Altaians Intend To Take Away From Novosibirsk Scientists The Sacred Mummy Of "Princess Ukok" - Alternative View

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Altaians Intend To Take Away From Novosibirsk Scientists The Sacred Mummy Of "Princess Ukok" - Alternative View
Altaians Intend To Take Away From Novosibirsk Scientists The Sacred Mummy Of "Princess Ukok" - Alternative View

Video: Altaians Intend To Take Away From Novosibirsk Scientists The Sacred Mummy Of "Princess Ukok" - Alternative View

Video: Altaians Intend To Take Away From Novosibirsk Scientists The Sacred Mummy Of
Video: Mummy | Wikipedia audio article 2024, June

Photo: Princess Ukok can finally return to her homeland

Shamans believe a curse fell on the Republic when visiting archaeologists infiltrated an ancient tomb

Princess Ukok - it is not known what happened around her during her lifetime, but after her death she haunts thousands of people. The fate of the unique mummy, transported from Gorny Altai to Novosibirsk, worries scientists, politicians, and shamans … Maybe in the near future the passions will subside, because the remains of the ancient woman will soon return to their homeland. In any case, the Minister of Culture of the Altai Republic Vladimir Konchev announced that the princess "will come home."

The princess was buried with a "cosmetic bag" and a supply of food

The modern history of the unique mummy began in 1993. It was then that the Novosibirsk archaeologist Natalya Polosmak studied ancient burials on the Altai Ukok plateau. The mound, where the woman was excavating, had been pretty much plundered in the old years, but the doctor of historical sciences was sure: many extraordinary relics remained underground. And she was right!

Deep under a layer of soil, the seeker stumbled upon a wooden blockhouse, an area with a small room. Inside there is ice that froze the entire room many centuries ago. When Natalya Polosmak, together with like-minded people, melted it, archaeologists discovered extraordinary burials: ceramic jugs, dishes with food, leather jewelry … But the most wonderful find was the mummy of a woman buried with exceptional honors.

The remains of the ancient lady rested on thick felt and a pillow under her head. A fur blanket with an exquisite ornament was thrown over the top. Her personal belongings remained with the deceased: a mirror - a rectangular piece of a bronze plate inserted into a wooden frame, amulets in the form of beads, beads and bronze pendants. There was also a "cosmetic set": a horsehair brush, fragments of a kind of pencil - a rod made of iron rings with a lead.

Scientists have calculated that the woman was buried three to five centuries before our era, and with the light hand of journalists, she was named the Princess of Ukok and the Altai princess.


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The Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences became Princess Ukok's "home"

Archaeologists accused of earthquake in Altai

After Princess Ukok was raised from the bottom of the mound, the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences became her "home". Scientists of Novosibirsk were not unambiguous in their judgments about the origin of the lady: maybe she belonged to the nobility, and perhaps belonged to the middle class. Be that as it may, local historians agreed that a real relic fell into their hands. Natalia Polosmak even received the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology for her discovery.

But the inhabitants of Gorny Altai were not delighted with the move of the "princess". They rightly considered that the mummy is a cultural heritage that should remain in the homeland. The public has repeatedly appealed to the authorities, insisting on the return of the "princess". They say that political parties even promised to resolve this issue if they won the elections.

Shamans also did not stand aside. They poured a lot of magic potion into the fire, claiming that by disturbing the tomb, scientists brought curses on Altai. They even gave examples of the disfavor of otherworldly forces. Take, even the earthquake that struck the Republic at the beginning of the current millennium - is it not the "princess" who brought this disaster?

A mausoleum is being built for an ancient woman

The arguments of the local residents are convincing, or not, but you definitely cannot argue with one fact: the motherland of women is in Altai. Therefore, Novosibirsk scientists have long promised: we will give the mummy, but only when it is provided with decent conditions.

Vyacheslav Molodin, deputy director of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said that he would return the princess to Altai if comfortable "chambers" were made for her. In addition, the academician proposed to register in the budget of the Republic a separate article for the maintenance of the ancient lady.

The Altai government did not even save on "living space" for Princess Ukok. The construction of the mausoleum that will host the "sleeping beauty" is in full swing. So the Minister of Culture has now assured his fellow countrymen: the relic will return soon.

True, not all the inhabitants of Gorny are happy that the fate of Ilyich awaits the "princess". Indeed, according to the most intractable shamans, the curses will recede when the remains return to their original place - that is, they are buried.
