Chersonesos - A City With A Thousand-year History - Alternative View

Chersonesos - A City With A Thousand-year History - Alternative View
Chersonesos - A City With A Thousand-year History - Alternative View

Video: Chersonesos - A City With A Thousand-year History - Alternative View

Video: Chersonesos - A City With A Thousand-year History - Alternative View
Video: The History of the World: Every Year 2024, July

This city on the Crimean coast existed for almost two millennia. It was called the Tauric Chersonesos (from the Greek "Chersonesos" - peninsula).

His in 422-421. BC e. founded by Heracliots - natives of the southern Black Sea (Asia Minor) city of Heraclea - on the shore of the bay, which is now called Quarantine.

In one ancient land description it is said: "… the consequence of the prophecy given to the Heracles … to populate Chersonesos together with the Delians". The fact is that the Athenians evicted the inhabitants of Delos for their hostility and disobedience, their senior partners and allies from their native land. At the same time, a detachment of Athenian troops landed in Heraclea, which devastated the surroundings of the city. As a result, the struggle between the scattered peasants and the agricultural and commercial elite intensified. Defeated in this conflict, the democratic forces were forced to leave the city and look for a new place for settlement. The coincidence in time of these two facts led to the emergence of Chersonesos. The Delians, however, very soon returned to their native island and left no trace in the further development of the Chersonesus history and culture. As for the relationship with Heraclea,then they were versatile, durable and long lasting. Back in the II century. n. BC, that is, six centuries after the founding of the city, the Chersonesos remembered that their distant ancestors came from Heraclea, and called its inhabitants "venerable fathers." The creation of the colony simultaneously achieved other goals: new markets in the Northern Black Sea region were drawn into the trade exchange, Chersonesus closes the direct route through the Black Sea, mastered just at that time (before the ships went only along the coast), along this route the Heracleans expected to receive bread from Scythia …new markets in the Northern Black Sea region were drawn into the trade exchange, Chersonesus closes the direct route through the Black Sea, mastered at that time (before the ships went only along the coast), along this route the Heracleians expected to receive bread from markets in the Northern Black Sea region were drawn into the trade exchange, Chersonesus closes the direct route through the Black Sea, mastered at that time (before the ships went only along the coast), along this route the Heracleians expected to receive bread from Scythia.

A century after its foundation, Chersonesos turns into one of the largest policies - city-states of the Northern Black Sea region. In terms of its political structure, it was a slave-holding republic with a democratic form of government, and in terms of its socio-economic essence, it was a center of trade, crafts, and culture. Its population reached 20 thousand people.

In the beginning, the future city was a small village stuck to the shore of the bay, which is now called, as we have already said, Quarantine. The colonists, having sailed to Crimea, brought with them household utensils, tools, weapons, clothing, food supplies, maybe livestock.

In the late IV - early III centuries. BC e. Chersonesos is entering a period of political and economic flourishing. From a small village, it turns into a significant city at that time, the center of one of the large states of Northern Pontus. The population has grown significantly, reaching perhaps 10 thousand people. It was this size of the city that was considered in ancient times to be close to the ideal, it was he who ensured, on the one hand, the safety of residents, allowed the development of all sectors of the economy, and on the other hand, did not interfere with the effectiveness of management, communications, joint events.

At this time, the Chersonesos mastered the Heraclean Peninsula (southwestern corner of Crimea, west of the line connecting the peaks of the Northern and Balaklava bays), turning it into a base for agricultural production.


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Chersonesos was surrounded by walls, the army (militia) was armed and trained, the tactics of fighting the Taurus were worked out and tested in the inevitable minor skirmishes. Now Chersonesos got the opportunity to launch an offensive against the Taurus. As a result, the entire Heracles peninsula was in the hands of the Chersonesos, and the local population was partially exterminated, but for the most part subdued.

The creation of the Chersonesos state occurs just when Alexander the Great is making his campaigns and new states are emerging. It was in this era that the old "right of the spear" was especially widely rooted in the ideology of the Greeks, according to which the land, for example, captured by military force, becomes the property of the strongest. “All over the world there is an eternal law that when a city is taken by war, the conquerors own both the person and the property of those in it,” says the Greek writer Xenophon. This law justifies any conquests, it justifies their right to power the Hellenistic monarchs; The Chersonesos, of course, were guided in their activity of conquest by this right.

According to a long tradition, all lands were divided into equal allotments, and the inhabitants were turned into slaves of the type that is characteristic of Sparta and other Dorian states. Some of the Taurs who lived along the border of the Heracles Peninsula continued to live in their villages and were something like Laconian periecs (free, but politically disenfranchised residents). Judging by the testimony of Strabo and the reports of travelers who visited Crimea soon after its annexation to Rome, the entire Heraclean peninsula was fenced off by a wall or a rampart with a ditch along the Inkerman - Balaklava line. Such a wall not only prevented the invasion of opponents on the peninsula, but also impeded the possible escape of the Taurus, turned into slaves. Apparently, in this regard, there is an increased interest of the Chersonesos in military affairs.

