Tsar Matiya Is Our Homeland. We Are The Tsar Mats! - Alternative View

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Tsar Matiya Is Our Homeland. We Are The Tsar Mats! - Alternative View
Tsar Matiya Is Our Homeland. We Are The Tsar Mats! - Alternative View

Video: Tsar Matiya Is Our Homeland. We Are The Tsar Mats! - Alternative View

Video: Tsar Matiya Is Our Homeland. We Are The Tsar Mats! - Alternative View
Video: Romanov . God save the Tsar . Боже , Царя храни . 1 2024, October

Well, where is the "thousand-year-old Khazaria" in the Black Sea region?

Scythians, Sarmatians, Wends - these are all of us Russians.

The chuckles have not yet emerged from the caves!

It is written here in bold letters, for those who doubt:


Murmansk Sea, it is also the Sarmatian Ocean. The coexistence of the names seems to hint at the simultaneity)

Sarmatia and Scythia, Russia and Tartaria;)

And again there are no Khazars at all! Worthy of mention at map scale. probably somewhere in the mountain gorges they are hiding from topographic surveys!

Sarmatia (lat. Sarmatia) is a late antique name mainly for the lands of the former Great Scythia from the Danube and the Eastern Baltic to about the Urals, which is reflected in the maps according to Ptolemy. Before the arrival of the Sarmatians, this territory was called Scythia. Sarmatia is mentioned by Ptolemy in the 2nd century. Sarmatia was divided into Asian and European. To the east, Sarmatia extended to the Volga and the Caspian Sea. North to the Baltics. West to the Carpathians and the upper Vistula.

Promotional video:


In addition to cereals, the country produced hemp, flax, lentils, onions and various root plants, and even grapes in the south. The country was home to lions, wolves, wild donkeys, wild boars, moose, deer, antelopes, hares, cranes, and various types of fish; from domestic animals - sheep, pigs, horses, hornless bulls, donkeys. The export items were gold, precious stones, salt, wax, copper; silver and iron were scarce, so (taking into account the testimony of Pausanias), arrowheads and spears from the Mesolithic times were often made of bone.

Governing body

According to the form of government, Sarmatia may have represented an aristocratic matriarchy. Along with the burials of male warriors, there are also burials of female warriors.

Sarmatians on the Roman relief
Sarmatians on the Roman relief

Sarmatians on the Roman relief.

Military equipment

The striking force of the Sarmatians was horsemen armed with long spears, two-handed swords and arrows. They were dressed in carapace armor.


