All 10 Minuteman nuclear missiles failed simultaneously. The same thing happened elsewhere a week later."

Retired US Air Force Captain Bruce Fenstermacher claims that while serving as part of a security team in 1976, he saw a cigar-shaped UFO that appeared above Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming, which also contained nuclear weapons.

Similar things were happening in Great Britain. Colonel of Her Majesty's troops Charles Hult said that in the late 70s of the last century, he personally observed a UFO over the British Air Force base Bentwaters near Ipswich (there were also nuclear depots). - The UFO was emitting rays of light towards the base. Then I heard on military radio that aliens had landed at a nuclear weapons storage site."

Promotional video:

The last (and, of course, as secret as possible) UFO visit to an American military base was recorded in 2003.

Flying over the USSR …

Of course, the same thing happened in the former Soviet Union. For example, on October 4, 1982, near the city of Belokorovichi on the territory of Ukraine, from 18:30 to 22:00, more than 100 servicemen of the 50th missile division of the strategic forces observed about a dozen unidentified, brightly glowing objects in the sky. At the same time at the command post of the unit, all the information boards spontaneously lit up. Including the "Start" button …

In 1991, in Dnepropetrovsk, a spherical UFO appeared over a plant that produced intercontinental ballistic missiles.

In 1995, a similar UFO hovered in the city of Sarov (formerly Arzamas-16) over the highly secret Avangard plant, which produces nuclear warheads. At the same time, under the influence of UFOs that arose over the positions of missile units in the Saratov region, there was a strong magnetization of the missile guidance heads, which negatively affected their accuracy, as a result, it was necessary to urgently remove individual missile units from combat duty.

Why do alien guests need our atomic bombs? They are unlikely to be of interest to them from a scientific or military point of view. Maybe the aliens are trying to somehow disable nuclear missiles, destroy, believing that these "toys" are too deadly for immature humanity? Or maybe they are trying to protect themselves by planning an invasion of our planet?

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №43. Author: Igor Saveliev
