Can The Eyes Change Their Color And Why Is This Happening? - Alternative View

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Can The Eyes Change Their Color And Why Is This Happening? - Alternative View
Can The Eyes Change Their Color And Why Is This Happening? - Alternative View

Video: Can The Eyes Change Their Color And Why Is This Happening? - Alternative View

Video: Can The Eyes Change Their Color And Why Is This Happening? - Alternative View
Video: 7 Things That Can Change Your Eye Color 2024, June

It is well known that the color of our eyes is not inferior to the pattern on fingerprints in its uniqueness. So, on the planet it is impossible to find two people with an absolutely identical pattern of the iris of the eye. Despite this fact, some people's eye color can change over time, completely changing the person's appearance. Why does this happen and what is the secret of this phenomenon?

What is the human eye made of?

The eyes are the most important paired organ in the human body, responsible for the perception by us of up to 90% of all incoming information. Thanks to the presence of eyes, our body is able to perceive electromagnetic radiation as a light wavelength range and transmit it to the brain for further processing. In order for such a “receiver” to function normally, nature has invented a special mechanism, which consists of three parts. The first part of our organ of vision is the outer shell, which performs a protective function and creates the shape of the eye. The second shell is the vascular part of the eye, which is responsible for nourishing the eyes. In its very center is the pupil. The third part of the eye is considered to be the so-called retina, which is responsible for the reception and perception of light.

The structure of the human eye
The structure of the human eye

The structure of the human eye.

Why do eyes change their color?

Despite the fact that the color of our eyes seems to us quite stable, the iris of the eye constantly changes its color throughout a person's life due to the different content of melanin in it. In the first days after birth, the baby's eyes usually have a gray or light green color, which gradually changes over time in accordance with the genetics inherent in the baby. A large number of factors affect a particular eye color, among which the racial characteristics and genetics of the child stand out most clearly.

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Some people's eye color can even change with mood changes
Some people's eye color can even change with mood changes

Some people's eye color can even change with mood changes.

In adulthood, a sharp change in the usual eye color can be caused by both external and internal causes. Most often, a change in the shade or pattern of the eye is associated with disturbances in the central nervous system or hormonal levels. In addition, some strong emotions, such as stress, sadness, anger, or joy, can also trigger a change in the color of the iris. So, it is believed that during crying, the tint of the eye becomes even more saturated than in a calm state. Scientists believe that the protein in the eyes, thanks to tears, receives strong moisture, becoming lighter and brighter.

Heterochromia - discoloration of only one of the eyes
Heterochromia - discoloration of only one of the eyes

Heterochromia - discoloration of only one of the eyes.

In other words, a change in eye color is a completely natural phenomenon, provided that the shade has changed evenly. In all other cases, when such an unusual phenomenon appears, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist.

Daria Eletskaya
