Vengeful Scarab - Alternative View

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Vengeful Scarab - Alternative View
Vengeful Scarab - Alternative View

Video: Vengeful Scarab - Alternative View

Video: Vengeful Scarab - Alternative View
Video: Sarge Plays Ninja Gaiden Sigma Part 3: Secrets And Golden Scarabs 2024, July

In 2005, a resident of South Africa, in order to get rid of the curse of the pharaoh, returned to Egypt the amulet stolen from the tomb of Tutankhamun. In a letter to the Minister of Culture of Egypt, she gave a long list of accidents that happened to the owners of the scarab amulet, which was stolen from the burial of the pharaoh by an Egyptian worker working on the excavation in 1922 …

This tomb in the Valley of the Kings near the city of Luxor was discovered by the British archaeologist Howard Carter.

The first owner, a British sailor who bought the amulet in Cairo, drowned in a shipwreck. His daughter died of leukemia at the age of 21. The widow decided to get rid of the scarab and presented the statuette to the father of the current owner, whose daughter also died of leukemia at the age of 21, and her husband died suddenly on the eve of the sale of the ancient rarity.

As a result, as Deputy Minister of Culture Sheriff al-Shobashi told reporters in Cairo, the owner decided to return the amulet to Egypt on condition that it be placed again in the tomb of Tutankhamun - the pharaoh of the 18th dynasty (ruled 1361-1352 BC). who died at a young age.


… Since ancient times, there have been beliefs that people disturbing the peace of the deceased are pursued by inevitable retribution. Indeed, for all peoples, the lot of the dead is eternal rest, and disturbing the ashes means desecrating it and violating the formidable unwritten laws.

In the 60s of the nineteenth century, a wealthy Englishman, Douglas Murray, who was collecting a collection of rarities, acquired a cover removed by robbers from the sarcophagus of an Egyptian mummy. Literally a few days after the purchase, while hunting, a gun exploded in Murray's hands, and the Englishman lost his left arm. The lid of the sarcophagus, meanwhile, was sent to England on a steamer, on which during the voyage … a boiler exploded. At the port, the Egyptian relic was loaded into a cab, the horse carried it away, and only by a miracle everything was done without sacrifices …

Murray, mistakenly believing that it was the lid of the sarcophagus, and not the people around it, who was in trouble, decided, just in case, to photograph it from all possible angles and invited a specialist from a well-known photo studio for this purpose. He took pictures, developed the plates, printed excellent photographs and … shot himself. The messenger who delivered the pictures to the specified address was quite surprised to see a burning house in front of him! Everything naturally burned to the ground. Apart from the lid of the sarcophagus, she remained unharmed …

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An acquaintance of Douglas Murray, who took an active part in the fate of the ill-fated Egyptian rarity, received a telegram about the death of her husband, son, sister and sister's husband during a flood in India. The woman immediately went to the English colony for the funeral of loved ones, but during the voyage she died along with the steamer near the Cape of Good Hope.

Misfortune followed the owners of the sarcophagus lid, as well as their relatives, until one of Murray's heirs figured out to hand it over to the British Museum, where it remains to this day.

Why did the Titanic sink?

Surprisingly, the curse of mummies very often extends to vehicles on which disturbed ashes are transported. Including steamers.

… In April 1912, the famous Titanic liner sank in the Atlantic Ocean, which was considered the largest, fastest in the world and unsinkable.

Scientists unanimously say: the liner was killed by crashing into an iceberg. But on that fateful night, everything seemed to be against the Titanic. Perfectly aware that the ship was sinking, Captain Edward Smith calmly, as if in a hypnotic trance, stood on his bridge, blankly watching as the crew members made desperate attempts to save the ship. Through the captain's fault, the signals for help were sent with unacceptable delay. Too late, the passengers and crew were told to flee.


Why was Captain Smith acting so strange? In the twenties of the last century, parapsychologists put forward the following version: the culprit of mystical omens and the tragedy itself was … the ancient mummy of an Egyptian soothsayer, executed by order of the priests during the time of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, and aboard the Titanic.

In 1895, this mummy was recovered from its tomb in northern Egypt, over which worshipers of black magic built a temple in 229 BC. The burial place of the soothsayer at all times was notorious in Egypt. According to ancient legends, terrible punishment awaited those who disturbed her peace.

According to the famous German Egyptologist Friedrich Vanderberg, the soothsayer was guarded by the spells of ancient magicians. From 1896 to 1900, under various circumstances, almost all members of the expedition who excavated the burial were killed. Only the owner of the mummy, the famous English traveler and scientist Lord Cannerville, survived.

In 1912, he decided to take part in an archaeological exhibition that opened in Los Angeles in the middle of the year. According to the plan of its organizers, the mummy of the ancient priestess was to become one of the most valuable exhibits of the exhibition.

In April 1912, Cannerville bought a ticket for the Titanic. At the request of the scientist, the huge box in which the remains of the soothsayer rested was placed not in the hold, as required by the rules, but in the cabin near the captain's bridge.


As a token of gratitude, Cannerville decided to demonstrate his invaluable find to Smith. The captain had the imprudence to touch the sacred amulets that guard the mummy in the kingdom of the dead. The consequences of this rash step were disastrous, the liner sank.

Although, had it not been aboard the ashes of the soothsayer, the Titanic might have died anyway. Because there was another Egyptian mummy in his holds !!!

