The Mysticism Is Terrible: The Clock Foreshadows The Date Of Death - Alternative View

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The Mysticism Is Terrible: The Clock Foreshadows The Date Of Death - Alternative View
The Mysticism Is Terrible: The Clock Foreshadows The Date Of Death - Alternative View

Video: The Mysticism Is Terrible: The Clock Foreshadows The Date Of Death - Alternative View

Video: The Mysticism Is Terrible: The Clock Foreshadows The Date Of Death - Alternative View
Video: Ep. 033 - A 'Heraldless War' and a Man Named Themistocles 2024, July

Strangely enough, and hard to believe, some hours herald the date of death. Maybe the watch from the masters is not just a mechanical device of gears and hands, but something much more?

It would seem that a set of gears and nothing else, nevertheless, the mechanical device hides what is commonly called mysticism - or devilry! And this is what old records in the chronicles of time can tell about it.

One evening in the distant 1887, a resident of Pennsylvania, George Fry saw the hands of a clock frozen at 21.45. Slightly surprised, George decided to set the correct time and was almost at the clock. But as soon as he approached the clock, George froze in amazement - the man was frightened by the incomprehensible bluish glow emanating from the clock dial.

Surprised by the glow, George did not dare to touch the arrows, and put off the riddle until the morning went to bed. The next morning, George was presented with a telegram announcing the death of his brother. It seems to be nothing surprising, but only the grandfather clock belonged to George's deceased brother, and he died exactly at 21 hours 45 minutes! A mystical story, isn't it?

Oksana Balinskaya once told about a similar story. At one time, she was a paramedic for the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. The head of the country, as they say, had a wonderful habit of presenting watches to employees. Here is Oksana, Gaddafi presented a wristwatch.

Upon returning home, Oksana gave the watch to her cousin. After some time, talking on the phone with my sister, I glanced at the watch - their hands froze at around 11 hours 15 minutes.

At first, the annoying misunderstanding did not surprise at all - most likely, the battery in the watch has outlived its life, the sisters thought, especially three years have passed.

The sisters' surprise grew immensely from the news report of the same day - Muammar Gaddafi was killed at 11 hours 15 minutes! Just imagine how amazing the coincidence in time looks - the murder of Gaddafi and the frozen hands on the clock! It's a mystical thing, but the arrows freeze at the time when the life of the people associated with them stops!

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The devilish chronometer of Count Nicolas d'Chatellet - the killer's clock

The hours that will be discussed from the previous stories are strikingly different, they do not freeze at the date of death - they arbitrarily appoint the time of death. The history of these terrible watches bearing the shadow of death can begin with the time when the count's wife ordered their manufacture to a watchmaker-jeweler.

There is no doubt that these watches had a very significant value - the master took rose gold for the chain and case, white gold went to the hands. Rock crystal was used for glass, while diamonds were an adornment of the dial field - where the zodiacal signs served as numbers.

However, despite its beauty, a watch with an unusually precise and silent movement contained something devilish in it. A week before the death of the Countess, the clock suddenly stopped. And again mysticism - but after the funeral, the clock suddenly starts counting down again. No one then could have imagined that the clock fulfills a devilish purpose - they predict / appoint a quick death of a person.

Nevertheless, the count began to notice a strange peculiarity behind the clock, of an extremely bad kind. Once, while it was a hunt, the count's horse unexpectedly carried and threw off the rider. After falling, the count discovered a small scratch on the watch glass.

Observing more closely, the count noticed the unimaginable - cracks and scratches appeared on the clock by themselves. Moreover, each scratch carried a nightmarish nuisance to someone from his entourage.

Further worse: as soon as the hands of the clock stopped, as someone close to the Comte d'Chatelelet would certainly die! The tragedy of the situation caused a severe nervous breakdown in the count, the man's psyche could not withstand the load. As a result, the count, broken by terrible events, sells all his property and goes to the world as a pilgrim (including watches).

The story of the devil's clock of the Comte d'Chatellet continues

A few quiet years pass, and the Marquis de Bras acquires a broken and scratched watch - but still retaining its charm - for a pittance. And already the new owner is observing how the frozen clock hands portend the death of one of the relatives.

The crux of the matter is that the purchaser, while restoring the watch, knew its deadly reputation.

Not much time has passed since the acquisition of the watch, and the Marquis buried his wife and parents. Devilishness, of course, but as soon as the funeral was over, the clock began to count down the time again. This is probably what gave rise to the legend of the clock setting the date of death.

The marquis, distrustful of the "fairy tales", drowned the watch, throwing it into the sea. Surprisingly, it is said that a hundred years later hours from the Mediterranean were caught by a pearl seeker. Allegedly, after "resuscitation" by a specialist, the killer's clock continues to count down its course of time …

By the way, the clock from the Hampton Court Palace is also marked with something “out of this world”. As soon as the owner of the palace dies, the hands of the clock freeze. The abnormal behavior of the clock was first noticed in 1619, at the time of the death of Queen Anne.

ps Things endowed with such mystical "abilities" in our time are called - jeans. How to explain the behavior of the clockwork is unknown. Perhaps these are only legends, extraordinary coincidences, fictions at last, but it is possible that there is more in the world than we are ready to understand today.