Oddities At The Omsk Cemetery: Found A Grave With A Portrait Of Carlos Castaneda - Alternative View

Oddities At The Omsk Cemetery: Found A Grave With A Portrait Of Carlos Castaneda - Alternative View
Oddities At The Omsk Cemetery: Found A Grave With A Portrait Of Carlos Castaneda - Alternative View

Video: Oddities At The Omsk Cemetery: Found A Grave With A Portrait Of Carlos Castaneda - Alternative View

Video: Oddities At The Omsk Cemetery: Found A Grave With A Portrait Of Carlos Castaneda - Alternative View
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An interesting find was marked by a survey of the territory of the Old-Severny Cemetery of Omsk by one of its employees. In the area of the 16th alley, he discovered an unmarked grave with a photograph of the mystic writer Carlos Castaneda on a granite slab of a tombstone.

“Due to my occupation, I often walk around the cemetery. I pass by the tombstone and see - a familiar face. I checked it on the Internet and realized that it was Carlos Castaneda,”cemetery keeper Nikita Pozdnyakov said to SuperOmsk.

Who exactly is buried under the tombstone is still unknown. According to Pozdnyakov, in 2003 in the office of the administration of the cemetery burial documents were burned, and with them the data on the deceased.

Although it is clear that the grave is being looked after and flowers are brought. But Pozdnyakov does not know who is doing this.


According to the official version, the author of 12 bestselling books, Carlos Castaneda died in 1998 from liver cancer. Castaneda's confidants then told the press that his body was cremated, and the ashes had been taken to Mexico. The procedure was carried out hastily, and no one from the public saw the body of the deceased, which added new mysteries to the biography of the mystic writer.