The Sarmatians were known to the Greeks under the name of the Savromats - the eastern neighbors of the Scythians. The Savromats, led by King Skopasis, played an important role in the defeat of the hordes of Darius 1 in the vastness of Scythia around 512 BC. e. According to the historian Polienus, in the 3rd century. BC e. the Sarmatian queen Amaga, “having gathered 130 horsemen and giving each of them two horses,” in one day passed from somewhere from the Azov region through the Crimean steppes to Chersonesos and lifted the Scythian siege from it. Another Sarmatian king named Gatal is known as a member of the international union, which was formed in 179 BC. e. states of Asia Minor and the Northern Black Sea region. Sarmatia was ruled by kings, sometimes by queens, whose power rested on heavily armed horsemen. Some of the cities of Sarmatia listed by Ptolemy are identified as follows. Metropol, on Borisfen, stood, most likely,on the site of today's Kiev. Sadovsky timed Karrodun to the confluence of the Zbruch into the Dniester, Erekt, Vivantivarii, Klepidava, Metonius - to Tiraspol, Bendery, Yampol and Mogilev Podolsky. On Pripyat lay the cities of Nyosse, Sabrah and Lein; the same scientist proposes such localization of them: Chernobyt, Mozyr and the locality 3 from Pinsk. These and other cities of Sarmatia, of which many bear Greek names, may not have been founded by the Sarmatians and did not belong to them. Sarmatia was often at war with Rome. Since the 3rd century, the Goths invade Sarmatia. In the IV century. all Sarmatia became part of the Gothic kingdom. By the end of this century, the Gothic kingdom was destroyed by the Huns who entered from Asia through the Don, although the Sarmatians continue to live on the territory of Sarmatia until the 8th century (Saltov settlement). Erect, Vivantivarius, Klepidavu, Metonius - to Tiraspol, Bendery, Yampol and Mogilev Podolsky. On Pripyat lay the cities of Nyosse, Sabrah and Lein; the same scientist proposes such localization of them: Chernobyt, Mozyr and the locality 3 from Pinsk. These and other cities of Sarmatia, of which many bear Greek names, may not have been founded by the Sarmatians and did not belong to them. Sarmatia was often at war with Rome. Since the 3rd century, the Goths invade Sarmatia. In the IV century. all Sarmatia became part of the Gothic kingdom. By the end of this century, the Gothic kingdom was destroyed by the Huns who entered from Asia through the Don, although the Sarmatians continue to live on the territory of Sarmatia until the VIII century (Saltov settlement). Erect, Vivantivarius, Klepidavu, Metonius - to Tiraspol, Bendery, Yampol and Mogilev Podolsky. On Pripyat lay the cities of Nyosse, Sabrah and Lein; the same scientist proposes such localization of them: Chernobyt, Mozyr and the locality 3 from Pinsk. These and other cities of Sarmatia, of which many bear Greek names, may not have been founded by the Sarmatians and did not belong to them. Sarmatia was often at war with Rome. Since the 3rd century, the Goths invade Sarmatia. In the IV century. all Sarmatia became part of the Gothic kingdom. By the end of this century, the Gothic kingdom was destroyed by the Huns who entered from Asia through the Don, although the Sarmatians continue to live on the territory of Sarmatia until the 8th century (Saltov settlement).the same scientist proposes such localization of them: Chernobyt, Mozyr and the locality 3 from Pinsk. These and other cities of Sarmatia, of which many bear Greek names, may not have been founded by the Sarmatians and did not belong to them. Sarmatia was often at war with Rome. Since the 3rd century, the Goths invade Sarmatia. In the IV century. all Sarmatia became part of the Gothic kingdom. By the end of this century, the Gothic kingdom was destroyed by the Huns who entered from Asia through the Don, although the Sarmatians continue to live on the territory of Sarmatia until the 8th century (Saltov settlement).the same scientist proposes such localization of them: Chernobyt, Mozyr and the locality 3 from Pinsk. These and other cities of Sarmatia, of which many bear Greek names, may not have been founded by the Sarmatians and did not belong to them. Sarmatia was often at war with Rome. Since the 3rd century, the Goths invade Sarmatia. In the IV century. all Sarmatia became part of the Gothic kingdom. By the end of this century, the Gothic kingdom was destroyed by the Huns who entered from Asia through the Don, although the Sarmatians continue to live on the territory of Sarmatia up to the 8th century (Saltov settlement). Since the 3rd century, the Goths invade Sarmatia. In the IV century. all Sarmatia became part of the Gothic kingdom. By the end of this century, the Gothic kingdom was destroyed by the Huns who entered from Asia through the Don, although the Sarmatians continue to live on the territory of Sarmatia until the 8th century (Saltov settlement). Since the 3rd century, the Goths invade Sarmatia. In the IV century. all Sarmatia became part of the Gothic kingdom. By the end of this century, the Gothic kingdom was destroyed by the Huns who entered from Asia through the Don, although the Sarmatians continue to live on the territory of Sarmatia up to the 8th century (Saltov settlement).


Information about Sarmatia during the Roman Empire is reported by Tacitus, Amm. Marcellinus, Priscus, Eunapius, Jordan, Zosimus, etc.

In addition to the works of Potocki, Georgy, Ukert, Mannert, Kolster, Shafarik, Müllengir, by the beginning of the 20th century, detailed works about Sarmatia were created by:

I. Ye. Zabelin, “History of Rus. life (M., 1876, I);

Sadowsky, "Handelsstrassen der Griechen u. Romer "(Jena, 1877);

DI Ilovaisky, "Investigations about the beginning of Russia" (ed. 2e, Moscow, 1882);

VG Vasilievsky, "On the imaginary Slavism of the Huns, Bulgarians and Roksolans" ("Journal of the Ministry of National Education", 1882, No. 7);

Sun. F. Miller, "Ossetian Etudes" (III, Moscow; 1887);

L. Niederle, "Staroveke Zpravy e zemepisu vychodni Europy se zretelem na zeme slovanske" (Pr., 1899);

Yul. Kulakovsky, “Map of Europe. Sarmatia according to Ptolemy (K., 1899).

