Chinese Reality - Alternative View

Chinese Reality - Alternative View
Chinese Reality - Alternative View

Video: Chinese Reality - Alternative View

Video: Chinese Reality - Alternative View
Video: Alternate War : Second Chinese Civil War - Every Day (2024 - 2027) (Special 100 subscribers) 2024, July

On the Internet, many people have invented for themselves any fabulous about China. Then these tales go around the Internet and are retold by amateurs "it's good where we are not."

Read what Ruslan Karmanov writes directly from the discussed places:


1. There are no free utilities in China. On average, all of them - from water and electricity to elevators and garbage collection - are more expensive than in Russia.

2. There is no free gasoline in China. The price tag for fuel ranges from about 75 rubles to about 140 (some kind of super-duper-branded-branded and even more expensive). A liter, not a gallon, not a barrel, not a bucket, not a tank. The dynamics of gasoline prices coincides with the world one, there is no magic "everywhere in the world is growing, but the Party is reducing" there is no. If you only read news about declines, then yes, you can create that feeling. It's just that the price is also increasing, and synchronously with the Russian Federation, with Germany, with the United States. To save money in a bunch of seats, taxis and buses are switched to gas. Parking spaces are paid. In the courtyard of the residential complex - too.

3. China buys electricity wholesale from Russia at a higher price than retail electricity in Russia. The retail price of a kilowatt * hour in China is about twice - and if you compare it with all sorts of places where there is a lot of generation, such as the Irkutsk region, then 3-4 is higher than in Russia.

4. China is systematically raising the retirement age to 70 years. This is due to the massive aging of the population. This is an obvious process - urbanization leads to fewer births. Everywhere. In Hong Kong, there is already negative dynamics, in Shanghai - almost. There are no significant benefits for children in China, only recently, in 2016, the restrictions on the number of the indigenous population were lifted.

5. There is practically no social sphere in China. Forget about dairy kitchens, benefits for mothers with many children, a discounted communal telephone for disabled retirees, reduced fares for donors and various awardees, and a bunch of other things.

Promotional video:


6. The overwhelming majority of those receiving good pensions in China receive them from enterprises. To do this, you need a mere trifle - to fuck about 40 years so that the company does not die, so that you do not die, so that you do not get fired, and that there is a white salary. If you see a freelancer groaning about the huge Chinese pensions, you see the asshole who came up with the Tricky Plan - to trample on the left one-time earnings, and then jump on the allowance. In China, this is not the case at all. A pension of 4 thousand yuan is quite normal, you just have to work for 25 years, for example, in the chemical production, take additional shifts, then solemnly smack with a bouquet of monstrous sores. They were fed up with fantasies that for dusty gatherings in the office everyone is given a suitcase of money at 50 every month. Hey, all the big bourgeois - like JPMorgan or Citibank - don't have any pensions from the company. What I have accumulatedsitting on your ass and shifting contracts, drinking coffee, then you eat.

6.1. The key fantasy about pensions in China is based on the image of the Rich Rodakov, hammered in by the US propaganda in the 80s and 90s. The image looks like this - you are such a fool over 30, you are looking for yourself, because you are not so bad, and the Rodaks, in the intervals between golf and a yacht, give you bablos. And if not, then it's just Country Shit. If it suddenly turns out that you should give your mom money regularly, and not sit on your neck, developing your own unique Linux distribution for about 15 years, communicating in the circle of the same endured-unrecognized geniuses, then people have a collapse of the concept. They howl earnestly - how is it, everything should be the other way around, I saw it in the movies, there the native people buy houses for everyone and give start-up money for business. Hence the fucking fantasies about The Wrong Country, because in Normal (the name is uncritical - that Japan, that Norway, that New Zealand) somehow it turns out that way,that you are doing what is cool and fashionable, and dad and mom are spoon-fed, pushing Mercedes cars on the DR and feeling moved. So, in China, the traditions are simple - the eldest son takes care of his parents and gives them money. Gives, calling it a pension. In a bunch of cases in China, the term "we have a good pension" refers to a guy in his 30s who plows 12 hours a day and puts five to eight yuan hayms on a card a month. Because he, in the same Guangzhou or Shanghai, unlike the eternally "looking for themselves" pizdabol-dreamers, earns very good money, and such money is quite permissible for him. Put this concept into your head, there are no fairy tales - either people really plowed in heavy industries and lived to see the finale (not all of them survive), or children help them. Cash. For stomping with a foot and "you have to feed me this" in China, parents and other relatives will predictably and artlessly break the fuck with the full support of others and the police.


7. Small taxes and a relatively high level of zero personal income tax in China are offset by a tough approach to business. For business - high taxes, tough reporting. And real terms for wrong actions. They don’t give anything at all, they immediately drag me to the cage. Very tonic. If you tell a Chinese that an individual entrepreneur gives 6% of turnover, and a self-employed 4, and in electronic form, then he, a Chinese, will get drunk before our eyes. For him, these are fabulous business conditions, he will not sit down on taxes in any way lower than ~ 35%, plus he is obliged - obliged, fucking - to hire at least 1 employee and pay him a salary. And it is technically weak to fire this employee, it is cheaper to keep zero turnovers and to pay money with cash.

Enough, comrades, to invent fairy tales. That some idiots have “a terrible totalitarian hell, where beggar dwarfs screw up everything for a cup of rice” (the theme was invented to make it cheaper to hire suckers in American companies who for years will be “just about to take you to a dazzling Other Reality” for real pennies, and then they will be released when the overtime stops dragging out) that others have "In China, for a long time already free foie gras according to the precepts of Stalin."