Mineral Sources Of Russia. The Healing Power Of Waters - Alternative View

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Mineral Sources Of Russia. The Healing Power Of Waters - Alternative View
Mineral Sources Of Russia. The Healing Power Of Waters - Alternative View

Video: Mineral Sources Of Russia. The Healing Power Of Waters - Alternative View

Video: Mineral Sources Of Russia. The Healing Power Of Waters - Alternative View
Video: Scientists May Have Found a Way to Treat All Cancers... By Accident | SciShow News 2024, October

The healing effect of fresh natural mineral water consists in replacing cellular water with a partially destroyed structure with individually structured water, which allows to increase the life time and efficiency of absolutely all human cells, as well as in a beneficial complex effect on the entire body as a whole, which allows the body to extinguish internal foci of pathologies.

The healing properties of mineral water, its chemical essence are determined by 6 main ions: three cations - sodium (Na +), calcium (Ca 2+), magnesium (Mg2 +) and three anions - chlorine (Cl-), sulfate (SO4) and bicarbonate (HCO3)).

Ions in this case are dissolved salts, represented by electrically charged particles.

As you know, ions can carry positive or negative charges, and, depending on this, are called either cations or anions. The whole variety of mineral waters is largely created by the various combinations of this magnificent six!

It can be stated with complete confidence that, in addition to the mentioned basic 6 ions, almost the entire periodic table is present in mineral waters. Those elements that are contained in very small quantities are called microelements and even ultramicroelements. Among them are iron, cobalt, molybdenum, arsenic, fluorine, manganese, copper, iodine, bromine, lithium. Including with a pronounced pharmacological effect - iron, iodine and bromine.

During the day, for example during sweating, our body loses a significant amount of salt. Consumption of fresh water does not compensate for these losses, for this reason, an undesirable depletion of the body in salts may occur.

And scientists have long concluded that the best way to enrich the body with the necessary salts is to use mineral waters saturated with certain salts in a natural way deep in the bowels of the earth. The mineral water contains almost all the necessary salts for the normal functioning of the body. At the same time, mineral water, according to the chief therapist of Moscow Leonid Lazebnik, best of all quenches thirst in hot weather, surpassing in this aspect and kvass, and beer, and other drinks.

Mineral waters are widely used for the treatment of many diseases, especially diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system organs, metabolism, etc. The ecological situation in the country is characterized by pollution of all habitats, which is a serious threat to public health. Toxic substances entering the human body cause complex changes and various diseases in it. Under these conditions, deep waters are actually the only source of quality water and the best way to prevent many diseases.

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You can read more about the healing properties of mineral waters here. And we will conduct a short tour of some mineral springs.

Novotroitsk source

The Novotroitsk spring is one of the few deposits of ecologically clean natural water in the world. The deposit is located in the Dnepropetrovsk region in the village. Novotroitskoe of the Novomoskovsk district in the place of the resort "Salty estuary", this ecologically clean area has long been known for its rare deposit of mineral waters, which has a mineral composition that is ideally balanced for humans and is famous for its healing properties. The healing properties of the Salt Estuary lake have been known since ancient times. The freedom-loving heirs of the Zaporozhye Cossacks lived in this area. One of the glorious Cossack sites was located near the beautiful Samara River. Local peasants used the mud of the lake and underground mineral waters to treat various diseases.


According to the testimony of archival materials, the scientific study of the region began in 1882. Geologists MA Sokolov but VA Domger together paid attention to the medicinal properties of the lake, studying the geology of the bowels between the Donbass and the Black Sea coast.

In 1928 it was decided to establish a treatment center on the shore of the lake. This marked the beginning of the development of the Salt Estuary. Since 1980, Solyony Liman has been a landscape reserve of national importance, in which not only the lake itself with all its organisms are protected, but also coastal ecosystems (as part of the conservation zone of the reserve), with rich archery herbs, which are dominated by groups of eastern fire. Closer to the forest, you can even find the red-headed orchid orchids. The estuary plays an important role in the regulation of the water balance of the Samara Valley.

The Novotroitskoye field is a place where nature itself creates underground mineral waters. Any sources of pollution are absent here and, given the status of the protected area, any work that may entail a change in the ecological situation is prohibited. A wide strip of forests stretches around, which provides the primeval ecological purity of these places.

Caucasian sources

Since ancient times, the healing properties of many springs of the Caucasus have been known, and the beauty of nature, the customs of hospitable residents, wonderful cuisine and, of course, the Black Sea have made this region, as they said before, an all-Union health resort. It is noteworthy that 350 kilometers of the Russian Black Sea coast in the Caucasus are located at the same latitude as the French Riviera and have a similar climate.

Honey waterfalls
Honey waterfalls

Honey waterfalls.

10 km from the city, in a gorge cut by the Alikonovka River in the mountains, there are Honey Waterfalls - one of the favorite recreation places for local residents and tourists. Water falling from a height of 18 m creates a pleasant coolness here on hot days. Trails leading past the waterfalls are laid through the rapids and rocks, and you can walk on them quite safely. According to one of the versions, the name of the waterfalls was due to honey herbs that bloom for an unusually long time in the unique microclimate of this place. According to the other, since ancient times, bees have settled in cracks, crevices, depressions around the waterfall. Heavy rain washed away the honeycomb, and amber streams of honey flowed over the rocks, and the water in the river became sweetish.



On March 7, 1803, Emperor Alexander I ordered to build a fortress at an altitude of about 1000 m, where "sour waters are located near the Caucasus Mountains." This is how the history of the largest Russian balneological resort began. Local beauties were described in their works by A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, L. N. Tolstoy and many other representatives of the Russian cultural elite who came here on vacation. Located in Kislovodsk, "Chaliapin's Dacha" - the house where the great singer lived, and now his museum remains. The building was built in 1904 in the Art Nouveau style, the interiors with paintings by K. Korovin and fireplaces created according to N. Roerich's sketches have been preserved

Other mineral springs



Baikal hot mineral springs - Khakusy
Baikal hot mineral springs - Khakusy

Baikal hot mineral springs - Khakusy.

Tyumen hot mineral spring Gorny Altai
Tyumen hot mineral spring Gorny Altai

Tyumen hot mineral spring Gorny Altai.

Mountain Altai
Mountain Altai

Mountain Altai.

Author: Grandson Veles