Carlos Castaneda - Magician Or Hoaxer? - Alternative View

Carlos Castaneda - Magician Or Hoaxer? - Alternative View
Carlos Castaneda - Magician Or Hoaxer? - Alternative View

Video: Carlos Castaneda - Magician Or Hoaxer? - Alternative View

Video: Carlos Castaneda - Magician Or Hoaxer? - Alternative View
Video: Carlos Castaneda: Enigma of a Sorcerer 2024, October

The "progressive" youth of the second half of the last century were read by Carlos Castaneda's books about don Juan. Meanwhile, the writer himself is a legendary and even mysterious person. So, even his true biography remains a mystery to researchers …

According to some reports, Carlos Cesar Arana Castaneda was born in 1925 in the Peruvian city of Cajamarca. According to others - in 1931 in the Brazilian city of São Paulo. Castaneda himself claimed to be born in Brazil in 1915.

It is reliably known that the boy lost his mother early and was raised by his older sisters. After finishing elementary school, Carlos entered the Colejo Nasonal de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe and then the National School of Fine Arts. After taking a course in journalism and writing at the City College of Los Angeles, Castaneda attended the University of California, where he received a bachelor's degree in anthropology.

From the age of sixteen, Carlos led a hectic life. He had many women, and with one of them he entered into a legal marriage in early youth. A child was born. However, the fickle Carlos left his family and began to wander in search of his spiritual path.

The life of Castaneda, as he himself says, was changed by a meeting in the summer of 1960 with a certain Juan Matus, an Indian from the Yaqui tribe. As part of his master's thesis, Carlos was asked to conduct field research in the US state of Arizona. The young anthropologist was going to research a number of local medicinal plants.

In Nogales, an acquaintance found him a consultant on this topic. (According to another version, he met this man at the bus stop). It turned out to be Juan Matus, a 70-year-old Mexican shaman who related himself to the tradition of Toltec magicians. The Indian saw in the future master of anthropology a nagual, that is, a person capable of magic and clairvoyance, and made Castaneda his student.


The magic of the Toltecs consisted in the ability to change their perception of the world, to expand the boundaries of consciousness. Going to the Mexican state of Sonora, where don Juan lived, Castaneda studied magical science for four years with interruptions (from 1961 to 1965). To be closer to his teacher, Carlos got a job as a janitor at a cafe, taking the name Joe Cordoba. In 1965 he returned to Los Angeles and a few years later wrote a best-selling book.

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According to the "Teachings of don Juan", the picture of the world accessible to human perception (tonal) is usually stereotyped and does not reflect the diversity of the Universe (nagual). At the same time, the ability to perceive the world as it is can be acquired by following a special life system - the so-called "Way of the Warrior".

The picture of the world is created in our consciousness thanks to the "assemblage point" - a special area of the aura, through which we perceive external energy signals. Following the "Way of the Warrior", you can change the location of this point and begin to catch signals from different dimensions. To achieve such a state, a person needs to become "flawless", that is, get rid of faith in his own immortality, overcome the feeling of self-importance and self-pity.

The tools that will help you achieve your goals on the Path of the Warrior are stalking and the art of dreaming. The main dangers that lie in wait for a person on this path are Fear, Clarity, Strength and Old Age.


At first, Castaneda tried to collect material for a dissertation based on conversations with don Juan (they spoke in Spanish, since the Indian did not know English). But then the scientist realized that the only way to gain knowledge of this is to expand your consciousness with the help of hallucinogens. So, the use of peyote once led to the fact that Carlos saw the ghost of a black dog - the embodiment of the highest power of Mescalito.

On another occasion, Castaneda took part in a four-day "peyote ceremony" during which the drug was interspersed with chants. At the end of the ritual, a vision appeared to the author - a field of glowing cacti. There was also a case where Carlos survived the transformation into a crow. He asked don Juan if this really happened to him, but he replied that such a question is meaningless, because in the true world absolutely everything is real …

In September 1965, Castaneda had to interrupt his studies with Matus for a while, as he suffered a mental disorder. He began to experience a panicky horror of various sounds. Don Juan said that someone had stolen his soul. It turned out to be one of the Mexican evil sorcerers-werewolves - "diablero". To get the soul back, Carlos had to fight with diablero, who during the battle took the form of don Juan himself …

In 1962, Castaneda wrote his first novel, The Fissure Between Worlds, which made it wildly popular, especially among drug addicts, since the book mentioned hallucinogens obtained from mescaline mushrooms. The Teachings of Don Juan: The Yaqui Path of Knowledge was first published in 1968 and for which Castaneda was awarded a master's degree. For the next book - "Journey to Ixtlan" (1972) - he was awarded the degree of Ph. D.

Don Juan's Teachings found many followers, but at the same time caused a flurry of sharp criticism. The author was accused of promoting drugs (since in his books he described the psychedelic effects of certain mushrooms and plants on humans).

Many also called him a hoaxer, claiming that no Juan Matus ever existed, and that his "teaching" is just a jumble of quotes and texts on anthropology and Eastern philosophy. But reliable evidence that Castaneda mystified his readers has not yet been found.

According to one version, Castaneda died in the early 80s in a car accident. According to another, he became a victim of a plane crash in the early 90s. The third one says that he died quite recently, in our days … Or all the "deaths" of the Great Magician are just another hoax and he is still alive?