How A Bear Mistakenly Became A Symbol Of Russia - Alternative View

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How A Bear Mistakenly Became A Symbol Of Russia - Alternative View
How A Bear Mistakenly Became A Symbol Of Russia - Alternative View

Video: How A Bear Mistakenly Became A Symbol Of Russia - Alternative View

Video: How A Bear Mistakenly Became A Symbol Of Russia - Alternative View
Video: How the Bear became one of the main national symbols of Russia 2024, July

One of the symbols of Russia familiar to many is the bear. But not everyone knows that he became one by mistake. In general, if you look at the official state symbols, we will not see any bears there. Only a two-headed eagle. So where did the bear come from?

Distorted understanding of a diplomat's letter

At the beginning of the 16th century, Sigismund von Herberstein visited Russia. He was a diplomat from the Holy Roman Empire who was quite impressed by our country, especially by the frost. Among other things, he mentioned in his correspondence that in especially fierce winters, angry crank bears began to wander through the forest, and sometimes went out to people. According to Sigismund, they burst into people's houses, which is why they fled in fear, abandoning all the good.


Of course, these were exceptional cases. In fact, they so amazed everyone that they were talked about. These stories also reached the diplomat. He described such incidents by sending letters to his friends.

Much attention was riveted to Sigismund's letter. Rumors began to spread. As a result, after a fairly short time, half of Europe believed that somewhere out there, in terrible and cold Russia, bears were walking around the cities.

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English merchants

Then marketing came into effect. What is usually brought from the country? What is most often associated with her. In the 16th century, everything was exactly the same, little has changed. English merchants returning from Russia, of course, did not go empty-handed. They carried furs, honey, vodka, and also bear fat. According to them, this remedy worked great against baldness. Why exactly against him? The logic is simple: bears are so hairy!

Although the relationship is difficult to grasp now, almost 500 years ago it seemed more logical. At least there was a stable demand for the product. And the fact that cunning merchants often traded in ordinary pork fat, few people cared. The main thing is that the legend has survived.

"Bear Academy" in the city of Smorgan

The opening of the "Bear Academy" in the town of Smorgan in the 17th century made even more for the consolidation of associations. What rumors about her did not go. In fact, it was something like a circus school, where they taught the training of a variety of animals. And bears weren't even a priority for a long time. But the big name attracted the patrons best of all, which means money.


There was one problem: this institution had nothing to do with Russia. They opened it in the Commonwealth. However, such a "trifle" also did not bother anyone. After all, for the Europeans it was "somewhere in the northeast." Moreover, the Slavs. One and the same, in one word.

Political cartoons

By the 19th century, because of all this, Russia already had, as they say, "an established image." And when in this period the creation of political cartoons was required, the image of a bear came in handy. It is impossible to use the state symbol (the same two-headed eagle) for these purposes - a direct insult to the state. Even those who did not really like the Russian Empire could look askance at such a trick.


But the bear was nowhere officially recognized as an imperial symbol. And at the same time, he was steadily associated with our country, so that everyone perfectly understood what was at stake. Moreover, the image turned out to be so-so: large, which combined well with the vast territory; a strong, but not particularly clever beast who prefers to simply shove impudently.

These political cartoons returned later, during the Cold War. The bear was perfect for impersonating someone who was deadly, could do things with whom it was worth avoiding unnecessary meetings.

Olympic bear

Everyone is tired of refuting the presence of such a symbol in Russia. And if you cannot get rid of something, then you can lead it. With this logic, the Olympic bear was proposed, which in the end was remembered by the whole world. It is noticeable that they decided to refine and soften the image of a stern and bloodthirsty bear.


Then perestroika began. And foreigners, together with nesting dolls, were interested in different figures of bears. They sold them as souvenirs throughout the 90s. As a result, the image was finally fixed. So now many residents of Russia confidently associate the country with this animal. Although historically it has not always been this way, and it happened somehow by itself. And in many ways - even without our participation.