Armenian Highlands - The Origins Of Civilization - Alternative View

Armenian Highlands - The Origins Of Civilization - Alternative View
Armenian Highlands - The Origins Of Civilization - Alternative View

Video: Armenian Highlands - The Origins Of Civilization - Alternative View

Video: Armenian Highlands - The Origins Of Civilization - Alternative View
Video: URARTU. The mystery of the supreme god Haldi 2024, July

Armenia … A small state that connects Europe with Asia. Two millennia ago, it was considered the most powerful in the Middle East, commensurate with the Roman Empire and the Parthian kingdom. Scientific research, archaeological excavations, manuscripts, ancient maps and even the Bible are all evidence that Armenia was the cradle of civilization.

In ancient times, the Sumerians with the Egyptians believed that science and wisdom came to them from the Armenian Highlands.

The riddles faced by historians conducting their research on the territory of Armenia sometimes turn out to be insoluble even for the most modern technologies. So, back in the seventies of the last century, archaeologists discovered a figurine of a bird on the territory of Eastern Armenia, made from material hitherto unknown to scientists. She is over three thousand years old. This material is not taken by any modern instrument.

But how could our distant ancestors create and process such amazing materials? The entire course of history shows that the development of technology takes a certain time. How far back in time are the origins of these amazing achievements?

The bird figurine is now in the National Museum in the capital of Armenia - Yerevan. On closer examination, scientists have determined: the composition of the material does not exist on Earth in any compound, moreover, it is not a meteorite. Another thing is surprising. Together with the bird, iron bits for a horse of the same era were also found. However, there is no patina on them, moreover, for more than three millennia they have not rusted at all. The paradox is that the bits were created a thousand years before the Iron Age.

These artifacts are not on display, they are kept in storage. The reason is more than trivial: there is no room. The museum displays a huge number of ancient finds, from weapons to colored glass vases. The museum also houses the only footwear in the world that is almost six thousand years old. However, while scientists do not know very much, they can only describe objects found in ancient burials.

Back in the twentieth century, many scientists started talking about the fact that the so-called "historical period" was actually much longer than previously thought. On the basis of astronomical, mythological and other circumstantial evidence, the assumption arose that the first civilizations arose in the era of glaciation. However, the official science was in no hurry to agree with these arguments, but at the beginning of the twenty-first century the situation changed.

It turned out that archaeologists really made a sensational discovery: the first civilization arose not in the Nile Valley, but in the Armenian Highlands twelve thousand years ago. It was here that agriculture, animal husbandry, and textile production were born. And from there gradually descended into the lowlands and the art of metal processing, and construction with architecture. New centers of civilization arose, including the Sumerians and Egyptians.

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The term “Armenian Highlands” as a definition of the place where Eastern and Western Armenia is located was first introduced by the German scientist Otto Hermann von Abich, but today historians often avoid ethnic names out of political correctness.

Many amazing discoveries were also made on the territory of Western Armenia - today's Turkey, where the population of this part of Armenia lived before the genocide of 1915. The famous Mount Portasar, which means "umbilical cord mountain", is located here. And this sounds very symbolic. Archaeological excavations around this mountain have revolutionized our understanding of the ancient Neolithic, not only of the Middle East, but of all of Eurasia in general. Excavations have been going on here for over twenty years, led by the German archaeologist Klaus Schmidt.

It was here that civilization was born, which became the basis for the stratification of the subsequent society. Schmidt discovered a whole temple complex at Portasar, assembled from ancient processed megaliths and dating back to the period when, in our opinion, man was primitive and was engaged only in hunting. But, as it turned out, here, in the Armenian Highlands, twelve thousand years ago, temples were built from processed stone, which is twice as old as the Egyptian pyramids.

Agriculture, a sedentary lifestyle and civilization, according to scientists, originated in this place, in the center of which is Mount Portasar or Gebekli Tepe, as the Turks call it.

Today, the temples of Portasar are the oldest religious buildings in the world, the construction of which, which began in the Mesolithic era, continued for several millennia. In the earliest layer dating back to the eleventh millennium BC. found monolithic stones up to three meters in height, collected from raw stone in a rounded building. The treated limestone floors are lined with low benches along the walls.

The people who lived near Portazar at that time were not just good hunters. They also had a good organization of social life. There had to be a hierarchy, since there was already a division of labor, and there were some specialists, for example, stone cutters and builders.

Gebekli Tepe in the Armenian Highlands is the most sensational find of the last centuries, more significant than the excavations of Troy or the discovery of Stonehenge.

Today, only four religious buildings with a diameter of up to fifty meters have been uncovered here. According to geophysicists, there are sixteen more similar structures in the depths of Portasar.

Today, it is already safe to say that later crops from Gebekli Tepe were used in Mesopotamia, along the Tigris and Euphrates, as well as in a large area including Syria, Turkey and northern Iraq.

Two hundred kilometers from the capital of Armenia, at an altitude of over one thousand seven hundred meters, there is an ancient monument - hundreds of vertically standing stones with through holes on the upper parts. Karavunj is in many ways similar to Stonehenge, but it is much older than its British counterpart.

Scientists have found that the outlines of Karavunj exactly resemble the constellation Griffin. In ancient Sumer, as in Armenia, this was the name of the constellation Cygnus. But where did people in antiquity get such astronomical knowledge?

It is not the first year that lectures on lengthening the history of mankind have been given in European and American universities. In the textbooks of Cambridge and Oxford, diagrams and maps show how civilization moves from the Armenian Highlands to the Middle East and Egypt.

But what made our civilization move from its habitual place? The researchers believe that this was caused by global climate change, which caused prolonged droughts.

Representatives of the Gebekli Tepe culture in the tenth millennium BC covered all their buildings with earth and went south in search of glacier-free lands in order to be able to survive, develop their agriculture and their culture. And they reached Sinai, to the Red Sea, to the eastern shores of the Persian Gulf, where they completed their journey.

Surprising as it may seem, this is how the famous American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce described and dated the events of distant antiquity. Back in the thirties of the last century, long before the discovery of Gebekli Tepe, Casey argued that civilization originated in the eleventh millennium before our chronology.

It must be said that the settlement from the Armenian Highlands was not at all limited to the Middle East. Anglo-Saxon chronicles, compiled in the ninth century and kept in the British History Museum, say that the first inhabitants of the island of Britain were the Britons who came from Armenia.

The culture that came from the Armenian Highlands lived on a vast territory, the final boundaries of which are not yet known today. Every year new monuments and facts are discovered, territories are expanding, and ideas are enriched.

We got a lot of riddles from the past. Neither Armenian nor many foreign researchers have managed to unravel the mystery of the material from which the found artifact is made - a figurine of a bird. Today a large group of Japanese scientists are studying it. Who knows, maybe they can find the answer. But then new questions will inevitably appear about how this metal or alloy could be obtained in ancient times.

Well, such is it - the process of cognition, endless, like history itself.