Aliens Are The Saviors Of Humanity - Alternative View

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Aliens Are The Saviors Of Humanity - Alternative View
Aliens Are The Saviors Of Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Are The Saviors Of Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Aliens Are The Saviors Of Humanity - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, June

The aliens clearly do not like nuclear weapons. They not only warn people about its danger at the first opportunity, but they themselves make efforts to contain the nuclear threat.

Vietnamese "Hiroshima" failed

In 2010, the United States hosted a press conference for six retired Air Force officers who served at missile bases. One of them, Captain Robert Salas, said that he and many other military personnel repeatedly observed unknown flying objects over the bases. In particular, Salas spoke about the appearance of such an object on March 16, 1967 over the Malmstrom base in Montana.

“It was the day I was on duty,” he says. “A large cigar-shaped UFO, emitting a bright red light, appeared over the base at four in the morning and hung over the minuteman nuclear missile silos for nearly 30 minutes. And 15 minutes after his disappearance, it was discovered that the launchers of all 10 missiles were out of order. Later, experts from the Pentagon were unable to determine the cause of the malfunctions. The same object appeared over the base a week later, which also led to a malfunction in the missile mechanism.

Salas' message aroused particular interest among ufologists. In 1967, it became finally clear that the United States was losing the Vietnam War. Their troops were rolling back south, suffering huge losses in manpower. To change the situation, the Americans needed the explosion in Vietnam of one or more atomic bombs. Secret consultations were held in the government and the Senate on this issue. There is information that these consultations were reported to the Kremlin by the residents of the Soviet intelligence service.

At the same time, as expected, the next meeting of representatives of the American special services with aliens took place. According to many researchers, such contacts have been taking place regularly since the mid-1950s, when the government of President Eisenhower concluded an agreement with representatives of one of the space races. At the 1967 meeting, the possibility of using an atomic bomb in Vietnam was discussed. The aliens were totally against it. But the American government hesitated - the army suffered colossal losses, the morale of the troops was almost zero, and soon there would simply be no one to attack.

Seeing that the persuasion did not work, the aliens threatened to paralyze all US nuclear weapons. They carried out their threat on March 16, 1967. Minuteman nuclear missiles were disabled not only at the Malmstrom base, but also at other similar facilities. At the said press conference, Robert Salas said that on that day the missile mechanisms at the Oscar Flight and Eco Flight bases adjacent to Malmstrom failed, and UFOs were seen above these bases. American ufologists are convinced that it was this event, and not considerations of humanity, that prompted the US authorities to abandon the nuclear bombing of Vietnam.

Promotional video:

Nuclear bomb - the "headache" of aliens

The very concept of "UFO" came into the everyday life of mankind simultaneously with the onset of the nuclear era. Already in July 1945, in the sky over Alamogordo (New Mexico), during the test of the first atomic device, a flying object was observed, which was then mistaken for a Soviet spy apparatus. From that time to the present day, UFOs have invariably been present at all major nuclear tests and missile launches, regularly appear over bases and missile silos, and accompany nuclear bombers and combat nuclear submarines.

UFOs are not only tracking, but also trying to influence terrestrial nuclear weapons. The above episode of March 16, 1967 is far from the only one. Something similar happened in 1963 at a test site in Texas during an atomic bomb test. A disc-shaped aircraft, which was almost motionless high in the sky, a second after pressing the red button, it rapidly descended to the place of the future explosion, and then took off again and disappeared at great speed. The explosion followed only 3.5 minutes later. The experts could not explain this delay, since both the main and the backup equipment were fully operational.

The case that took place in the 50th division of the Strategic Missile Forces of the USSR in the Carpathian region received great popularity. In October 1983, several UFOs appeared over the location of the division. For almost four hours, appearing and disappearing, they moved at a speed inaccessible to earthly technology.

At one of the moments of their appearance, warning lamps suddenly flashed on the console at the main control point of the division. Immediately, the automatic control system of the entire missile system came into play, and the program for launching nuclear missiles against targets in the United States was inexplicably turned on. But such a launch could take place only upon receipt of a confirmation code from Moscow. There was no code, and the system automatically shut down after a short time.

As it later turned out, at the same time in the United States at one of the missile bases, exactly the same incident occurred. During the appearance of the UFO, it went off by itself, and then the missile launching system was disabled.

It can be assumed that the aliens were testing their equipment, designed specifically to neutralize the combat potential of earthlings.

Day X is approaching

In contact with earthlings, aliens often talk about the danger of nuclear weapons. Communicating with people entering the corridors of power, they can even categorically demand its destruction. On July 18, 1952, at a meeting with the famous nuclear physicist Van Tesel, they ordered him to convey to the President of the United States their order to stop testing the atomic bomb. And exactly one day later, on the night of July 19-20, as if confirming this demand, the UFO conducted their famous raid on Washington.

The aliens insist on the destruction of not only nuclear weapons, but in general everything connected with atomic energy. In 1995, during one of their contacts, they gave earthlings 100 years to fulfill this requirement, otherwise "the entire human community will be destroyed as dangerous for space."

Not limited to conversations with individuals, aliens several times came out with statements on this topic on the radio and television. Their three-minute invasion of television broadcasts in England drew widespread public attention.

On November 27, 1977, in almost half of the United Kingdom, sound and picture suddenly disappeared from televisions. The television studio was working normally at that moment, the air was on the air, but people on their televisions received something completely foreign. Someone in a "mechanical" voice announced that he was addressing the earthlings on behalf of the "galactic leadership of Ashtron." According to him, representatives of another cosmic world have been covertly watching over the earth's civilization for many years. These representatives came to the conclusion that humanity is following a disastrous path. People must immediately destroy nuclear weapons and stop all use of nuclear energy, otherwise they will destroy themselves and poison their planet for tens of thousands of years.

The incident was investigated by police and several scientific commissions, including the BBC commission, but no explanation was given. Such "wedging" into television broadcasting is possible, but technically very difficult to implement. This requires extremely high power transmitters and a system of several hundred impressive antenna sizes, which were simply not available in England at that time.

In recent years, there have been striking cases of alienation of terrestrial nuclear weapons. Here it should be said about the "blue ray", which is capable of turning a nuclear warhead into a harmless "dummy".

The "blue ray" (it can be of different colors, even invisible), the nature of which is unknown, has the same penetrating abilities as X-rays. When sent to a mine with nuclear missiles or an aircraft with nuclear bombs on board, the beam freely passes through all the hulls and skins and gets to the deadly filling - uranium-235. The latter is bombarded with elementary particles, as a result of which the nuclear bomb loses its explosive properties.

According to some reports, the aliens are preparing a massive irradiation of all nuclear objects on Earth. This should happen on some "X-day". Apparently, the action was coordinated with the Americans, who would benefit from the neutralization of their nuclear arsenals. Only conventional weapons will remain on the planet, which means that the United States will receive an overwhelming military advantage over any country in the world.

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №20. Author: Igor Voloznev