The Irrepressible Nestor - Alternative View

The Irrepressible Nestor - Alternative View
The Irrepressible Nestor - Alternative View

Video: The Irrepressible Nestor - Alternative View

Video: The Irrepressible Nestor - Alternative View
Video: Nastya and the story about mysterious surprises 2024, September

Nestor Makhno entered the history of the formation of the Soviet state as an anarchist thug. But it would be wrong to consider this extraordinary personality only from this side. Perhaps the time has come to reveal the secret of the leader of the peasant movement of the twentieth century.

The whole life of this man was connected with mystical situations. For example, when the newborn Nestor was baptized in the church, the cassock suddenly caught fire on the priest due to accidentally touching the candle. Residents of the village of Gulyaypole took this as an unkind sign. The parents, the future leader of the peasantry, wrote down in the documents the date of his birth 1 year later, so that he was called up to serve in the army later, and this, as it turned out, saved his life. At the age of 17, Nestor joined an anarchist organization engaged in armed robbery and terror. For his involvement in crimes, he was jailed. The irrepressible Nestor, even in prison, showed insubordination and self-will, for which he was punished. In prison, he underwent political training from the anarchists who shared a cell with him in the prison.

The February Revolution freed him from prison. Young Nestor was actively involved in the revolutionary movement. His authority was quite high: a former political prisoner, an excellent orator. He managed to quickly create an armed group of radical fighters.

A difficult year for the state - 1919. In Yekaterinoslavl (today - the city of Dnipro), the authorities are constantly changing: White Guards, Red Army men, Makhnovists … But Makhno wrote about Nestor as a leader capable of maintaining order in the city. His fighters began to call their commander "dad" after, under the command of Nestor, they defeated a battalion of Austro-Hungarians. All of Makhno's victories, undoubtedly, became possible thanks to the military talent and personal courage of the "father". Until now, military strategists are studying the experience of the Makhnovist partisan struggle.

Makhno did not join either the white or the red movement. He chose his own path, and had the support of the population. The Makhnovists controlled a large region of eastern Ukraine. In all the settlements where the soldiers of Makhno's army entered, he immediately announced: I freed you from the landlords and capitalists and now you yourself are organizing the production and cultivation of the land. The population quickly figured out the difference in the position of Makhno and the communists, who took away factories and factories, and after distributing the land to the peasants, they immediately began to rob the grain growers, introducing the surplus appropriation system. Makhno supported the creation of local self-government, but the process was complicated by the fact that military operations constantly seized these territories, not allowing the work to be established.

Makhno's personal bravery in battle was known to everyone. Despite the fact that he was wounded 12 times, there was a rumor about the existence of the mystical protection of Nestor Makhno, and even the "dad" had an incredible intuition, sensing mortal danger in time.

Nestor Makhno also had a different approach to the army than was adopted at that time. The emphasis was not on useless drill, but on the self-organization of military units. For example, the fighters themselves chose the commanders. Small mobile groups were formed, which in different ways penetrated into the rear of the enemy, and then, uniting, they already represented a formidable force for delivering a surprise blow to the enemy. The tactics developed by the Makhnovists were much more effective than the actions of the White Guards and Red Army men. Therefore, the Makhnovist army always won victories over its opponents.

Makhno did not shy away from entering a temporary alliance with the Bolsheviks to achieve his own goals, receiving weapons and ammunition for help. But the "father" never entered into an agreement with the White Guards: the peasant's son did not believe those who wanted to return the power of the landowners.

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There were rumors that Nestor Makhno received the Order of the Red Star from Voroshilov's hands. But it’s hard to believe in it: the Bolsheviks didn’t like the "dad", and the archives did not preserve information about the award given out.

But there is proof that Makhno met with Lenin. Nestor himself spoke about the conversation with the leader of the Bolsheviks. It is known that during negotiations with Lenin's comrades-in-arms, the chieftain behaved with dignity and independence, refusing to obey the dictate.

Despite his popularity among the people, Makhno failed to organize an all-Ukrainian movement. His activities extended only to the region of his native Gulyaypole and the surrounding area. Sometimes the army of the "father" made raids on the banks of the Don and Dnieper. The Bolsheviks did not like Makhno's activities. But, nevertheless, they asked the "father" to help in crossing the Sivash. After the victory, the Bolsheviks decided to destroy the Makhnovshchina. Many fighters of the "Batka" units were killed, Makhno himself managed to escape. After several years of partisanship, Makhno fled to Europe.

Some of Makhno's associates returned to Russia to find the "untold treasures" of their chieftain. Only they did not even assume that the "father" spent all the valuables on the purchase of ammunition, and distributed the rest to those in need.

Nestor Makhno died in poverty, at a fairly young age: multiple wounds and discovered tuberculosis affected. His grave is located in one of the Parisian cemeteries.

As a historical figure, Nestor Makhno is a very controversial figure. He could be both cruel and humane at the same time. But, nevertheless, it would be fair to consider Nestor Makhno not a bandit, but a fighter for social justice and a person capable of fighting and defending the ideas of people's self-government.