The Life Of Women In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

The Life Of Women In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View
The Life Of Women In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: The Life Of Women In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View

Video: The Life Of Women In The History Of Mankind - Alternative View
Video: Most Evil Women in the History of Mankind 2024, June

The debate about who the first man was, man or woman, has been going on for centuries. But so far no one has managed to reach the truth. But, as it was not there, a woman is by nature a unique creature, it is with her that the life path of any person begins. But not always and not in all countries a woman was treated with respect, considering her a second-class man. In history, there are facts about the life of women at different times in different countries, which shock a modern person.

In Athens, a father who found out about the sexual relations of his unmarried daughter could legally give her into slavery. And in Samoa, in order to assure the innocence of a woman getting married, the bride's hymen was publicly torn apart by the head of the tribe. He did it with his hands directly at the wedding itself. Residents of ancient Israel who entered into a relationship with a man without being married to him were doomed to die.

Every family living in Ancient Greece considered it their duty to give birth and raise a son. It was the boys who were awaited with trepidation by their parents, but the birth of girls caused negative emotions and were often carried away into the sun to die. They were considered burdensome, not only for poor families, but also for the rich. The same attitude towards children was traced among the Egyptians, who, in principle, always advocate gender equality.

The ancient Romans were wary of women during menstruation, believing that during this period they were a danger to society, and the Egyptians completely isolated them in a separate room. No one was allowed to visit them at this time. In Israel, during critical days, it was forbidden to touch not only the woman herself, but also those objects that surrounded her, they were considered defiled.

In ancient times, women had little chance to somehow show themselves, to stand out in society, most often they were forbidden to even express their opinion. Ancient Egyptian women could leave the walls of their house only when accompanied by her husband, and if his friends came to the house, the wife was obliged to leave the room so as not to cause embarrassment among men. On the territory of Denmark, it was customary to fight the obstinacy of women by placing them in a special deck, which looks very much like a violin. The British, as an upbringing of rebellious women, put an iron mask on their heads and made them walk along the street.

No less peculiar customs regarding women operated in India until the end of the 19th century. If it happened that a woman's husband was dying, then she had to voluntarily burn herself at the stake. This is what women often did during the war, being surrounded by the enemy, in order to further motivate their men.

The custom associated with stealing a bride still exists in some modern countries, and in China, for example, it ceased to operate only in the middle of the 20th century. In ancient times, often male warriors destroyed entire settlements, and women were taken with them and made of them either slaves or their wives. The custom of kidnapping a bride has its roots in prehistoric times, as evidenced by numerous confirmations in the form of human remains found. It was also customary for cavemen to bring their wives from foreign settlements, with whom they parted forever, once they got into their husband's house. This did not always happen voluntarily, but this did not bother anyone, so it was accepted, period.

Despite this bias, women have always tried to look good and had many tricks in their arsenal to maintain their beauty. This was especially true for the Egyptians, who, even with a not entirely attractive appearance, always looked excellent. They knew the recipes for various cosmetic masks, ointments and other personal care products. Women with large pupils were considered ideal. They achieved this effect by using the juice of "sleepy dope", which was instilled directly into the eyes. The nails were painted only with green varnish, and this served as the final moment in creating the overall image.

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The standards of beauty in ancient China were distinguished by their strangeness and special despotism, where the owners of small legs were treated with special honor and respect. If a woman had a large foot, then she had practically no chance of getting married, and for her family she was a shame. Therefore, from an early age, they used tight bandaging for girls' feet to keep the leg small. It was prestigious for a woman not to work, and to demonstrate her position, she grew nails, the length of which could reach 25 cm. Men liked it, for them long female nails were an amulet against everything bad.

There are many interesting facts in the history of Roman fashion. So, for example, high-heeled shoes were worn only by prostitutes, and sandals were worn with socks. The priority was given to white women with blond hair, it was in Rome that women began to bleach their hair for the first time. In the wardrobe, men and women had tunics, the length of which depended on the status of the owner.

In the modern world, fashion is not as cruel as many people think. Every woman has the right to self-expression, to her style of dress and lifestyle. This makes her unique, inimitable and it is these women that attract men. Ancient women could not afford this, since any deviation from the generally accepted rules was punished with particular cruelty. These women became social outcasts and did not find support even in their families.

Having gone through such a difficult path, the woman only became stronger, wiser and more persistent in achieving her goals. Today, a modern woman can work on an equal footing with a man, and at the same time be fragile, tender and defenseless. Few life situations can break her, especially if she has children. A modern woman cooks food equally well, maintains cleanliness in the house, brings up children and earns money, and is considered the "weaker sex". All this may well serve as proof that the first person on earth was female, otherwise how can one explain such a number of abilities, such a firmness of spirit, brought up for millennia.