Some Causes Of Autism - Alternative View

Some Causes Of Autism - Alternative View
Some Causes Of Autism - Alternative View

Video: Some Causes Of Autism - Alternative View

Video: Some Causes Of Autism - Alternative View
Video: What Causes Autism?: The Role of Environmental Exposures 2024, July

25 years ago we moved to Canada with full confidence that our future children will be taken care of here much better than where we lived before. Now I can say that it was this faith of mine in Canadian care for people that caused my child's serious, incurable illness.

My letter to you about the danger from which my child has already suffered, and which is now hanging over the children of Russia.

My son was born here in Canada. 2.5 years ago, when he was 2 years old, he was diagnosed with regressive global autism. This is a terrible disease that leaves parents no hope for the child's recovery. Children with such a diagnosis then have to be sent to a boarding school, because they become simply dangerous for others.

After the child was diagnosed with this, I lived another year with faith in the local medicine and its ability to help my child. But the situation was getting worse and worse, the child grew up, while his development moved backward, not forward. When local experts simply said that nothing could help me, and I had to come to terms with the situation, I began to study the problem of autism on my own.

The results of these searches shocked me: - autism did not exist at all only 60 years ago! But it was then that thimerosal, a mercury compound used as a preservative, began to be used in childhood vaccines. There are many studies showing a clear relationship between vaccines containing thimerosal and the level of autism in a given country, a particular state, or simply a selected group of people.

The level of autism drops tenfold over several years in those countries that stop using vaccines with thimerosal at least for children under 3 years old - this is the age when heavy metal poisoning can lead to the development of autism; later it will simply be other problems, but they will still be.

There is already a fairly large percentage of successfully cured autists (up to 90%) with the help of special therapy that allows you to cleanse the body of heavy metals (autistic people always find a high content of mercury in the body). The earlier this treatment is started, the higher the success of therapy.

All this research and all this information about the dangers of vaccines does not reach us just because the pharmaceutical companies are putting in a huge effort to do so. They make a lot of money from thimerosal vaccines. When I was faced with this flood of information, on the one hand, I could not believe that Canadian doctors were using such dangerous vaccines for children. On the other hand, I had no choice but to try to help my child myself - all the doctors refused him anyway, saying that the situation was hopeless.

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I found material that the Autism Research Institute, an organization that has been working on the problem of autism for almost 40 years, began holding conferences for doctors and researchers a few years ago, where they discuss the results of research in this area and the results of their application.

As a result, they developed DAN, a technique that can already be used to treat children with autism. There are already doctors using it all over the world. But not in Russia! (I know of only one such physician to date).

The principles underlying this treatment are reduced to the following - to remove everything harmful from the child, give him what is useful, and he will recover himself. The main part of the treatment, without which the complete recovery of the child is impossible, is the removal of mercury from the body. The same mercury that settled in his tissues after vaccination.

Autism does not always develop, because some children can remove mercury from the body in whole or in part, and some cannot. Children from the latter category become autistic if this poisoning occurs before the age of 3. Research shows that in recent years there has been an increase in the number of children who developed normally until a certain age, and then lost their skills and regressed.

This is exactly what happened to my child, he regressed at the age of 2 years. Now he is 4.5 years old, he does not speak, does not have self-care skills, his development corresponds to the age of a 1.5 year old child. During the last one and a half years and up to the present moment our life has turned into a constant struggle for a child. We have made good progress, the child is no longer regressing, he is developing, but we are still very far from the final victory. I still do not know if we will be able to cure the child to the end and how much time and money it will take.

Believe me, it is much easier to prevent this problem than to solve it later, even if you already know what caused it and how you can deal with it. To date, statistics on the incidence of autism in the United States have already approached 1 case in 160 children, and in some states this is 1 case in 130 children! The number of sick children is growing year by year, although 10 years ago it was a rather rare disease: 3-4 cases per 10,000 children.

Statistics for Canada are better - 1 case of autism in 500 children. The situation in the United States is much worse than the situation in Canada, because in the first hours of life there is a vaccination against hepatitis B. The vaccine used in this case contains a huge amount of mercury. But a year and a half ago, this vaccine was included in the compulsory vaccination plan in Canada …

I am already scared to look at local kids now and see all the signs that I observed in my child at this age. We will see how the data for Canada will change in the next year or two due to the start of using this terrible vaccine for everyone (we used to pay extra for it, so not everyone did it).

Most of the parents of these children, like me once, believe that these are just age-related problems. But it’s not, autism doesn’t go away on its own. Why am I now addressing the people of the CIS countries, first of all - Russia? Because they were the ones who found themselves in the most dire situation imaginable. These countries are completely unprepared for the autism epidemic.

Remember, did you see autists when you were growing up? I'm sure almost none of you, like me, have even heard of this problem before. And in Canada and the States everyone knows about it. Now some numbers. To raise an autistic child, the Canadian government spends about $ 3 million; however, only 5% of autistic people are then able to live and work independently. All others remain in special boarding schools until the end of their days, or in the care of their parents, in the case of a mild form of autism. Often at least one of the parents of such a child cannot work, because he requires constant supervision.

