Accumulators Of Mental Energy - Alternative View

Accumulators Of Mental Energy - Alternative View
Accumulators Of Mental Energy - Alternative View

Video: Accumulators Of Mental Energy - Alternative View

Video: Accumulators Of Mental Energy - Alternative View
Video: 21 COOL BATTERY LIFE HACKS 2024, July

The first mentions of objects that we would today call mental batteries are found in 12th century manuscripts.

Guillaume of Tire, describing the Templar siege of Ascalon in 1153, wrote: “On the eve of the assault, a seer was brought to the Templar camp. The members of the order asked him if they would be able to capture the city? The seer could not answer them. When the zealous warriors began to threaten, accusing him of a witchcraft, he asked to bring the crucifix kept at his home.

When all his conditions were met, he clutched the crucifix in his hands. His expression changed, it seemed like grace had descended on him. After a while, he asked to repeat the question again, after which he described the fall of a section of the wall and the feat of the master of the order. This is exactly how it happened the next day."

The seer could not get an answer to his question until he picked up an object, in this case, a crucifix. Why was it needed? Perhaps he was afraid that the Templars would accuse him of adherence to devil worship? Most likely no.

References to objects-catalysts (batteries of mental energy) necessary for prophecy, as well as for communication with the cosmic mind, are found in almost all the works of mystics of the 19th century.

The famous French esotericist Papus (aka Gerard An-kos) wrote a lot about this. Empress Elizabeth, who imagined herself to be a great mystic and soothsayer, received from Papus "a piece of Dutch porcelain charged with the energy of heaven."

So Elizabeth called a small vase, stylized as a Greek amphora, which depicted priests calling out to the gods. The empress used the vase in seances.

Professor of psychology at the University of Parapsychology in Chicago, William Horwitz said: “Yes, we allow the existence of such objects. In parapsychology, they are sometimes called catalysts or mental capacitors, that is, objects that collect some kind of mental energy."

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When a psychic possesses such an object, he often uses it to replenish his own energy. Moreover, it is safer than attracting strangers to "feed".

It is interesting that the American researcher mentioned only two levels of appeal to subtle energies - contact with the higher mind and with the spirits of the “lower world”. It seems unsafe the current fashion to keep various ritual objects at home: masks, figurines, fetishes, because if these are "mental batteries", then it is not known at what level they will connect the owner.