Stones Scattered By God - Alternative View

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Stones Scattered By God - Alternative View
Stones Scattered By God - Alternative View

That was a long time ago. The two warriors met in a duel and began to throw stones at each other. But in the thick of the forest, the heroes found them with great difficulty, because the battle more and more resembled a geological expedition than a fight. And then one warrior exclaimed: "Oh, if there were many stones here, we would become stronger and glorify our Gods!" The Creator heard these words and created the stones. He collected them in the palm of his hand and poured them out in a convenient place. So a mountain appeared on earth, which was named Pidan, which in translation from the language of the first inhabitants of Primorye, Jurchen, means “stones poured by God”.


Once upon a time, the entrance to Mount Pidan was prohibited on pain of death: only priests and initiates could climb its top, the approaches to which were guarded by stone giants - Maori. But today everything has changed. Of the 27 guards, only one, five meters in height, has survived to this day, and he is silent, calmly watching as tourists and pilgrims storm Livadia Mountain. This is precisely its official name. But people prefer to call it a magical, mysterious, mystical, mysterious mountain. And for this they have every reason.

Pidan is covered with many legends. The most popular of them tells about a flying creature with bat wings and a human face. By the tone of the high-pitched screams heard at night, numerous witnesses concluded that it was a woman. Local seaside legend claims to be the spirit of the mountain. And he does not shout just like that, but on business - when Pidan is in danger, and thereby saves the mountain.

By the way, representatives of the American film company "Paramount Pictures" specially came to Primorsky Krai in 1994 to shoot a documentary about Mount Pidan. They were lucky to photograph a mysterious flying man. All 17 seconds of the flight entered the tape, which was then shown on the US national television channels.


Promotional video:

But still, most of Pidan's puzzles remained behind the scenes. And it’s good: there’s no overcrowding on the mountain - there are too many people willing to touch its secrets. People can be understood: by the number of mysteries and legends per square meter, Pidan can beat other wonders of the world. There are also mysterious stone labyrinths that run deep in the bowels of the mountain, and hidden in the same place, in the depths, the tomb of an ancient god. In addition, they say that

inside Pidan there is a lake with life-giving water, which in the past was used to treat any skin diseases and sprinkle dwellings during epidemics. However, the path to the lake has not yet been found, and the caves, of which there seem to be several, have not been fully explored. According to legends, the treasures of the Bohai kingdom - the first state of the Tungus-Manchus, located on the territory of Manchuria and the Primorsky Territory - should be hidden in them. The most coveted treasure is the “golden woman” - a full-length figure of a woman, cast from pure gold and adorned with precious stones. They have been looking for her somewhere in the bowels of Pidan for hundreds of years, but so far to no avail.

There are many megalithic stone structures and dolmens scattered throughout the mountain, and their very shape, location and size suggest that nature clearly could not have created this. Take, for example, stone slabs stacked in rows one on top of the other. When looking at them, one gets the impression that they were once part of protective walls or some kind of religious buildings. But who needed them at an altitude of 1333 meters? And how was it technically possible to carry out such a large-scale and laborious construction?

As you can imagine, these questions are rhetorical. Therefore, let's move on to the facts. Huge boulders and small stones are scattered on Pidan Mountain in many and great variety. Individual blocks even got their names for bizarre and unusual shapes: for example, the Frog-Stone or the Devil's Finger … Scientists still cannot unambiguously explain the accumulation of so many stones in one place. Fortunately, legends help out.

A thousand years ago, in the era of the Bohai Kingdom, there was a pagan sanctuary on the top of Pidan. In the center of the stone temple there was a huge, almost 10-meter high, crystal changing color from milky white to crimson. He fulfilled the wishes of the people who came to him, but it was possible to turn to the magic stone only with good intentions and wishes. And when someone, violating the ban, thought bad, the crystal exploded and crushed the temple. Its fragments scattered on the mountain slopes, forming bizarre accumulations of stones …


It is clear why Pidan Mountain is the most visited in Primorye. And this despite the fact that it is not at all easy to climb up to a height of 1333 meters, and this pleasure cannot be called cheap. First, you will have to splurge on the road to Vladivostok - by train or plane. Then pay for the train, which in 2.5 hours will bring you to the village of Lukyanovka. In this village, you can easily find an off-road truck that, for a reasonable fee, will take suffering travelers to the foot of the mountain. And there you will have to fork out for a guide: without him there is nothing to go up the mountain. For the first time, anyway.

Be prepared that on the way to the top you will lose seven sweats, you will curse everything in the world, fall into fellow travelers who will surely become terribly annoying for you, and forever eternal zealous climb a mountain - any - at least once in your life. But all these angry thoughts and bad moods will disappear as soon as you are at the top.

This has been noticed by thousands of tourists who have already climbed Mount Pidan: the ascent to the top is filled with aggression, the descent is filled with peace. And for the sake of this one reboot, it's worth getting there.

But there are other reasons that bring up to 800 people a day to the top every year! Everyone pursues his own goal: someone wants to get rid of the disease, someone gains positive energy, someone climbs to the top of the mountain so that all cherished desires come true. And some even follow the meaning of life, because, according to legend, Mount Pidan points the way to himself.

And all these people are right in their own way. It is not for nothing that experts consider Mount Pidan one of the most powerful energy places on Earth. It is here, in their opinion, that the colossal energies of the Earth and Heaven accumulate.


You can climb Pidan at almost any age. There is even a special, less difficult trail for the elderly and families with small children. It is not a lack of physical fitness that can hinder the ascent. The fact is that Pidan Mountain does not allow everyone. And this is how almost all places of power behave: they always test a person, test him for strength, or even refuse to help at all.

It is impossible to find out in advance whether the mountain will give you a pass to enter or not. But you can always spread straws. Drive away bad thoughts and moods, envy, anger, forgive the offenders. In this case, your chances that the magic mountain will fall in love with you at first sight will increase a hundredfold.

Be careful when you are admitted to the holy of holies. The fact is that there are a lot of ritual places and objects on the mountain - painted stones, special trees, dolmens. They need to be handled very carefully. You should not touch them unnecessarily, and even more so to arrange halts nearby. Also remember: on Pidan Mountain you cannot take anything - not a stone, not a twig - without making a sacrifice. Therefore, fill your pockets with trifles in advance - there will be something to pay off with the gods. And look around. Firstly, both Livadia Mountain and the views that open from it are incredibly beautiful. And secondly, only mindfulness can help you discover the Fohai Stone of Happiness. You will easily recognize him: outwardly he resembles a human eye - with a pupil and an iris. And if you are lucky enough to find him, know that from now and forever the gods will be on your side.

Faith Hope