Doom priestess of Amon-Ra

The tomb with the mummy of the great priestess of the temple of the mighty Amun-Ra from the city of Great Thebes was found in 1902 during the excavation of the pyramid by five Arabs. The sarcophagus with the mummy was bought from them by four Englishmen - members of an archaeological expedition. The Arabs started a quarrel among themselves because of the money received, which ended in a bloody fight. They all died from stab wounds received from each other. These were the first five victims of the Egyptian priestess.

The Egyptologist, who was taking the mummy to Cairo, scratched his finger on the sarcophagus, as a result of which he received blood poisoning. Surgeons had to urgently amputate his arm to save his life. An assistant scientist who was responsible for sending the mummy to London soon shot himself. The third member of the archaeological expedition died of a fever. The fourth was crushed in the street by a heavy cart of a draft cab …


The first photographer, commissioned by the Egyptian authorities to take photographs of the priestess, went berserk. He imagined that the mummy came to life, came out of the sarcophagus and wants to strangle him. The second photographer died of sunstroke eight days later.

Finally, the fatal priestess of Amon-Ra was brought to London and placed in the British Museum. A museum worker who watched her transportation fell unsuccessfully, hit his head against the wall and received a concussion.

All these horrible incidents were described in detail by one of the London newspapers and sowed truly panic among the townspeople. Other newspapers, supporting the sensation, began to publish letters from museum visitors who complained that after examining the mummy they were pursuing various troubles. The public began to demand that the authorities send the fatal mummy back to Egypt, and the caretakers of the British Museum flatly refused to enter the room where the sarcophagus was exhibited unnecessarily. When the duties of the service still forced them to do this, they tried to stay away and not look at the mummy.


In order not to disturb the public, the museum authorities decided to transfer the priestess of Amon-Ra to the basement. A week later, one of the workers who was dragging the sarcophagus fell ill, and his boss died of a heart attack right in his office at his desk.

In just 10 years, the mummy Amon-Ra managed to kill 20 people. In the end, it was acquired from the museum by a certain non-superstitious American archaeologist who was just about to return to his homeland and had already bought a ticket for the most modern ship. It was called, of course, the Titanic! The further development of events is known to everyone …

Abnormal "dancing" at the Norwegian Museum

In 2001, an African sorcerer was arrested at British customs, who was transporting drugs in a wooden ritual figurine of a monkey. The evidence was sent to the warehouse in Dover. However, soon the customs officers demanded that the wooden monkey be sent to some museum or even thrown out of harm's way, since every time the customs officers passed by, it fell off the shelf on their head.

Museum workers have long been accustomed to such anomalous objects of ritual cult. True, this does not mean at all that when another ancient museum exhibit begins to show its "character", they simply do not pay attention to it. Not at all. For example, the ancient Egyptian shabti - funerary figurines representing servants in the other world - still cause genuine fear among the staff of the museum in the Norwegian city of Bergen.


According to Professor Henrik von Aken, his colleagues do not like to work at night in the hall where the Shabti exhibition is located. Museum guard Richard Saure was the first to notice that the small stone figurines were unlike any other exhibit: They were neatly packed in a box when we moved them from the warehouse to one of the halls. When we arrived at work in the morning, they were scattered in all corners, except for two shabti, which turned out to be fakes.

Since then, every night the statuettes began to move in the most mysterious way in their glass cases and even turn around their axis by 90 degrees. “They stand in glasses made of glass, which are sealed and closed, but you can see it on the trail in the dust,” Saure said. - I am a skeptic, but I have to believe in what I see. I do not understand this. If this is due to the shaking of the floor, as some have argued, then why are other objects not moving?

Professor von Aken added the following to what the guard said: Someone made these statuettes and put them in the grave. Now they are recovered from the darkness of the burial, where they have lain for thousands of years. What did they bring with them? I cannot give an answer to this question yet.

Until recently, the spouses Kazmiruk, about which one of the Kursk newspapers told about it, could not explain until recently. From a tour to Egypt, Marina and Pavel, in addition to various souvenirs: scarabs, oriental jewelry and other trinkets, brought home real “trophies”: several stones secretly taken from the burial chamber of the pyramid of Chephren, the son of Cheops.

“Inside the pyramid there is a burial chamber carved into the rock,” recalls Marina. “This cell still contains an empty granite sarcophagus with a broken lid. So Pasha and I could not resist, we slowly took from there a few pebbles for "memory".


Returning home, the Kazmiruki lost their peace: at night in the apartment the doors opened and closed by themselves, the sound of pouring water was heard, heavy footsteps were heard along the corridor. Awakened by the sound of the water, the couple jumped up and rushed to check the taps, but invariably found the valves tightly closed and the sinks and bathtub perfectly dry.

Over time, the spouses became simply scared to be in the apartment. A parapsychologist who was invited to the house quickly found out that the poltergeist did not arise from scratch. The Egyptian stones, which apparently have some value for the deceased son of Pharaoh, turned out to be “guilty” in everything, and his spirit came for his property. Throwing away such things is impossible: the spirit will not calm down anyway, so the only way out is to take the stones back to where they were taken from.

The second time to go to Egypt Kazmirukam is beyond our means. And now they are waiting for someone from their acquaintances to go there and at the same time take with them the mysterious stones to put them back in the burial chamber …