The Same Coin (reckoning Over The Kalahari) - Alternative View

The Same Coin (reckoning Over The Kalahari) - Alternative View
The Same Coin (reckoning Over The Kalahari) - Alternative View

Video: The Same Coin (reckoning Over The Kalahari) - Alternative View

Video: The Same Coin (reckoning Over The Kalahari) - Alternative View
Video: Warhammer Online Return of Reckoning new player guide 2021! 2024, September

The term "meanness", as a characteristic of behavior, is not used in international relations, because it is called there simply: "politics". What can we say about the relationship of one world with another! Of course, it would be nice if our relations with fellow men of reason were built on a contractual basis, were honest and friendly.

But, first of all, today they use their tactics of non-contractual relations, and we use ours … As in big politics, on the surface there is a complete absence of the right or the wrong. It is quite likely that both sides, as if by agreement, adopted the same line of behavior, namely, to perceive each other as … a natural disaster. At best (equivalent to friendliness) - as a phenomenon of inanimate nature. Apparently, it's calmer.

Those who believe that humanity is completely powerless before the shamelessness of the newcomers will be wrong. Here is one of the most recent reports from Puerto Rico (ITAR-TASS report).

A 96-year-old Puerto Rican (not named) discovered a UFO hovering over his house. The old man glanced casually at the "plate", grunted and entered the house. Imagine his surprise and indignation when he found in the bedroom several "mysterious men covered with dark shiny skin"! Do you recognize? The same "gray"?..

“Outraged by this impudence, an older gentleman began to beat them with his cane until he kicked them out of the house.” Running away, the "little men" made strange sounds "… When the ufologists from Texas tried to identify the sounds heard by the Puerto Rican, he" recognized "them: in the magnetic recording of the voices of dolphins:" Well, that's it! " - concluded the Puerto Rican.


Enlonauts now know that Earth is a planet of enduring and revered traditions. Especially with regard to the cosmites.

However, it seems that the only case in the foreseeable history of relations between earthlings and aliens when earthlings managed to knock down a "saucer" occurred in South Africa. True, in the United States over the test range back in the 1960s, a UFO was shot down by a rocket.

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While the Russians and the Americans were conspiring and exchanging secret information about the cosmites, the "third" countries in relations with the aliens began to take liberties and do everyone who knows what.

On May 7, 1989, the radar of the frigate "Sa Tafelberg" belonging to the South African Navy, and a number of other radars, detected an unknown object approaching from the south to the African continent at a speed of about 9000 km / h.

From the Valhalla base, two Mirages under the command of Squadron Commander Goozen took off and headed for the UFO. This happened at approximately 13 hours 52 minutes (GMT). A timely message about the approach to the borders of South Africa, an uninvited guest was filed in Cape Town by military sailors. The speed of the object was also determined by sailors: 5746 nautical miles per hour.

The cosmites spotted the planes and abruptly changed the direction of the UFO's movement. Of course, "Mirage" is a good car, but it was unable to repeat such a maneuver. However, the flight commander reported to Valhalla that the object did not leave the visibility zone and was observed both visually and on the onboard radar screens.

Since it was not possible to identify the object, the fighters were ordered to open fire on it from the experimental Tor-2 laser cannons. Direct hits were indicated on the surface of the object with several flashes. The unknown object began to lose altitude at an angle of 25 degrees and fell at high speed into the Kalahari Desert 80 km north of the South African border with Botswana. A group of Air Force officers and specialists arrived at the scene and discovered a silvery disc-shaped object crashing into the ground at an angle and forming a crater 150 m in diameter and 12 m deep.

The diameter of the object was about 18 m. The height was 8.5 m. The weight was about 50 tons. No seams were found on the body of the device; 12 oval-shaped windows were located around the perimeter. The landing gear was extended. It was not possible to determine the composition of the material from which the object was made, the source of thrust for its movement and the place where it came from. Experts have suggested the extraterrestrial origin of the object.

