Returning To Yourself - Alternative View

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Returning To Yourself - Alternative View
Returning To Yourself - Alternative View

Video: Returning To Yourself - Alternative View

Video: Returning To Yourself - Alternative View
Video: A DIRECT MESSAGE from YOURSELF.. *About Current Issues & Events* (Pick A Card) Psychic Tarot Reading 2024, July

During our life, we find ourselves in difficult situations more than once or twice. Such that not only are remembered for a long time, but for years they hurt the soul, pierce the subconscious with thorns. Betrayal of a loved one, unfair treatment, setup at work …


Negative memories are true poison, poison to the soul. Because every time, returning to traumatic events, we leave a piece of ourselves, our energy. Again and again. This means that there is less and less strength for living in the present, for a positive attitude. What to do?

First of all, one must understand that the whole always attracts parts of itself. After all, our energy shell is not a dress that we tore while walking through the forest and clinging to bushes and sharp twigs. Of course, the flaps themselves will not reach the dress.

But the biofield has its own memory, the memory of its integrity, and therefore it is always able to attract to itself the "scraps" of its own energy left and stuck in the past, to restore the original contour.

The bottom line is that in situations that you remember with pain or regret, you left a piece of yourself. Big or small, but left. It is she who continues to feed the old history with her strength, makes it so alive and clear, as if everything literally happened yesterday.

And the more often we recall such stories, the more energy we put into them. And the more painful the memories become, preventing us from living in the present, blocking the path to the future.

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It takes some work to break the vicious circle, but believe me, the result is worth it. After all, after all, it is about your destiny, about your present and future.

So, the first stage: remember and write down all the unpleasant situations, all the painful moments of the past that still torment your heart, or, at least, cause mental discomfort.

Take your time, this is not a one-day job. Get a special notebook that fits in your purse. As soon as you remember another traumatic story, write it down immediately. In the office, on the subway or on the bus, on the street, sitting on a bench. The main thing is not to miss anything, to "catch" all the ghosts walking through the labyrinths of your subconscious.

It is not worth describing everything in too much detail, a few words, understandable only to you, are quite enough, which will indicate the situation and the "characters". And be sure to record your emotion: pain, resentment, humiliation, helplessness, and so on.


When you consider that the list of memories is complete, all the difficult moments where you left a piece of yourself are recorded, arrange them sequentially along the timeline.

After all, for sure, at first, recent unhealed wounds (or the most terrible events that disturb you almost all your life) surfaced in your memory - and only then, when you “rocked” your memory, memories from the distant past appeared on the surface - unpleasant, but not so serious to torment you for years.

It also happens like this: the most hurtful and painful ones, or those that you consider shameful were "remembered" in the last place. This is natural: consciousness with all its might rejects such memories, defends itself from them.

So, re-read your list and arrange the events in chronological order. We go from early childhood to the present day.

This is extremely important, otherwise, having worked through this or that moment, you will leave an open trap behind your shoulders. If a considerable share of your energy has been preserved in it, it is able to attract the liberated force to itself. After all, these are vampire situations!


As you can imagine, even the saddest and most painful life story has its advantages. She taught you something, tempered you internally, helped you see the world differently, from a new angle. Therefore, before starting meditations designed to "close" trap stories, to harmonize the past, and therefore the present and the future, answer yourself a number of important questions.

1. Imagine each situation from the "black" list, each person with whom your experiences are connected.

2. Accept the situation. It has already happened, so beating your forehead against the wall, blaming yourself or the world is simply pointless. Remember and say: "Everything is God's will!" (Higher powers, destinies - whichever is more convenient for you). Accepting a situation means taking responsibility for what happened at all. Your miscalculation, your weakness - whatever, but you created this situation. And only you are responsible for it.

3. Now is the time to understand what your thoughts and feelings you have created it. Everything is simple here: positive situations are created by positive intentions, faith in oneself, in people, in the world, in fate, and negative ones are created by wrong internal attitudes (distrust of oneself and the world, fears, etc.). It is important to identify your negative attitudes and begin to get rid of them, otherwise more and more traps will arise ahead …

4. Determine what each story has taught you. What lesson did you learn from her? Only then will you be able to fully accept it and say from the bottom of your heart: "Everything that is done is for the best!"


Now you can start special meditations that allow you to mentally return to the past and close the negative story, freeing a piece of your soul that is entangled and stuck in time.

Meditations should be done at bedtime, late in the evening or at night, alone. If you are married and sleep with your spouse in the same bed, go to bed separately for this time. After finishing your meditation, you can return to the bedroom.

Ventilate the room, draw the curtains: the darker the better. Lie on your side in a fetal position. You can cover yourself with a blanket with your head: the body should not feel freedom, it is important to squeeze like a spring, concentrating all available energy in the solar plexus area.

Close your eyes, even out your breathing, and remember the first situation on your list. You don't need to strive for special realism, you don't need unnecessary emotions. On the contrary, try to be detached. Imagine the situation as a cobweb in which a cloud is entangled - a part of your essence, your energy. Tear the web and feel how the cloud happily fell to you, merged with you.

If it does not work right away, try connecting a special technique. As you inhale, you turn your head and place your chin on your right shoulder. Restore the picture-situation, call on your particle and turn your head, exhaling, to your left shoulder. As a rule, a combination of meditative breathing, special movements and the power of intention gives excellent results.

Work through each memory in this exact manner.

Perhaps, in the first nights you will only need to “look” one or two situations, then the work will go faster. There are no rules here. Focus on your own feelings.

The main thing is to feel that a particle is attracted to you and has grown together with you.

In the morning, for the sake of verification, remember the story worked out at night again. If you no longer feel pain or annoyance, if you understand that this is just a fact of your biography, from which you learned a lesson, and now you are ready to move on, if you feel a surge of strength, then everything is in order. You have defeated yet another vampire ghost!