UFO Over Ivangorod - Alternative View

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UFO Over Ivangorod - Alternative View
UFO Over Ivangorod - Alternative View

Video: UFO Over Ivangorod - Alternative View

Video: UFO Over Ivangorod - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, July

In the Chernihiv region, near the village of Ivangorod, where mysterious phenomena have repeatedly taken place, residents have observed an unidentified flying object

It was about nine in the evening when a resident of the village of Ivangorod in the Ichnya district of the Chernihiv region, Pyotr Padalka, went out into the garden. And then a shock awaited him: as long as Pyotr Dmitrievich could remember himself, the sun was setting on the same side of the hut. But this time it turned out to be in a completely different part of the sky. The man was not exactly stunned, but he was amazed a lot. Moreover, the size and color of the "luminary" were not the same as always. “A ball floated low above the ground, much larger than the sun usually at sunset,” said Peter. - I remember that it is bright orange, like stickers on which the price of goods is written.

In the west, where the real sun was setting at that time, a wall of clouds was piled up - it was going to rain. Realizing that the object floating in another part of the sky (approximately in the northeast) was not a light at all, but something else, Pyotr Padalka began to call his wife Lyudmila and 25-year-old son Dmitry from the house.

- I was not scared, - says Peter. - Although the sight caused some kind of disturbing feeling. I felt something similar, watching the lunar eclipse: the gradually “disappearing” moon had an ominous shade that pressed on consciousness.

“I wasn’t scared either,” says Peter’s son Dmitry. - The red ball was floating about a kilometer from our house. I wanted to take a closer look at him. And then the parents also suggested: "Go on, maybe you can figure out what it is." I jumped on my bike and hurried to the meadow. But it was not possible to get close to the object. A few minutes later, he sharply rushed down and disappeared. There was no explosion or flash. And in general, no one found any trace of contact with the ground.

- And I heard from people that on that day a glowing ball was already seen in Nizhyn, it is 60 kilometers from our village, - Dmitry's mother Lyudmila Alexandrovna enters into the conversation. “What kind of ball of light it was, probably, and scientists do not know. He moved completely silently and slowly. By the way, about eight years ago another mysterious phenomenon took place here: a red glow rose from the horizon. There was no fire. So even that case remained a mystery to everyone.

Restoring the route of the glowing ball's travel, the former electrician Vitaly Bolokhovets interviewed almost all the witnesses of the incident.

- It turns out that the mysterious object did not fly directly to Ivangorod, but sailed near the village, - said Vitaly Alekseevich. - I established: the milkmaids were the first to notice the glowing ball, returning in the evening from the summer camp, which is located outside the village. So, they are looking, and behind the most extreme hut (there live Katerina Laznevaya and her son Alexander, who recently returned from the army after serving) something is shining. Like a fire.

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Vitaly Alekseevich puts us in his "Volga". We are going to visit Lazneva to hear about the luminous object, as they say, firsthand.

- I was working with one of my daughters Raya (she is 28 years old) in the yard, when the milkmaids drove up to our house in a cart and began to shout in unison: “What is this burning behind you (meaning the bushes behind the hut.” - Ed.)? - says Katerina Laznevaya. - We rushed with Raya in that direction. I looked, and there floating in the air something big, round, glowing like the glow of a fire.

“Milkmaid Galya shouted to the aliens: 'Lads, come here, we are waiting for you here!'


- Only it was not quite a ball, but something similar to a tumbler doll: a smaller circle on top, a larger one below, - Katerina continues. - They were located one above the other. The color is bright red. And there was so much light from this "tumbler" that the clouds turned crimson. Raya's daughter sat down with the milkmaids on a cart, and they drove towards the "ball".

“What kind of“ball”is there, my mother didn’t figure it out, because it was an ordinary UFO“saucer”, Raya said authoritatively. - You saw a UFO on TV? So this thing was exactly the same.

- You'd better tell about milkmaid Galya, - interrupted Raya's mother. - Jackdaw is cheerful, not taken aback, let's shout to the aliens from that "plate": "Lads, come here, we are waiting for you here!" But nobody responded. The "ball" continued to move silently, slowly and low. Swam below the trees along the forest, and then suddenly went to the ground. There was a crash twice, but there was no flash, explosion or fire. The glowing clot disappeared without a trace. Raya and I were not afraid, but the grandchildren were a little scared, especially 12-year-old Oksanka, she even refused to eat.

