Why Did Man Manage To Tame A Dog, But Not A Wolf? - Alternative View

Why Did Man Manage To Tame A Dog, But Not A Wolf? - Alternative View
Why Did Man Manage To Tame A Dog, But Not A Wolf? - Alternative View

Video: Why Did Man Manage To Tame A Dog, But Not A Wolf? - Alternative View

Video: Why Did Man Manage To Tame A Dog, But Not A Wolf? - Alternative View
Video: This Man Adopts A Stray Puppy, But Later Realized It Was Something Else. 2024, July

Carrying out archaeological research, scientists have unequivocally established a rather limited range of animals that ancient people managed to domesticate. But, truly, only a dog became a devoted friend and companion of man. No other species shows such a close connection to a person. Therefore, the question of the origin of the dog is of particular interest.


It is generally accepted that the dog descended from the wolf. But there was not a single successful attempt to tame the wolf. The wolf can never be taught what dogs can. After all, dogs do a lot not because of training, but simply because they like it and are interested. Plus, they learn great from their own experience, often doing things that no one taught them. It has long been noticed, for example, that in cities stray dogs have long learned to follow traffic rules, often much better than careless pedestrians-people. Dogs easily adopt the habits of their owners and with great pleasure, for their own entertainment, can ride, for example, on a skateboard or sledging down a slide. The games of other animals are linked to their natural instincts.



Genetically, wolves and dogs are close to each other, so often crossing occurs not only in the "home", but also in natural conditions of the environment without human help. But hybrids from such crossing, even after tens of generations, never become similar in behavior to dogs: they are passive-aggressive and asocial. The latest scientific evidence says that dogs and wolves evolved from one unknown species that became extinct millions of years ago, therefore, although a wolf and a dog can interbreed, they are still different species, so humans can never domesticate a wolf.


How could an ancient man not have tamed, namely domesticated, an ancient wolf? This is a big mystery: after all, it was no longer possible to domesticate any animal, except for those who have been domesticated by primitive people since ancient times. There are only about 50 such species. How did the ancient man know who would become a domestic animal and who could never be? Maybe those are right who are convinced that humanity, having embarked on the technological path of development, drives itself into a civilizational dead end. And the expulsion from paradise was the moment when humanity severed its mental connection with nature, forgetting about its capabilities. It's not just that we were given such a powerful tool for understanding the world - our brain, which we use by 10% of the strength. As you know, quantity turns into quality. What,individual people demonstrate some supernormal abilities - these are only faint echoes of the former human greatness. The human brain continues to shrink, and some scientists are seriously talking not about development, but about human regression.