Interesting Facts

According to one of the modern hypotheses, Sarmatia is the birthplace of the legendary King Arthur, who was the historical Lucius Artorius Castus - a Sarmatian warrior in the Roman service of the 2nd century

Sarmatia was the birthplace of the Amazons.

Academician B. Rybakov associates Babu Yaga with the Sarmatian region, since she had an iron stupa - an integral attribute of nomadic life [2]

source yes how would you think



Jordan, following Pliny, calls the Sarmatians one of the Scythian groups, and identifies Sarmatia with Scythia:

The English Vicky won't lie, King Arthur was a Sarmatian, and England was a Sarmatian province:

- Well, this is generally fine, I think! It turns out that the Volga Bulgaria (now Tatarstan) was not defeated by the countless troops of the cruel Tokhtamysh!

Volga Bulgaria was destroyed by the Khazars! That is where they were, in the Astrakhan region, to the north, east and south of it. And there they were aliens.

Although, Tokhtamysh could have been the Khazar king.

I had long suspected that Igo was by no means from distant Mongolia, but had a Khazar base. This was the true Yoke! Which they transferred to other peoples.

However, “it was” is boldly said … It continues … Hence the dominance of Caucasians in all monetary activities, Jews and other Kurds. Heavy legacy of the Khazar Yoke.

Pay special attention to the fact that the Chuvash believe that they, as a people, come from Central Siberia!

Vicky also writes that the Chuvash have common ancestors with the Hungarians-Magyars (as you know, the Hungarians are the Ugric people). So, the Hungarians are the Huns. Remnants of the Huns who settled west of the Sarmatian territory.

Thus, the Huns = Ugrians = Uyghurs (only the Uygurs went south, the Hungarian Ugrians - to the west, the Magul Ugrians - to the southeast, towards China.)

Here on the map, in bold letters, above: Map of European Sarmatia:


That is, the whole "Eastern Europe", right up to Germany, has been called European Sarmatia since ancient times.

Especially touches the inscription: Russia Alba sive Moscovia

Belaya Rus, she is Muscovy

Tellingly, some sick on the head Zhidolitsy, cite this map in support of their vague theories about the "separation and Europeanness" of Litsva.

But they don't like the very name of the card - it is intolerant. Yes, and Lithuania here, it turns out, does not include White Russia.

Well, chutzpah is a simple and obvious matter: they cut off the name of the card so as not to embarrass the “fighters against the Russian world” in Bialarus, and oops! Pants transform … Transform …))

In order not to be unfounded, it is worth referring to the historical works stored in museums:

Chronicle of European Sarmatia.


The source

Krakow historian will not lie;) If he writes with pride that Poland is Sarmatia (as Pliny bequeathed), then there is no point in doubting the historicity of this fact.

And the Tanais River is not at all separating Europe from Asia, as they are trying to convince us!

It separates European Sarmatia from Asian Sarmatia:

PS: The word "king" comes from "sar" and "zar". Zar, zarai - in the Scythian language meant gold."

Thus, Sarmatia can mean not so much the "Motherland of the Kings" (although there are such Royal Scythians), but also be related to the Golden Baba. Tsar Mother, Golden Mother

And about the level of civilization:

Sarmatian coins from the time of Constantine the Great
Sarmatian coins from the time of Constantine the Great

Sarmatian coins from the time of Constantine the Great.

And here's another card:


There are Sarmatia and Scythia (internal and external), the Imaus mountains along the Yenisei.

Obviously, everything is in its place here. This later moved Scythia to a miserable area in the steppes of Taurida.

PPS about zar-tsar-sar. Northern peoples replaced the letter "t" with "c". Look, the Lithuanians call themselves "lisvin".

Thus, Tartary in the northern dialect sounds like Tsar-Tsar! This is already meaningful and interesting.

Main state, King of Kings.

On the other hand, if “sar” is gold and a bright shine (light), then the king-king is bright, radiant.

The root "zar" is also in the name of the Holy Roman Empire - Caesarea (Caesarea).

Tsar-Zareya. A little distorted by European barbarians, but the connection is unambiguous.