In the unofficial comments of the event (there are still no official reports), from that moment on, there are discrepancies, because journalists are also prone to fiction. Some say that there were two objects (apparently, confusing them with the number of fighters), who believe that one of them was shot down and completely destroyed, while the other was only "wounded". Some believe that the "Mirage" fired once, and who says that there were several shots. And here, too, opinions differ: either one object was shot at, or two. Someone even suggested that the military pilots met with a squadron of flying saucers. However, not aggressive and inactive, but a squadron.

Be that as it may, one object was definitely shot down, no one doubts it. Although there is still no official confirmation.

Object in the sky over the Kalahari

The unofficial government commission consisted of representatives of doctors, technical expertise, and most importantly - the air force intelligence of the Air Force.

The experts first started measuring the characteristics of the funnel, measuring the ship and the like boring technical things. Other members of the commission, not taking measurements, were amazed that the sand and stones around were melted, as if a small nuclear explosion had burst out here. It was not possible to measure other characteristics of the catastrophic deepening in the Kalahari land: the devices were disabled by powerful electromagnetic radiation of a still unknown nature.

True, the mass of the "plate", which was 50 tons, explained a lot about the size of the funnel. Visually, an identification mark was found on board the UFO - a hemisphere with an arrow.

The unexpected sound of an incomprehensible nature made competent researchers shudder. Finally, they realized that the sound was coming from a jammed hatch that began to open, but could not open. I had to use something like a local crowbar to help the door swing open.

From the object … two cosmites appeared! They were humanoid, in tight-fitting gray suits. However, it could be "gray". One of them was very bad, the other was also injured, but less seriously.

When the cosmites were examined in a military hospital, it turned out to be "gray". Skin color - grayish blue. Aliens are between 4 and 4.5 feet tall. It is approximately 130 to 150 cm. Disproportionately large head, large, without the presence of any pupils, eyes. Their arms are long, they almost reach their knees, their fingers are like claws.

During examination, the aliens first showed actions similar to aggression: one of them scratched the doctor's chest and face. According to reports, UFO pilots were imprisoned in some kind of underground hangar, and all research was carried out there. True, it is reported that later both the spacecraft and the saucer were transported to the United States, where they are still at the military base in Wright-Paterson. One of the aliens nevertheless died.

The first information about this incident was received by the English ufological organization YUFOS from Dr. Azadehdel, who arrived from South Africa. At the same time, the doctor allegedly named the names of officials and scientists of South Africa and the United States associated with the event, and said that he was ready to undergo a lie detector test.

After a while a certain James Van Groynen approached YUFOS. He presented documents to the South African intelligence officer and said that he had additional information about the UFO crash in the Kalahari, because he was allegedly investigating this incident with American representatives. Van Groynen sent YUFOS a copy of a South African Air Force top secret letterhead document detailing the incident, codenamed “Silver diamond”.

The first information about this incident appeared soon in the English ufological journal "Quest International", published by YUFOS, and in October, YUFOS member Anthony Dodd, who served 25 years in the police, made a report on it at the international conference on UFOs in Frankfurt am Main.

Soviet readers learned about this event from S. Bulantsev's article “Shot Down Over the Kalahari” in Komsomolskaya Pravda on March 22, 1990. The article was immediately reprinted by many local publications. And in the fourth issue of the magazine "Quest International" for 1990, the secret document of the South African Air Force was published in full.

YUFOS, having obtained classified information, decided to check its reliability. As reported by UFO Brigantia magazine, YUFOS representatives contacted another South African intelligence officer who confirmed the authenticity of the incident, adding that he himself had seen an 8-by-10-inch photograph of a shot down object and a telex from Wright AFB -Patterson, which made recommendations for the investigation and opening of the object. It was also reported that YUFOS representatives contacted squadron commander Goozen by phone and allegedly received confirmation that the pilot had indeed fired at the UFO.

