5,000 Years Ago, Someone Made These 1,200 Tonne Blocks - Alternative View

5,000 Years Ago, Someone Made These 1,200 Tonne Blocks - Alternative View
5,000 Years Ago, Someone Made These 1,200 Tonne Blocks - Alternative View

This is not cement. Quite recently, there were no such cranes to lift them, let alone make them.

The hypothesis of scientists that once - more than 4.5 million years ago - there was a supercivilization on earth that died as a result of a catastrophe, has the right to life and discussion. This is confirmed by the fact that information is constantly coming in, giving hope to find traces of this civilization (or maybe civilizations.

According to scientists, it is possible to distinguish the following types of civilizations.


We will designate the first as the underground type. This type is an unpretentious civilization and can exist on almost all planets. Their existence does not require the development of high technologies and the presence of moral standards. In the myths of some peoples of the earth, there is information about the existence of an underground civilization on six floors (two of them were destroyed during the war. After the catastrophe, the remaining people came to the surface.

The second type is space civilizations that lived in space on huge ships. Inside these movable space giants were entire cities with everything needed to sustain life. They are such “Wanderers of the Universe”.

And the third type, these are civilizations living on the planetary surface (the type of our civilization with you. The life of this civilization greatly depends on natural disasters, but it is this civilization that is maternal in relation to the first two types. This civilization is considered to be short-lived. In order to increase the life of a society of this type requires the development of a very high morality and the achievement of a harmonious relationship between people and nature.

Perhaps there are also mixed types of civilization, in which underground inhabitants have the opportunity to use entire planets for flights. It is possible that Pluto is inhabited by just such a civilization, since its movement does not obey any pattern.

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Myths and legends, which are carefully preserved by many peoples of the earth, claim that a powerful civilization existed on the planet - a race of titans, equal in power to the gods. Also, the legends contain information about some kind of gigantic catastrophe that almost ruined our planet.

Summarizing the available knowledge about the ancient earthly civilization, experts came to the conclusion about the existence of the unity of earth and sky, and if a person violates moral laws, uses the knowledge gained for evil, then inevitably becomes a victim of a grand disaster. And the fact that some of the people survive in this catastrophe serves as proof of the presence of a certain higher intelligence that preserves life on the planet in order to give it another chance to exist.

Legends say that the Titans possessed enormous knowledge and skills. For example, they created people and mechanical assistants, could replace any part of their body (biorobots), resurrect the dead, had the highest level of technology, were able to travel to the planets of the solar system, and much more.

Scientists believe that the reasons for the death of a supercivilization could be either an instantaneous unexpected explosion of an energy storage, or a conscious human action or a sudden attack by another alien civilization (star war. You can imagine this catastrophe: a huge wave of ash and dust, the presence of gases and colossal evaporation blocking the flow of sunlight on the surface of the planet, fires, which completely covered the entire surface of the earth. The surviving part of the people are hiding in underground structures. In the legends of the American Indians and New Zealanders, it is said about 9 underground worlds. Over a long time (several millennia), the atmosphere cleared, the ice melted, gained access to the surface, the sun's rays, a flood began, as a result of which groups of people scattered throughout the planet, losing all connections with each other. Some knowledge of the lost civilization has been preserved, turning into myths. Noteworthy is the hypothesis that the supercivilization took measures to preserve the memory of itself, but only concealed this information so that the ignorant would not use it, which would lead humanity to a new catastrophe.

One of the mysteries that can be associated with the existence of the ancient hypercivilization is the hypothesis of the artificial origin of the moon and many satellites located in the solar system.

Scientists admitted several versions of the origin of the earth's satellite:

- The moon is a fragment of the earth (but why are there such cardinal differences between the two parts of the former one whole);

- The moon and earth were formed from one cosmic cloud of gas (then why is the structure of two celestial objects different);

- The Earth "captured" the moon in the sphere of its gravity, accidentally passing next to it (in this case, the moon would have an ellipsoidal orbit, but in fact it is really perfectly round);

- The moon is an artificial object created by a higher civilization.

