The Secret Of Arkaim - Alternative View

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The Secret Of Arkaim - Alternative View
The Secret Of Arkaim - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of Arkaim - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of Arkaim - Alternative View
Video: Аркаим. Урал. Россия. Часть 1 / Arkaim. Ural. Russia. Part 1 2024, June

Among the archaeological finds of recent decades, the discovery of Arkaim and the country of the cities of Gardariki can hardly be overestimated. However, today some researchers believe that the place that is shown to tourists is actually not the legendary city that was discovered in the 1990s. Allegedly, the true Arkaim is somewhat aloof, but due to the fact that some unique artifacts were found in it, it is closed for tourists. The famous writer, ethnographer, who took part in the very first excavations of the legendary city, Yuri Glazyrin, agreed to tell our publication what secrets the real Arkaim hides.

Yuri, are the excavations shown to tourists today not real?

- The excavations are real, the question is what is actually shown to visitors. Usually, they demonstrate dwellings that were built by students and archaeologists with their own hands, as well as the utensils of ancient people and primitive tools brought to this place. Real archaeological work is indeed carried out a little to the side, and, of course, tourists are not allowed there. Moreover, even today, not all sites have been explored and excavated. At the same time, the creation of a museum nearby allows attracting tourists, which, of course, financially supports the researchers.

Where did the first real excavations take place?

- I got to Arkaim when the excavations were carried out by a group of students from Chelyabinsk University. The place where the work was then carried out is filled up today, but earlier there was a passage to an underground well, lined with stone, most likely, some kind of ancient storage. This place has been sought for a long time, for many years. And Hitler including - at one time, of course. The Germans knew that in the Urals there must be ancient evidence of the existence of an advanced civilization.

Why is this well filled up today?

- When the place was indeed found, at the level of the Central Committee of the CPSU, it was decided to flood Arkaim: the secrets of the ancient civilization should not have become the property of the entire people. The students were rushed to excavate. And at first they found one well-passage, hastily dug out roughly, seized all the artifacts and buried it again. And they walked along the entire site with a bulldozer to level the mound.

During the first excavations, were there really any unique artifacts?

Promotional video:

- Indeed, stone tablets, manuscripts in a malachite tube, a box with a book were discovered. All the treasures were hastily confiscated and taken out.

What is the date of the found artifacts?

- It took many years before I learned about the true value of these finds. The tablets were 10-15 thousand years old, the manuscripts were 12 thousand years old, and the book (as it was called - "The Book of Life") described the life of the people over the past 58 thousand years. However, as experts who worked with her say, she was badly damaged.

Did you decipher the tablets?

- Partially. As I found out later, they contained extremely unusual information. I will try to give a small excerpt in my own retelling.

From the beginning of the ages, when the Earth was lit up by the rays of death and darkness fell, glaciers and cold came to the Raynians, our ancestors who knew the essence of the universe. And they had to create their settlements along the emerald ridge of power (today's Ural Mountains). And they built places of power to preserve the spirit of Ra and their kind. The city under the current name of Arkaim became the capital. Our ancestors built the settlement along strictly calculated trajectories, in harmony with the universe, stars and constellations. Most people lived in their ancestral settlements. The clan stood out and was considered to have reached maturity when there were five people in it - a father, a mother, a daughter and two sons. On average, each such genus had ten thousand square meters of area. Sometimes one son, the most capable, went to the city of power, where he learned the common knowledge of the Vedas.

What was this city of power?

- Arkaim. It contains many documents that speak of the birth and life of our ancestors. About the first city of Rheine, about the wonderful vegetation in these lands and about animals living in harmony with man. There were no predators at that time. The Vedas lived in harmony, giving all living things a purpose. The Rainians lived in these mountains for two hundred years. Later, many Vedas went to other lands. In 3848 BC, the Vedas were already building cities in India, Egypt, Iran, giving birth to new civilizations there. Then the Mediterranean was for many centuries the keeper of the Rynian culture. Cities were built strictly according to the laws of the universe.

Have you tried later on your own to conduct searches in the place that you tried to wipe off the face of the earth?

- These places are still under special supervision, apparently, not all artifacts have yet been found. By the way, there is some kind of instruction for finding this place. The buildings of the city are strictly oriented to the cardinal points with an accuracy of the minute; signs are set in arcs on the horizon, marking the latitudinal (west - east) and meridian (north - south) lines passing strictly through the geometric centers of the structure. Following the direction indicated at night with the help of the stars, which line up in a certain way during the spring equinox, knowing the structure of all the buildings of Arkaim and several dozen navigational marks, one can determine a bottleneck in space through which one can come to the well where valuable manuscripts are kept. But it is necessary to calculate with an accuracy of several meters,otherwise, it will be almost as impossible to find an ancient vault among the destroyed buildings and hills, as a needle in a haystack the size of the Earth.

What, in your opinion, was Arkaim really, what function did he perform in the Country of Cities?

- Arkaim was the center of all knowledge and powers. The first wall was the protection and the wall of the dwelling of those involved in crafts. The second wall protected those who kept and developed Vedic knowledge. Arkaim was an astronomical observatory and library, a place of knowledge, learning and gathering of all kinds for solving current problems.

The cities of that civilization were built according to single projects, although later some were rebuilt several times. In the center of any of them there was always a square. Two streets were circular: two rows of walls, two circles of power. All dwellings and industrial premises were spacious, perfect and comfortable in everyday life. There they weaved, sewed clothes, molded from clay, developed carpentry, there were foundry workers, blacksmiths, and bronzers. Around there lived many clans who were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding. They sowed, planted gardens, raised animals.

These cities were the spiritual centers of our ancestors. The main secret of Arkaim is in its design and proportions, they are in harmony with the entire universe. The diameter of the outer circle-wall was 150 meters, the inner one - 85 meters, three to four meters thick and seven to eight meters high. Around the two rings of the city there was a moat two and a half meters wide. The walls of the city were made of logs filled with lime-mixed soil. Outside, they were faced with mud blocks five to six meters high. The rings of dwellings were divided into sectors, and from a bird's eye view such a city looked like a wheel with spokes. The whole structure was very rigid and harmoniously planned. This layout resembled a mandala; this principle of construction is mentioned in many ancient manuscripts.

What do you think, is it reasonable for the management of the archaeological site to divert people's attention from the true location of Arkaim?

- The management of the complex perfectly understands what is interesting to tourists, what will attract public attention, and what is better to keep away from human eyes and hands. From a security point of view, everything is correct and correct. Serious excavations are underway, and onlookers, of course, should not interfere with this.

Interviewed by Dmitry Sokolov

The country of cities has borders: in the north - along the Uyu River, in the west - along the Ural River, in the south - on the border of the Chelyabinsk and Orenburg regions, in the east - along the Ural ridge at 400 km and to the east of the Ural River at 300 km.