Ghosts Can Live On Computers - Alternative View

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Ghosts Can Live On Computers - Alternative View
Ghosts Can Live On Computers - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Can Live On Computers - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts Can Live On Computers - Alternative View
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Recently, a resident of the United States, registering under the nickname Wfatzinger, put up his 2007 MacBook on the eBay auction. He said the reason for selling the gadget - according to the man, it is inhabited by … a ghost! Although it behaves quite friendly, the owner still preferred to get rid of the uninvited "settler" …

The ghost in the artist's computer

Wfatzinger says that, being an artist by profession, he once went to the cemetery to sketch tombstones. He took his laptop with him so that he could listen to music while sketching. A small nuance: it happened at night. Apparently, the artist needed an appropriate atmosphere for creativity …

The next morning the man returned home, but it turned out that he had forgotten the computer in the cemetery. The laptop did not disappear anywhere, but it soon became clear that something was wrong with it.

“At first I realized that something was wrong when all my music suddenly became scary, and a terrible screensaver appeared on the monitor,” recalls the owner. “Then, when I came home one day, I noticed that my collection of baseball cards had been dropped on the floor. I was convinced that the MacBook was possessed by unclean forces when one night I saw how it flies."

Soon, various texts began to appear on the computer by themselves. So, Wfatzinger learned that the spirit that had taken over there belonged to a man who was arrested in 1920 on false charges for the murder of his own wife and who ended his days in the electric chair. Unable to come to terms with such injustice, the ghost cannot calm down …

The artist's wife also received messages from the spirit. Although the ghost did not cause any serious harm to the spouses, they decided to get rid of the suspicious laptop and put it up for sale for $ 182. It is not yet known whether there are buyers …

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The computer as a channel of "otherworldly" communication

Recently, many cases have been recorded when a computer becomes a channel of "other-sided" communication. Eyewitnesses claim that they see images of deceased relatives or friends on monitors, receive anonymous e-mails from them … For example, a well-known case in Great Britain, when, for several days, a face appeared on the display of a computer disconnected from the network belonging to a young Yorker. the famous musician Kurt Cobain …

Once in Belgium, an interesting experiment was conducted with the participation of fifty different specialists from all over the world. Not long before that, the French clairvoyant Sylvia Menard had died. During her lifetime, having learned about her incurable disease, Sylvia offered to submit news about herself after death, using a computer for this. And so the scientists decided … to contact her soul. The experience was a success. A transparent glowing silhouette of a ghost appeared in the dim room. The ghost approached the computer and typed 800 words on the keyboard. Then it disappeared. The "session" of 25 minutes was recorded on videotape.

Computer ghost in digital photography

A curious story happened a few years ago with the Kiev researcher of the paranormal, Alexander Kulsky. The Kulskys family acquired a new camera. To test it, they began to photograph everything in the house (since the day was rainy and cloudy, they did not go outside).

Among other items, the computer was photographed. During the shooting, they did not notice anything unusual, but when Alexander began to view the pictures on the camera display, they showed some kind of foggy creature, as if flowing from the system unit … The parapsychologist asked his son to photograph the processor again. The ghost was present in these frames too! According to the researcher, it was the "spirit of the computer." Alexander Kulsky calls them "gremlins". According to the expert, gremlins live in all technical devices and affect their work. If the gremlin does not like the owner of the device, he can start nasty, arranging problems … By the way, gremlins are "tied" not only to machines, but also control any inanimate objects. They are the culprits of the poltergeist.

How does perfume get into computers?

According to the materialists' versions, no one gets anywhere, just the electromagnetic radiation emanating from these devices affects our psyche and sometimes can cause hallucinations … Or we become victims of someone's jokes, and ordinary people communicate with us on behalf of the "ghosts" … Or a specific virus gets into a computer … And supporters of the irrational are convinced that computers create an energy field around them that attracts otherworldly entities …