Cats, Cathars, Catholics - Alternative View

Cats, Cathars, Catholics - Alternative View
Cats, Cathars, Catholics - Alternative View

Video: Cats, Cathars, Catholics - Alternative View

Video: Cats, Cathars, Catholics - Alternative View
Video: Catholic cat choir 2024, July

In the first part of my work "How and when people became civilized and began to fight," I substantiated the emergence of religion in general and Christianity in particular from the fertility mysteries of the Mesolithic. And in the same place he mentioned the "Houses of Bread", which after the Neolithic revolution, under the theocracy, turned into religious temples. In the second part of the same work, I wrote that theocracy (and the Neolithic revolution) in Europe did not happen until the 10th century. Towards the end of the 11th century, a theocrat known as Pope Urban II announces the first crusade and accuses the Jews of killing Christ. Persecution begins against the Jews. In that work, I argue that the Jews at that time were not a people, but a special structure of the Mesoolithic priesthood, which organized and conducted rituals of sacrificing the God-man, the personification of the productive forces of nature, the predecessor of the theocrats. God-man to become a theocrat simply had to get rid of them.

And at once several spiritual orders of chivalry appeared, on which the theocrat relied. I want to remember one of them, as well as one of the Christian heresies. This order became a victim of the Inquisition, and the heretics of the Cathars were the first Christians against whom a crusade was organized, and in the fight against whom the Inquisition was founded. This will lead us to a very unexpected conclusion.

The Order of the Templars (Templars) was organized according to traditional history to protect pilgrims to the holy land. The official version is extremely legendary and cannot be credible in any way. At the beginning of the 12th century, nine French knights allegedly organized the order, and began to actively participate in the crusades. According to various sources, the number of the order quickly grew to several tens of thousands of people, the order received large donations of money and land. Soon, he became the richest order. For 200 years, he allegedly built dozens of castles and "80 cathedrals and 70 smaller churches." 20 years after the alleged foundation, Pope Innocent II, with a special bull, exempts the order from all taxes and allows the unhindered crossing of any borders. At one time, the templars ruled over the entire French treasury. After that, the king of France decided to free himself from dependence on the templars, and seize their funds. In the name of the Inquisition, but against the papal will, he did it.

Everything seems to be logical here, except for one thing. Templars began to call them not after they built "80 cathedrals and 70 smaller churches", but immediately. It is logical to assume that they originally had a significant number of temples. An interesting case was when, during the persecution of the Templars by the Inquisition, their group was justified, because during a famine, when the price of bread increased from 3 sous to 33, the Templars from the monastery in Moster fed 1000 people daily for free. Remember that the temples in the agricultural civilization are the former Houses of Bread.

And what did the Inquisition blame the Templars for?

A list of the charges brought against the Templars by the Inquisition:

What does the cat have to do with it !? Yes, with the same thing, at which he was in the so-called Ancient Egypt. Cats killed rodents in grain stores - Bread Houses - temples.

And what are these idols in the form of shaggy heads, which are representatives of God and the Savior, give the order wealth, make the earth bear fruit, and the trees to bloom, and which are tied with a rope? Haven't guessed? Yes, the sheaf of bread, the most natural "idol" in the House of Bread, and the most popular at the pagan fertility festivals, preserved from the Mesolithic. Where did this come from the Catholic order allegedly organized in 1118? And it did not come. This was among the templars, originally long before the Crusades, from the Mesolithic. Obviously, the Templars parallel to the Jews were a different structure of the priesthood, but responsible for the maintenance of the Houses of Bread. In 1118, they were simply reorganized into a spiritual-knightly organization. This explains both their wealth and influence. After all, the state in an agricultural civilization collects taxes in grain. It is the most easily accountable and controllable. And the templars were just responsible for the maintenance of the temples-houses of bread. And the nascent secular power for its survival simply had to get rid of them.

Also, mainly on the territory of modern France, there was a movement of the Cathars, who in Russian-speaking historiography have long been called the Albigensians. Now the word Qatar is usually etymologized from the Greek source with the meaning "pure". As well as the word "Catholic" it is also customary to etymologize from the Greek source with the meaning "common". However, this is a late etymology. It is known that initially the word "Qatar" was derived from the Old French catiers - cat worshipers. Under the influence of Catholicism, right up to the second half of the 20th century, it was believed that catharism was a heresy that came to Europe from the east. However, it is now clear that this is just a kind of Christianity that grew out of the same milieu as Catholicism. From the Mesolithic Fertility Mysteries. With the same perception of bread as the body of Christ, with the same reverence for cats. And the Albigensian wars are a manifestation of competition between different forms of Christianity. Catholicism won. The name of which (the Latin-speaking religion, for a second), by the way, is also not clear why it is etymologized from the Greek source.

Well, how can the representative of God on Earth admit that the word "catholic" also comes from the Old French source cat holi with the meaning of "praising cat" or "calling cat"? By the way, the English language, whose dictionary consists of more than half of French lexemes, still has the idiom "Holy cats!" with a meaning similar to the Russian expression "My God!", and literally - "Holy cats!".

In the Dark Ages, cartoons of Catholicism using cats were common. Since the Neolithic, when the mysteries of fertility have become a relic, the rainmakers have become clergy, and instead of abundance on earth, they began to promise the kingdom of heaven, the veneration of cats somehow became not solid. The story about Puss in Boots from the sacred has become fabulous. And on the true etymology of the word "Catholic" pulled the Greek.


And instead of a cat, a fish became a symbol of Christianity. How and when the constellation of fish “appeared”, and the fish became a symbol of Christianity, I told here.


Author: Sergei Tretyakov