The desire of Chersonesos to take possession of the fertile plains of the Western Crimea is quite understandable. And the Chersonesos are making great strides in this regard. In their civil oath (III century BC) it is said: “I will not betray either Chersonesos, Kerkinitis, Kalos-Limen (the Beautiful Harbor), or other fortified points, or from the rest of the territory controlled or ruled by the Chersonesos, nothing to no one, not a Hellene, not a barbarian, but I will protect all this for the Chersonesus people … By the time the oath was written, this entire coast already belonged to Chersonesos. This is confirmed by the data of archaeological research. Thus,in the southwestern part of Crimea, a significant state emerged with its center in Chersonesos. While the Heracles Peninsula specializes primarily in viticulture, winemaking and horticulture, bread is primarily obtained from newly acquired land.


Chersonesos conducted extensive trade with the cities of the Northern Black Sea region, with local tribes, it was associated with many remote areas, such as Asia Minor, the Balkan Peninsula. The breadth of trade relations is evidenced by numerous decrees on proxies, which granted citizenship rights and various benefits for the import, export and sale of goods to representatives of other cities. The inhabitants of Heraclea, Sinope, Olbia prevail among the Chersonesus proxenes. The finds of Chersonesos amphorae can be judged on the lively trade in wine with the Scythians and Greek city-states of the northwestern and western Black Sea regions. In the cities of mainland Greece, Chersonesos sold livestock products, fish, salt, honey, wax. Fragments of amphora handles with Chersonese stamps are found during excavations in Athens and distant Egyptian Alexandria. In exchange for their goods, the Chersonesos import from Greece the missing products, olive oil, expensive wines, handicrafts, including painted ceramics, art objects (terracotta, statues).

As we have already said, the Chersonesus state was a slave republic with a democratic form of government. The highest authority was the assembly of all free male citizens who had reached the age of majority. The National Assembly passed laws and decided the most important issues. The day-to-day life of the city was led by an elected council and collegiums that monitored all activities of the city's residents. Apparently, the council members were elected for a month, and its secretary (grammar) - for a year. The so-called king (basileus) was an eponym, that is, a year was called and dated by his name.

Political history of Chersonesos V-II centuries. BC e. almost unknown to us. Perhaps only one, but a very important period is covered in the sources very fully.

Since the III century. BC e. the Scythians are becoming a formidable force in the Northern Black Sea region. Scattered tribes of the Scythians are gradually moving to a sedentary lifestyle, agriculture (along with cattle breeding), the formation of tribal unions.

The political unification of the Scythians ends with the creation of a large state with the center in Naples (the New City, its ruins are on the southeastern outskirts of modern Simferopol). At the head of the Scythians becomes an intelligent and energetic leader - King Skilur. The Scythian nobility dreams of the riches of the Greek cities, strives to seize the coast with its overseas trade. Olbia - an ancient Greek colony on the banks of the Bug estuary - actually loses its independence and obeys the Scythian kings. Chersonesos is next. One of Skilur's sons, Palak, continues his father's policy.

The Scythians are actively preparing for war. In the II century. BC e. a grandiose reconstruction of the defense of Naples is being carried out, which, in the words of one of the researchers, is increasingly "turning into a fortress city", at the same time a number of other fortresses are being rebuilt, they are assigned the role of strong points in the upcoming hostilities. At the same time, the Scythians are trying to win over the Taurs to their side and, obviously, are successful in this.

More than ever, a grave danger hangs over Chersonesos. The inhabitants of the city are frantically looking for a way out: they try to bribe the Scythians with "gifts", then they turn to the Pontic king Pharnaces I and conclude a treaty of friendship and mutual assistance with him (179 BC). One ancient writer tells that the Scythians "offended" the Chersonesos, who therefore had to conclude an alliance with the leader of the Sarmatians Amaga. So, when the Scythians did not heed her demand "to stop their raids on Chersonesos", Amaga suddenly attacked them, killed the king and his entourage, and strictly punished the heir to the royal power "to rule justly and, remembering the sad death of his father, not to touch the neighboring Hellenes and barbarians."

Be that as it may, in the II century. BC e. the growing Scythian kingdom increasingly worries Chersonesos. Military action is imminently approaching.

Not relying on diplomatic demarches alone, the Chersonesos are also taking a number of energetic practical measures to strengthen the defenses of their city. A new defensive wall is hastily erected. When the forces of the Chersonesos were running out, they had to seek help on the side. In accordance with the treaties of 179, they turned to the king of the Pontic kingdom, Mithridates VI Eupator, with a request to send troops. The commander Diophantus with a detachment of soldiers was sent to the Crimea. Acting at the head of the united army, which included the Chersonesos and Pontic troops, Diophantus defeated the Scythians during three campaigns (about 110107 BC). This achievement, however, cost Chersonesos dearly: freed from the threat of submission to the Scythians, he was forced to sacrifice his independence in favor of the Pontic king.

