Why Do Intelligence Services Of Leading Countries Carefully Track UFOs - Alternative View

Why Do Intelligence Services Of Leading Countries Carefully Track UFOs - Alternative View
Why Do Intelligence Services Of Leading Countries Carefully Track UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Why Do Intelligence Services Of Leading Countries Carefully Track UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Why Do Intelligence Services Of Leading Countries Carefully Track UFOs - Alternative View
Video: The WASHINGTON FLAT / The most inexplicable UFO incident [Top Secret] 2024, July

Military expert Alexander Zhilin commented to Sputnik on the information that the Pentagon has been studying UFOs for more than 10 years at the request of American congressmen, for which at least $ 20 million from the budget was allocated.

New Year's Eve news that the Pentagon has been studying UFOs for 10 years at the request of the US Congress provoked an unprecedented media hype. As it turned out, at least $ 20 million from the budget was allocated for the secret program within the framework of the aviation threat detection project. The program was prompted by the assumptions of military experts that China or Russia could get ahead of the United States in creating UFO tracking technologies.

In fact, the intelligence services of all leading countries are very carefully tracking UFOs and are trying to get at least some materials, information about technologies or new unique opportunities, said Alexander Zhilin, head of the Center for the Study of Public Applied Problems of National Security of the Russian Federation, in an interview on Sputnik radio. …

“There is nothing new in this, just all this noise in the United States is connected with the adoption of a military budget of absolutely inhuman proportions. 700 billion dollars a year - the taxpayer has to give up so much. So they are hanged, starting with the fact that Russia is the aggressor and ending with aliens,”Zhilin said.

According to the expert, many messages on the topic of UFOs often reach the point of absurdity. In particular, the recent news that aliens are personally helping Putin win victories in Syria. However, it is a fact that UFOs are being tracked and in different countries they are trying to obtain information of a technical nature. The only perplexity is that this information still remains top secret, and all heads of state are very fiercely guarding it.

“Various information is being received - both about disasters and about severe accidents, but all this is not advertised in any way. Maybe so that we do not realize that we are at the level of ants, the expert summed up.