The North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) allegedly confirmed that an unknown object was being tracked in the area, and phone calls with inquiries about this allegedly caused panic among US and South African specialists associated with the mysterious incident.

Meanwhile, sensational descriptions of the incident went for a walk around the world. Details were presented on the pages of newspapers, radio and television. At the same time, more and more doubts crept in among British UFO researchers about the reliability of the document transmitted by Van Groynen. The British ufological organization IUN declared that this document of the South African Air Force was fake, and the whole story was made up. In support of this, she cited the following arguments of her correspondent in South Africa:

1) the document has a large number of grammatical errors, and it mixes the metric systems of measures and weights with those adopted in England; 2) there are still no fighters in the world with laser cannons capable of shooting down even airplanes, let alone UFOs; 3) all frigates of the South African Navy were decommissioned two or three years ago and are now used as targets for firing from submarines; 4) the term "Squadron Leader" mentioned in the document is not used in the South African Air Force, where the ranks of the British Air Force are used, and there is hardly a Squadron Leader Goozen; 5) the sending of these creatures from South Africa to the United States to the Wright-Patterson base is questionable, firstly, because the United States imposed sanctions against South Africa and cooperation between them in any areas is unlikely, and, secondly, because, according to American ufologists, all studies UFOs at this base have long been discontinued;6) the Kalahari region, where the UFO crashed, is not a sandy open desert, but the so-called tornweld, in which farms are scattered. Why has no one seen such a significant operation to extract and transport this object? Why is the government of Botswana silent about this, on whose territory an object shot down by the South African Air Force, with which Botswana is far from friendly, fell; 7) it remains unclear how such a heavy object was removed from the territory of Botswana. Since the planes cannot land there, it must have been transported by ground. But why then there were no traces of transportation, which in the desert can persist for up to 30 years; 8) how to combine,that the object and the aliens remained unharmed after the strongest impact on the ground and at the same time could not evade the laser cannon beam; 9) if the secret services of the United States and South Africa were interested in keeping this incident in deep secrecy, why did they allow information about it to spread freely around the world?

Of all these reasons, the existence of a laser cannon on a South African fighter capable of shooting down a UFO raises serious doubts. So far, only the existence of an experimental laser installation weighing several tons is known, which can hardly fit on board an American transport aircraft.

The absence of the names of eyewitnesses (except Goosen) both in the document itself and in the articles of the magazines "Quest International" and "UFO Brigantia" also does not contribute to confidence that this incident really took place. Although in the "Blue Book" published in the USA and in Stringfield's book "UFO Crash Syndrome" the names of eyewitnesses are also carefully removed. Unfortunately, the document, allegedly drawn up by the South African Air Force, does not indicate either the position or the names of its executors, and therefore, of course, it is less credible than, for example, the document on Operation Majestic-12, drawn up by General Hillenkotter, an annex to which was personally signed by President Truman.

Quest International magazine, issue 4, 1990, indicated that after careful examination of this document, YUFOS concluded that Van Groynen was a cunning liar who had collected the fragmentary information he heard in various places, falsified it and used all this to generate large incomes during his trips to different countries. Ultimately, Van Groynen returned to South Africa, and soon YUFOS received an anonymous report that he was allegedly executed by the military authorities of this country on February 27, 1990 for divulging top secret information, and his wife confirmed this.

However, when trying to verify this fact, it turned out that South Africa does not provide for the death penalty for military personnel, in connection with which there was a suspicion that there was no execution, and Van Groynen deliberately spread this fabrication in order to get rid of the compromised name of Van Groynen and continue to live under another surname. Although it is well known that the special services, when they need it, remove people who could not keep their mouths shut without any lawsuits.