“I scared the guys,” Raya admits. - After all, they run to the forest, then to the river to play. And you worry about them. So she decided to scare me: “One plate sat in the forest, the other on the river bank. Your way there has now been ordered. And they let’s cry.

- A year and a half ago, just before conscription, I also saw a similar curiosity in about the same place - near the forest: a ball, large, bright red, glowing, flew just as low and slowly, - informed the son of Katerina, 20 -year-old Alexander. - Disappeared, having gone down sharply, did not leave any traces behind.

“It's curious that when I was 15 years old, I saw a red glowing ball outside the village,” admitted our guide, 52-year-old electrician Vitaly Bolokhovets. - I was shocked by the sight: the object was on fire, descended silently, slowly, like a parachute. It was in the summer, in the evening. The sun was setting brightly in the west, and a bright red sphere of about the same size landed in the north. In a few minutes it reached the ground and disappeared - without noise or flashes. An explanation immediately suggests itself: in all these cases, witnesses saw ball lightning. But science claims that such lightning bolts are relatively small - like a soccer ball, or even smaller. And the "UFO", which was recently observed by milkmaids, Katerina with her daughter Raya and the Padalka family, is much larger. The milkmaids told me that it was like a KamAZ truck! I saw himbeing three kilometers from the scene, in the courtyard of his house: the clouds over a large area of the sky were red. Moreover, the light came from the ground. The sight left the impression of something unnatural. Ball lightning does not give so much light.

Here's another thing to say: the forest, next to which there was a fiery-red object, was the epicenter of an inexplicable cataclysm: in a few minutes, on an extended area about 50 meters wide, an unknown force broke adult trees. It was as if someone had passed by a giant petrol mower cutting pine trees like grass. There was a terrible roar, but there was no tornado or hurricane. The trees had to be taken out for firewood. The cataclysm happened two years ago.

But it turned out to be much smaller in scale when compared with a similar emergency that occurred in a nearby forest. There five years ago, in a matter of minutes, trees broke like matches on an area of about fifty hectares. When passing people from other villages asked what had happened here, the foresters joked gloomily: "The atomic bomb fell." They then took out the fallen trunks for a long time and uprooted the stumps.

The shepherds who witnessed this terrible incident told me that it all happened in five minutes. Some force suddenly threw one of the shepherds off his horse. He, with fright, grabbed the grass so that he would not be carried away. The horse barely stood on its feet. A deafening rumble was heard from the direction of the forest. Thundered, thundered, and then - deathly silence. The peasants are watching, and almost the entire forest (about 90 percent of the area) has fallen. The fact is that it is small in size, planted after the war. Many of the trees that survived had every branch broken. And on the surviving site, some of the pines are still standing, leaning to the side. And in this case, everything happened quite unexpectedly - no storm, no thunderstorm. Nobody saw the tornado either … It is our happiness that the cataclysm did not touch Ivangorod.

After the collision with the luminous spheres, the Ruslan plane seemed to stand still

For comments, "FACTS" turned to a well-known Ukrainian UFO researcher, a member of the Research Center for Anomalous Phenomena "Probe", Director of the Committee of the Aerospace Society of Ukraine Oleg Pruss.

“There are many witnesses who have seen such luminous objects,” says Oleg Porfirevich. - Most of them noted that if the ball began to accelerate, then its color changed, became purple. By the way, spheres are not always red. Most often they are like a glowing light bulb - bright white. At the same time, they are very bright. Pilots are most often found in the air with luminous spheres. By the way, there is a version, based on the testimony of several eyewitnesses, that a few minutes before the death of cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, a similar balloon flew in the sky.

A possible cause of a whole series of plane crashes was aircraft encounters with such objects. They did not always end in tragedy. For example, in 2000, "FACTS" published an interview with the commander of the crew of the aircraft "Ruslan" Artem Kulikov, who survived in 1999 a meeting in the air over Africa with mysterious luminous spheres. “The height is 250 meters. Suddenly I see: ahead, slightly to the left of the course, a fireball with a diameter of about two meters is approaching, enveloped in the glow of some unearthly, cosmic turquoise color with a yellowish-blue tint, ” said Kulikov. - Delicate and at the same time bright colors, I have not even met such in a dream. The plane seemed to stop for a moment, buried itself, as if pierced by some soft, like a jellyfish, springy invisible barrier. And nearby something exploded in the cockpit. It smelled like ozone or something like that …”The crew brought the plane to an airfield in Belarus on three engines. The pilot believes that his winged machine collided with two fireballs. But what it really was, hardly anyone will know …