The fourth version is very interesting. But additional questions arise: why was this space object created? Perhaps it was a project of ancient humanity, possessing amazing technologies, to create an object that provides people with light at night, or the moon was used as a scientific laboratory, or as a technical platform for space transport, or as a military base.

Some studies that have been carried out with the help of modern space technology have not refuted this hypothesis, but there is still not enough information to confirm it. In any case, interest in the earth's satellite does not fade away, so the experiments will continue.

Of particular interest, in connection with the alleged space activities of the ancient civilization, are also aroused by the satellites of Mars - Phobos and Deimos. Modern humanity of the earth is wary of these objects. The opinion was created that phobos, as an artificial object, is a combat space station flying over a dead planet. It revolves around Mars as a reminder of the military disaster that occurred millions of years ago. In the pictures taken by American research vehicles on the surface of Phobos, chains of craters are clearly visible, elongated in straight lines. According to the laws known to scientists, if the craters are not of artificial origin, then they are located parallel to the orbit of the motion of a celestial body, and on Phobos the chain is located perpendicular to the orbit. The assumption of American experts who, looking at these photos,talking about the fact that phobos was bombed are not so incredible.

Soviet astrophysicist p. Shklovsky was studying the issue of calculating the speed of movement of phobos in its orbit. He came to the conclusion that this speed exceeds the speed of rotation of Mars, and for this phobos must contain a huge cavity inside. Maybe this is the space station of the Martian civilization of unusually large size?

Another interesting information: in 1988, the Phobos-1 and Phobos-2 satellites were launched from the territory of the USSR. The first one went out of order right next to Mars. The second, when approaching the Phobos satellite, stopped communicating with the earth. But just before the shutdown, he gave some amazing photos. One of them clearly shows the "Ellipse" shadow on Mars. Since this shadow was visible through infrared equipment, therefore, a thermal object is visible in the photo, and not a shadow.

Another image clearly showed a cylindrical object directly above the surface of phobos. The object was 20 km long and 1.5 km wide. According to experts, it was this cigar-shaped spacecraft that destroyed the Earth's research apparatus before it was about to drop scientific equipment onto the surface of Phobos.

The American spacecraft "Mars Observer" suffered the same failure, stopping the transmission of information while in orbit of Mars. Nevertheless, at present, two American low-budget devices are working near the red planet, which are mapping the planet.

Researchers in the field of searching for patterns that exist in the solar system note the following interesting facts:

- All planets of the system are located exactly in the same plane (ecliptic plane);

- The ratio of the radii of the orbits of all planets in the system is the Fibonacci series.

Thanks to this knowledge, it was possible to determine that two planets are missing in the formation. Between Mars and Jupiter was located, according to legends, the planet Phaeton. Between Saturn and Uranus was the destroyed planet Chiron (Saturan.

In addition, the following celestial bodies are subject to the laws of the Fibonacci series:

- Five moons of Jupiter, and the rest are fragments of the dead planet Phaeton;

- The moons of Saturn, half of which arose after the death of Chiron.

Scientists are seriously considering the following hypothesis of the destruction of planets. They believe that in the distant past, all five terrestrial planets (phaeton) were inhabited by intelligent civilizations, which quite successfully mastered the planets and satellites of the solar system. Having a high level of development, these civilizations have achieved immortality. This led to overpopulation of the planets and, as a result, to armed conflicts. In this case, obviously, weapons of incredibly destructive power were used.

It is believed that the meaning of the life of any civilization, as well as of each of its members, appears in the event that a civilization has achieved immortality. Therefore, if we assume that more than a million civilizations arose on earth, it is necessary to comprehend the reasons for their disappearance in order to preserve the existing civilization. Of course, many of the stated hypotheses require more convincing proofs. Time will tell how true these assumptions are. To look into history many millions of years ago is not only interesting, but also instructive.