YUFOS says it received official confirmation from the South African military authorities via telex that they have Colonel Goozen serving as squadron commander. Interested in the report on the downing of a UFO over South Africa, reporters from a number of newspapers asked the South African Ministry of Defense for clarification. The answer of the head of the public relations department, Colonel Rolt, was as follows: “I have no desire to comment on these 'flying ducks' that regularly appear in the press” (Sovetskaya Rossiya, 1989, October 17). However, the denial of this fact by the official authorities cannot be taken on faith, because it is obvious that even with the absolute reliability of such an event, the answer for the public would be the same, since it is the detection and investigation of crashed or shot down UFOs that is the most closely guarded secret.

British ufologists stated that they would continue to investigate this case through various channels and would definitely send their informants to the area of the alleged fall of the object in order to obtain additional evidence and ultimately achieve complete clarity.

This is our attitude towards them, the attitude of earthlings. True, as the reader sees himself, we were the first to start: the incident in Kharovsk dates back a month after the events over the Kalahari.

It is also true that a UFO with an identification mark - a hemisphere with a small arrow inside - was recorded back in 1964 by one honest and executive American policeman …

And do you know whose identification mark it is? Zeta Reticuli!

CHAPTER 32. People or animals?

In the twentieth century, Darwin's teachings were dealt a serious blow. Now, among scientists, there are several opinions about the development of species through evolution: they assume that the gradual development of a species is excluded, and the animal could change over several decades, or even several years! As a result of natural disasters, a sharp change in the habitat, diet, etc. the population was almost completely extinct, and only the strongest, and perhaps more flexible in terms of adaptation, mutated sharply and, as a result of this mutation, continued to live on and reproduce until the next extreme situation (on a geoplanetary scale, of course). With this theory, the supporters of abrupt development - not evolutionary, but revolutionary - explain to us why now there are no changes among populations, at least since then,how “reasonable man” began to monitor his environment and record at least some slight changes in it.

If we adhere to this theory, then the person himself could well develop in leaps and bounds. Some American paleontologists even express the idea that we did not descend from apes, but that the great apes themselves are nothing more than a dead-end branch of the development of Mankind!, where it was completely exterminated, not counting a few hundred "lucky ones", it is quite possible that, fighting for their existence, left to the mercy of fate and wild unbridled nature, some groups of people began to adapt to the environment in a more primitive way than theirs broad-browed neighbors.

Apparently, nature, sensing certain tendencies already developed in the way of previous existence, allows them to get out through an extreme situation, and we can observe something similar with the psyche of a normal person. In the experience of modern psychological testing, there are techniques that, by creating an inadequate situation, bring the patient out of a stable state, preventing him from finding a way out in a critical situation through conscious logical operations. A person finds himself on the verge of an unconscious choice, and then all his personal and genetic experience makes itself felt, that is, in the process of life in a person, including his ancestors, a certain stable tendency is created that realizes itself. It seems to accumulate in consciousness, and suddenly there is a "flash". No wonder the famous psychologist Jung said thatthat a person is best judged by reservations.

One can argue a lot about the correctness of this technique, but it cannot be denied that it is still not clear why some animals have developed a trunk for getting food, others have a neck, and still others have tenacious claws. Apparently, the tendencies developed in the process of the existence of their ancestors affected here too. Once upon a time, all terrestrial creatures were nothing more than the simplest single-celled organism, and, probably, these living cells would develop in ideally identical conditions, all creatures would resemble each other, like twins, and Natural Communism was established on Earth, where all are the same and are similar to each other … But just as mathematics cannot consist of only units, as the alphabet is impossible from one letter A, so also nature cannot have an equal sign inside itself.

Based on the foregoing, one can come to the conclusion that Someone or Something is constantly testing Nature itself for elasticity. Not just its development, but, like a meticulous gardener, he checks each of its branches, sawing off a dried one or replanting it to another tree.

