Do Spiders Think With Their Webs? New Research - Alternative View

Do Spiders Think With Their Webs? New Research - Alternative View
Do Spiders Think With Their Webs? New Research - Alternative View

Video: Do Spiders Think With Their Webs? New Research - Alternative View

Video: Do Spiders Think With Their Webs? New Research - Alternative View
Video: Amazing spider baffles scientists with huge web | The Hunt - BBC 2024, July

Many people have an aversion to insects, including spiders. What can we say about when, walking through the forest, you suddenly come across a cobweb: for some time it remains on your clothes and body, creating unpleasant sensations.

But, perhaps, we need to reconsider our attitude to these insects that weave their web. As it turned out, they are much more complex and have a stronger connection with their web than we thought. How do spiders feel when we intentionally or unintentionally destroy their weave?


As a result of a recent study, scientists have found that spider webs are much more than just a device for hunting animals. They believe the web helps these insects think.

A comparison can be made: how a person uses various tools (computers, notes, organizing his space, etc.) to solve some problems, so a spider uses a web in his mental activity.

The spider's web is a kind of "continuation" of his brain. As it was known earlier, spiders use it as a sensory apparatus: when prey enters the web, the spider learns about it through a series of vibrations. Spiders also know how to distinguish between different types of vibrations: from those caused by the wind or animals, to those that arise from debris falling on a cobweb.


In fact, when a spider sits at the center of its web, it isn't just waiting for prey. He alternately pulls and looses different threads. This can be compared to a person covering one ear to better hear sounds coming from the opposite side.

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Thus, the spider filters out the information that enters its brain. During the research, scientists cut off some parts of the web, and the spider reacted to this in a certain way, as if pieces of its "external memory" had been removed.

This shows that the thinking of these insects is really closely intertwined with the threads of their webs. Scientists believe that some spiders have cognitive abilities that can be compared with those of birds and mammals: they can plan, anticipate a situation and learn.