Who Is God? - Alternative View

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Who Is God? - Alternative View
Who Is God? - Alternative View

Video: Who Is God? - Alternative View

Video: Who Is God? - Alternative View
Video: Who Is God? (THIS IS SO POWERFUL) 2024, September

The answer to the question: "Who is God" has a transcendental form, because it is incomprehensible and beyond.

Esoteric knowledge asserts that God is a disidentified consciousness: he does not have human traits and is not associated with physical embodiment. Its essence is far from being in appearance, but in the hidden Truth, which is closer to feeling than to any images, ideas and descriptions.

The essence of God

The essence of God is pure white light. The essence of man is a reflective prism. Passing through a person's consciousness, white light breaks up into thousands of colors and shades, forming a person's worldview. The purity and logic of the worldview depend on the purity and quality of the prism of consciousness. Therefore, “know yourself, you will know God”: cleanse your mind from unimportant, “grain from the chaff,” and you will be able to see the truth.

Evidence and Faith

The search for evidence of the existence of God begins with faith in his Divine Principle. This path does not fit into standard logic, and from the outside it seems crazy.

Promotional video:

"Madman" - zero Arkan Tarot depicts a traveler taking a step into the abyss. From the outside it seems dangerous and stupid, but the Madman believes that there is an invisible bridge over the abyss. Faith pushes him to find confirmation, and he follows the striving of the heart. A madman - a blessed fool will pass over the bridge and will not break on the rocks, if his faith remains unshakable and if doubts do not overcome him on the way.

The Madman's faith is not based on logic. For him, the only true proof of the existence of God is the feeling of the divine presence in everything, an intuitive inspiration that pushes him to a bold but dangerous step. Having made this step, he will find confirmation and receive the Knowledge previously hidden from him. With Knowledge, his faith is no longer blind.

The search for evidence of the existence of God is the individual path of the soul: from blind faith to feeling, understanding and awareness of his eternal presence everywhere and in everything.


God the Father

God the Father is an ocean of consciousness, concentrated in one point only. Therefore, it is infinitely small and infinitely large. The consciousness of God is outside time and space. And therefore it is eternal and endless.

The ancient Egyptians identified it with the primordial ocean of chaos, whose name "Nun" is watery. In biblical texts, it corresponds to the Old Testament Hosts or Yahweh. And in the Christian tradition, God the Father is the hypostasis of the Divine Trinity - the cause and source of all that exists.

On the Kabbalistic Tree of Sephiroth, the hypostasis of God the Father corresponds to Sephira "Keter" - the Crown. Its essence is the hidden boundless light from which the entire manifest world comes. Keter is a point within a circle, a center in the infinite space of being. That is why he is this center, everywhere and nowhere. After all, how to find the center of something that has no boundaries?


God the Creator

Who is God if not the creative force of the universe? He is another hypostasis of the Trinity - the Holy Spirit. If God the Father is a pure passive existence, then the manifestation of God the Creator is contained in the creative act of the creation of our world. Everything that moves and lives contains the life-giving strength of the spirit.

God the Creator or the Holy Spirit is a reflection of the sacred principle of action. In ancient Egypt, this hypostasis of the One was personified in the image of the supreme god Ra - the sun god, who gives warmth and light. In the Christian tradition, the holy spirit is depicted as a white dove. And on the Tree of Sephiroth this hypostasis of God corresponds to Sephira Chokmah - the force of the active masculine principle, the fertilizing and all-pervading energy of the creator.

God the Son

God the Son is a divine child, a perfect man who presented his mission to the nations in the guise of Jesus Christ. This hypostasis of the great Trinity is a harmonious meeting of the divine and the material. In the divine child, the subtle and the dense - the spiritual and the bodily - merge into one. God the Son is the result of a creative act of higher forces, the result of the interaction of spirit and body, as a result of which a new individual essence is born - the soul.

On the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, this hypostasis of God corresponds to Sephira Tipheret, which means "Beauty". Tiphareth means inner beauty or spiritual perfection, attainable through the knowledge of unconditional love, acceptance and humility.

Triune essence

Three hypostases of the One God make up a common abstract understanding of the matrix of the universe. For in the image and likeness, he created man and everything in the universe.

Author: Elena Zakharchenko