Ant Circle Of Death: Why Ants March Until They Die - Alternative View

Ant Circle Of Death: Why Ants March Until They Die - Alternative View
Ant Circle Of Death: Why Ants March Until They Die - Alternative View

Video: Ant Circle Of Death: Why Ants March Until They Die - Alternative View

Video: Ant Circle Of Death: Why Ants March Until They Die - Alternative View
Video: Why army ants get trapped in ‘death circles’ 2024, July

Breaking the law on the media, we will tell you how to drive hundreds and thousands to suicide. Because there is a bug in the behavior of ants that sometimes leads to massive death of insects.


Ants are blind: they rely only on smell and touch, and sometimes the sense of smell plays a cruel joke with them. In search of food, the ant secretes an odorous substance - a pheromone so that other ants can follow it. If an ant loses its source of food odor, it may accidentally stumble upon its own trail and follow it, leaving even more pheromone behind.

Sensing the hormone, other ants join the circle travel, amplifying the chemical signal. It seems to ants that they are following an increasingly clear trail, while in fact they walk in circles until they die of exhaustion. Only a few individuals manage to escape the circle of death.

The largest ant circle of death was observed by the American traveler William Beebe in 1921 in Guyana: its diameter was 635 meters, and it lasted about 2 days.

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Author: Alexander Privalov