Pliny wrote about the existence of animal-like people at the beginning of our era: "On the island of Taproban (the so-called then the island of Ceylon) there are Indians who cohabit with wild animals, and as a result, wild creatures are obtained - half-beasts, half-people, covered with wool, like the first." On the banks of the Ganges River in India, Pliny places some "kalinga", mysterious creatures who were born, according to him, with a tail. Although many historians of science do not particularly trust Pliny, but here we can see a transparent hint, even with a mythical shade, on the consequences of human assimilation with animals. This assimilation could also occur not in such a pronounced form as bestiality, but it also occurred at the mental, energetic level, as evidenced by the spread of totemism among the aborigines. The generic animal bore the imprints of this assimilation,as an adaptation to the environment and at the same time an obvious degradation of this human branch. Perhaps the example will not be very successful, but it cannot be ignored. In addition to scientists, the famous James Headley Chase also wondered about the kinship of man and animal, however, only on behalf of the hero invented by him. But the current writer Timur Pulatov in the novel "Turtle Tarazi", which reflected, and very successfully, the stage of transformation of a person into a turtle (eastern parable), directly speaks about the concept of a genus: in one person an animal feels a brother, in another it does not, because that person - a representative of a different tribe, a different totem …the famous James Headley Chase also wondered about the kinship of man and animal, albeit only on behalf of the hero invented by him. But the current writer Timur Pulatov in the novel "Turtle Tarazi", which reflected, and very successfully, the stage of transformation of a person into a turtle (eastern parable), directly speaks about the concept of a genus: in one person an animal feels a brother, in another it does not, because that person - a representative of a different tribe, a different totem …the famous James Headley Chase also wondered about the kinship of man and animal, albeit only on behalf of the hero invented by him. But the current writer Timur Pulatov in the novel "Turtle Tarazi", which reflected, and very successfully, the stage of transformation of a person into a turtle (eastern parable), directly speaks about the concept of a genus: in one person an animal feels a brother, in another it does not, because that person - a representative of a different tribe, a different totem …

Is there a connection between the human and the humanoid-cosmit? Aren't there hundreds, thousands, tens, and perhaps hundreds of thousands of hybrids among us? And not hybrids at all, but real brothers, for, if you remember about one single living cell that gave rise to everything …

However, this is just a pseudo-scientific look, and not a look at all, but a hypothesis. However, you must agree, impressive!..

Stanislav Lem, a great master of asking questions (by the way, like all philosophers), without particularly working on the invention of spaceships, posed, it seems, the most important question: what is it for us, deep space? Or are we bored on planet Earth? Is there a vital shortage of any metal, oil, gas and the like? Why do we strive there, into the black horror of universal infinities?

He himself gives the answer, causing a lot of other, no less important questions: we are looking for brothers in mind. Oh sure. A reasonable ocean, not at all similar to a relative, or the "reasonable mold" so popular among the sixties … They, although with difficulty, can still be identified by the "blood" group and recognize the blood closeness of the Ocean and Humanity, but … Oddly enough, questions arise not so much globally-universal (the search for a brother can cover all worlds and spaces), as human: morally - immoral? That is: is it possible? is it necessary? is it good? and - who feels good?..

Well, you know, so on. Ingenious "Solaris". Whom did Chris send in the rocket: his beloved woman Hari (who, by the way, no longer existed in this world) or a monster? It is immoral for him to kill a monster, and for Ocean to mock a man, bringing his deeply hidden nightmares to life?..

Have you noticed: the most distant space returns us to Earth - we think about ours, especially terrestrial. So how: kill a cockroach -or give him freedom to completely occupy your Kyxni!

And an almost certainty arises: The contact to which Man is consciously or latently aspires, will put the world on the brink of a star war. At least in our philosophy (we don't take religion) there is no consoling answer. Either we are theirs, or they are us. Expansion.

So much for your brothers in mind. It is known that the bloodiest battles develop when not just enemies, but enemies-relatives are at war. True, they may unexpectedly bring the desired answer. And if not?..

A. Varkin