In addition, over 50% of these children are mentally retarded. Autistic education is a special, individualized therapy that costs about $ 30,000 a year and is funded by local authorities in our country. Autistic children also need help from other specialists: a speech development specialist, a motor development specialist, etc.

Now look at what's going on today. A campaign is underway in the United States and other countries to completely ban vaccines containing mercury preservatives. Articles about this are already printed on the front pages of the most famous print media, many people demand from their doctors the use of vaccines that are pure from thimerosal. They are already in North America, just let the doctor know that you do not want to poison your child with thimerosal.

But pharmaceutical companies do not want to give up and pay frenzied fines, so they still do not officially admit their guilt in the tragedy of millions of autistic children. Moreover, they want to have time to sell already released goods. That is why they do not recognize the dangers of mercury in childhood vaccines, although it has already been proven that thimerosal did not pass the necessary tests when it began to be used 60 years ago in childhood vaccines. They do not care how many more children will suffer from it, it is important for them not to lose their profits.

One of their latest maneuvers is to market thimerosal vaccines to countries where such vaccines are not yet banned. People from Ukraine and Russia are now writing to me about this - vaccination is mandatory, but vaccines without thimerosal are no longer available there! They are all with mercury! Check the vaccines that are used to inject your children, you will see that thimerosal is everywhere now. Studies show that 3 shots with this preservative given before the age of 3 lead to the fact that autism in these children develops 27 times more often than in other children. But there are practically no known cases of autism among unvaccinated children!

There is another huge problem in the CIS countries - it is impossible to carry out therapy for cleaning a child from heavy metals, the so-called. chelation therapy. Even if we ignore the problem of autism and the fact that this therapy is the only real chance to cure such a child, given the current environmental situation, it is simply unthinkable that such therapy is not carried out anywhere in the CIS!

The main reason for writing this letter is the ongoing campaign in Russia to vaccinate children against influenza. I leave it to the conscience of those who lie to you, proving the effectiveness of such vaccination, but do not be lazy, look at the composition of the vaccine: ALL VACCINES FOR INFLUENZA CONTAIN THIMEROSAL! If you can still find pure children's vaccines somewhere in the world, then flu vaccines without thimerosal simply do not exist!

When I talk about the dangers of this poison to young children, this does not mean that it is safe for others.

Take a look at the list of problems that you or your children can get from this very dubious protection (heavy metal poisoning and related problems).

For those who want to understand this issue in depth and for parents of autistic children, I highly recommend reading the document describing the latest initiative from the Autism Research Institute, published in 2005: “Treatments for mercury and other heavy metal poisoning in autism and related disorders: an agreed position"

Here are short excerpts: “Over the past few years, there has been increasing scientific and clinical evidence that the majority of children with autism have suffered from mercury and other heavy metal poisoning … There is a huge difference in susceptibility to mercury among different people - heredity, age, gender and the state of health all affect susceptibility. In adults, 78 variants are known, and in newborns, these variants can be up to 10,000. Metabolism and excretion processes also vary widely.

In experiments with animals, it became clear that newborns do not excrete mercury while they are breastfeeding, a dairy diet increases the absorption of metals in the gastrointestinal tract. To remove heavy metals, a certain amount of bile is required, and in newborns this is often not enough.

The intestinal flora also plays a role in the elimination of mercury from the body, so the use of antibiotics reduces the body's ability to eliminate mercury. Stress and illness are factors that lower glutathione levels, which in turn leads to a decrease in the body's ability to excrete heavy metals."

“Thimerosal is a preservative used in the manufacture of many medicines, including newborn vaccines and immunoglobulin preparations containing 49.6% ethylene mercury. The history of the use of thimerosal in vaccines is rather complicated. It was first used in the late 1930s, and as the number of newborn vaccines increased, so did the number of children who received the thimerosal vaccine.

As part of an ongoing review of biological products, the FDA announced in 1999 that newborns who received a complex vaccination with a mercury-containing preservative could receive levels of mercury in their blood that exceeded safety standards. In 1999, the American Association of Pediatricians (AAP) recommended discontinuing the use of thimerosal in childhood vaccines, and in 2001, the FDA asked vaccine manufacturers to remove thimerosal from childhood vaccines. Today thimerosal has been excluded from most childhood vaccines, but still not from all.”

“… Research by Bernardin et al. Shows that the symptoms reported in the autism literature are exactly the same as those reported in the literature on mercury toxicity, and vice versa. Therefore, it is very possible that children affected by mercury poisoning will be further diagnosed as "autistic", which is often just a statement of the fact that they have communication / behavior / and social adaptation problems, the causes of which are unknown.

Mercury poisoning is most likely the cause of many cases of "autism". … Infants have a limited ability to excrete mercury, and children with autism have even lower levels of mercury due to low glutathione levels and heavy use of oral antibiotics. Moreover, antibiotics increase the toxicity of mercury."

I really hope that thanks to this letter, at least a few children will be able to avoid this terrible disease. Prevention of autism is very simple - just don’t poison children with mercury. Health to you and your children.

Best regards, Elina