After the defeat and death of Mithridates, Chersonesus found itself dependent on a longtime rival - the Bosporus kingdom, and the latter attempted to directly seize power in the city (information about one such episode is given by the Byzantine emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus). The Bosporan prince married the daughter of the Chersonesus ruler Gykia. Having conceived to destroy the city, he secretly settled in the basement of his wife's house a detachment of soldiers who were supposed to capture Chersonesos on the next holiday. Accidentally learning about this, Gikia hastened to inform the citizens of her plan of action: her house was surrounded by armed militias and set on fire. The Bosporians, along with their insidious leader, burned down, those who tried to escape were killed.

This is a legend, but it is based on quite real events of the 1st century. n. e. In any case, the historical situation is described in it very truthfully.

The final liberation of Chersonesos from the Bosporus protectorate and its transformation into a city with the status of "free" took place during the reign of Antoninus Pius (138-161) after numerous intercessions of both the Chersonesos themselves and their metropolis, Heraclea of Pontus. In honor of this important event from the middle of the II century. n. e. in Chersonesos a series of coins is minted with the word "eleutheria", the image of the goddess Chersonas - the patroness of the city community and other emblems. Thus, until the middle of the II century. n. e. the power of Rome in Chersonesos remained conditional. Rome provided the Bosporus with the responsibility to protect Chersonesos from the Tauro-Scythians, following its principle of “divide and rule”. Being in the role of a bonded ally of the Bosporus burdened Chersonesos, and he consistently strove for direct Roman tutelage.

The "freedom" received by Chersonesos was freedom in the Roman sense, with a certain status, according to which the city was deprived of the right to conduct foreign policy affairs, but retained its internal autonomy, its institutions and magistrates, the right to rule on the basis of its laws, mint copper coins, retained the right ownership of land, taxes and duties. "Free" Chersonesos contained a Roman garrison, consisting of units of the I Italian, V Macedonian and XI Claudian legions, as well as auxiliary troops.

In the first centuries of the new era, extensive urban construction was conducted in Chersonesos: many quarters of the city were rebuilt, houses were enlarged; the entire estate with outbuildings (wineries, fish and salting tanks, etc.) sometimes occupies a whole block. The city was supplied with a water supply using ceramic pipes. One of the rebuildings of the theater dates back to this time, probably associated with a new, more varied program, including gladiator fights, baiting of animals and various circus performances - the favorite shows of the Romans. The stage area was enlarged and the tier of spectator seats was completed.

In general, the political system of Chersonesos in the first centuries of our era represented an oligarchy, under which representatives of the same surnames, including the Chersonesos, who received the rights of Roman citizenship, occupied the most important positions in the state.

From the end of the 1st century A. D. e. Scythians are very active, however, mainly against the Bosporus kingdom. Chersonesos managed to fight off them only thanks to the presence of the Roman garrison. But then for a while the Romans left the city, and here he probably had a hard time. In any case, in the first half of the II century. n. e. Chersonesos seeks a military alliance with the very Bosporus, from whose burdensome tutelage he freed himself relatively recently and with great difficulty. The Scythians continue to harass the Greeks until the beginning of the 3rd century.

Barely manage to cope with the Scythians, as new dangerous opponents - the Goths - begin to penetrate into the Northern Black Sea region. In the 50-70s. III century. they are undertaking a series of campaigns aimed at capturing the coastal cities of the Black, and subsequently the Mediterranean seas.

It is not difficult to imagine how such a situation should have been reflected in Chersonesos. Its inhabitants trembled with fear outside the city walls: at any moment they could become the object of a fierce attack by powerful "barbarians". True, this time everything went well: Chersonesus was again rescued by the presence of Roman soldiers in it.

In the IV century, the Crimea was subjected to a devastating raid by the Hunnic hordes. At the same time, according to a number of researchers, Chersonesos was also affected by the Huns movement and suffered greatly. In the V century. the Huns once again invaded the Crimea and again approached the walls of Chersonesos.

In the IV century A. D. e. begins the disintegration of a powerful Roman state into two - the Western and Eastern (Byzantine) empires. Later, a number of small state associations were formed on the Western territory, torn apart by barbarians. The collapse of the Roman Empire also marked the end of the slave system, the transition to new, feudal relations.


From the V century. n. e. Chersonesos - part of the Byzantine Empire. In 988, after a nine-month siege, the city (the Russian name is Korsun) was taken by Prince Vladimir. Here Vladimir adopted Christianity. At the end of the XII-XIV centuries, Chersonesos suffered twice from the attacks of the Tatar hordes. By the middle of the 15th century. the city ceased to exist. Already in 1472, the Genoese consul in Cafe (Feodosia) called it "an uninhabited place."

The ruins of the city, which was once proudly called Chersonesos Tauride - the remains of defensive walls, residential buildings, public buildings, cellars, wells, cisterns, an adjoining cemetery and numerous rural estates outside the city - lie on the territory of modern Sevastopol. Excavations have been conducted here for about 200 years, which annually bring amazingly beautiful works of sculpture, painting, architectural details, inscriptions, coins, tools, household items. The history of the city is being refined and detailed.

From the book: "Secrets of Disappeared Civilizations". L. I. ZDANOVICH