Giordano Bruno And The Main Secret Of The Church - Alternative View

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Giordano Bruno And The Main Secret Of The Church - Alternative View
Giordano Bruno And The Main Secret Of The Church - Alternative View

Video: Giordano Bruno And The Main Secret Of The Church - Alternative View

Video: Giordano Bruno And The Main Secret Of The Church - Alternative View
Video: Giordano Bruno and the Main Mystery of the Church 2024, July

Old archives store many interesting records and miracles that mankind does not open for only one reason - too lazy to delve into piles of papers. So, recently excerpts from the book of W. Churchill were discovered, where he reasonably and with full responsibility discusses extraterrestrial life, exoplanets and other miracles. In his writings, the politician relied on the "Copernican principle". This is a very common theory that humans are far from the only intelligent beings in the universe.

Interesting studies of politics, or what W. Churchill wrote

Like all scientists, the politician believed that the main condition for the emergence (origin) of life on the planet is the presence of water. But if only 80 years ago his opinion was quite reasonable, although it was not welcomed by the academic community, then it is difficult to even imagine what kind of resonance the judgment would have caused in the distant Middle Ages, or even earlier.

Paying tribute to the reason and clarity of W. Churchill, today few people doubt the existence of other life in the Universe. Numerous UFOs, unidentified objects on the Moon, new discoveries in Antarctica - all phenomena force even ossified materialists to change their point of view.

Reasonable guess led to the stake

Just some 400 years ago, in 1600 in February, Giordano Bruno was executed. He may be considered a magician or a martyr, but still it is impossible to deny the reasonableness of the assumption of "Copernicus theory." Another thing is that society was completely unprepared for such news and simply did not want to hear them.

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How the mysteries of the Catholic Church came true

In 1925, it became known that a little over 30 years ago, the secret file of G. Bruno was found in the secret archive of the Vatican. But Pope Leo XIII forbade the data to be made public and took the case for himself.


The documents were hidden, and it took another fifteen years to find them. And only in the dashing years of World War II the case was published. Scientists learned that “the greatest heresy of J. Bruno” was not that “the earth revolves around the Sun”, they knew this even without him, but in his idea of the numerous inhabited worlds of the Universe. The Church definitely could not tolerate this and sent the scientist to the stake.

Why the Catholic Church was hostile to the idea of intelligent life in the universe

The best minds of mankind believed in the existence of many worlds: Democritus, Epicurus. In Plutarch's works, the heroes argue about whether there is life on the visible side of the Moon, or whether it is a “kingdom beyond the grave” for the souls of people who have died on Earth - quite “seditious” arguments, but Plutarch was not burnt.

Cicero and Pliny were not sent to death - these geniuses considered any reasoning about the "lunar kingdom of the dead" nonsense. It is to these denials that the heads of the Catholic Church have joined. For the latter, reasoning on the topic of many worlds remained a sign of paganism. In addition, then the doctrine of the "Pythagoreans" was spread, which said: the souls of people come from the Milky Way, they can migrate.

Athanasius of Alexandria did not accept any refutation of his theory "The world is one because God is one." Other considerations were attributed to the wicked, but were not yet considered heretical.

The trouble came from the theologian Origen, who voiced thoughts about the transmigration of souls. After such a "failure" of the church, scientists of that time could no longer turn a blind eye to possible discoveries. Isidore of Seville tried to limit the scope of reason to his own list of heresies.

Thanks to this authoritative conclusion, all other interpretations, including scientific ones, fell under the heading "heresy" and were considered punishable. A certain Rupert of Deutz shows an excellent example of the behavior of the ministers of the church of that time. Praising God, Rupert of Deutz curses in his words the "epicurean heretics who talk about many worlds."


These ideas of condemnation were accepted by all Catholic priests, Giordano Bruno, who held a practical view, had no chance of survival.

Giordano Bruno's occult system about the plurality of worlds

Inspired by the works of Copernicus, J. Bruno discusses the plurality of intelligent creatures. The scientist builds his statements on the teachings of the "Pythagoreans".

The same book for which the Catholic Church sent J. Bruno to the stake
The same book for which the Catholic Church sent J. Bruno to the stake

The same book for which the Catholic Church sent J. Bruno to the stake.

In his theories, the scientist spoke about the omnipotence of God, about his possibility of creating not one, but many worlds. Quotations of Epicurus, Lucretius and other contemporaries and founders of the theory convinced the minds of young youths, seditious thoughts developed in them. The church simply could not allow such a heresy, and the fate of the scientist was a foregone conclusion.

The denouement came after the young companions began to preach seditious thoughts among the masses. However, the proceedings in the Inquisition dragged on, no one wanted to destroy the Dominican priest, who was J. Bruno. The philosopher defended himself, stubbornly denying all accusations. He brilliantly proved that he did not give up faith in the miracles of the Lord, in his omnipotence, but immediately defended his theory of the plurality of worlds with fervor.

After studying the works of Bruno, representatives of the Inquisition presented the court with 8 heretical statements demanding a renunciation of what was said. The scientist did not make a deal with reason and conscience. After three times attempts to reason with the scientist, on January 20, 1600, Giordano Bruno was sent to the stake.


Only heretics were burned alive, as Giordano Bruno was recognized. He died as a martyr, not as an adherent of the occult.

Author: Amina S.
