The Rh Negative Conundrum: Alien Intervention? - Alternative View

The Rh Negative Conundrum: Alien Intervention? - Alternative View
The Rh Negative Conundrum: Alien Intervention? - Alternative View

Video: The Rh Negative Conundrum: Alien Intervention? - Alternative View

Video: The Rh Negative Conundrum: Alien Intervention? - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Rh-Negative (Season 11) | History 2024, July

The human Rh factor depends on the presence of a specific protein-antigen system on the surface of red blood cells. If a person has such a system, he is Rh-positive, if not - Rh-negative.

The vast majority of people in the world are Rh positive. Among Caucasians, such people are 85%, in other races even more.

The Rh factor does not particularly affect anything in a person's life, except for pregnancy and the moments of blood transfusion. And if blood can be collected, then the child in the womb cannot be changed. Due to the incompatibility of positive and negative Rh factors, the embryo may die).


Thus, the negative Rh factor looks like a clear anomaly in human evolution. Why would nature need to create such a mechanism that directly interferes with human reproduction?

In this regard, conspiracy writer Jim Mars, in his book Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens ?, published in 2013, stated that many babies born with a tail were Rh negative. Mars believed in the theory of alien interference and considered such anomalies to be evidence of the interference of extraterrestrial intelligence in the DNA of people.

It is not known how exactly Mars made such a conclusion about the Rh factor and children with tails, since nothing is known about any scientific research of such people. However, in general, this leads to certain reflections: The tail is an atavism (a manifestation of signs of distant ancestors), and an extremely ancient atavism, even the highest humanoid primates of gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans do not have tails. And the negative Rh factor is somehow related to this.

Many scientists adhere to the theory that the human embryo, during its development, goes through different stages of human evolution. At first, the embryo looks like a fish and has gills, then a tail grows out and it looks like a small mammal. Then the signs of primates begin to appear.

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The small tail of the embryo grows at the age of 4 weeks, and after about 6-12 weeks it disappears, the white blood cells "dissolve" it. After that, it is already possible to recognize a small human being in the embryo.


The facts of the birth of people with tails have been recorded throughout human history. And for some other mysterious reason, they were mostly men.

Quite often “tail” was simply called a pathology with a process of soft tissues. But sometimes it was a real tail with an elongated part of the spine. Such a tail arose because the white blood cells, for some reason, did not destroy it in the womb. And in some cases, the owner of such a tail could even control it, since the tail contained both muscle tissue and nerves.

Is it possible that the entire Rh factor system was artificially created by someone and specially introduced into the DNA of people?

The main problem with a negative Rh factor is that it is very difficult to create a child with it, for this both partners must have a negative Rh factor. And maybe this was its original purpose - to prevent the reproduction of people with a certain set of data? That is, to eradicate tails and other unnecessary things and direct human evolution along the chosen path.

Suppose that the presence of a negative Rh factor still affects the birth of children with tails. But it also affects other functions, and unlike the fact with tails, this is recognized by official medicine. Rh-negative people are known to be more susceptible to bacteria and generally have weaker immunity. And men with a negative Rh factor are more prone to mental illness, allergies and anemia, and they are more likely to suffer from liver disease. And mostly men are born with tails.

At the same time, there are many healers and shamans among people with negative rhesus. They may have highly developed intuition and still have very ancient subconscious instincts at work.

American writer Brad Steiger, famous for his books about aliens and monsters, also investigated the riddle of the negative Rh factor and directly called such people the result of alien intervention. According to his theory, these people descended from a completely different branch of humanoid primates and aliens were probably mixed in their origin.

"Why are all primates Rh positive, but among humans there is a small percentage of Rh negative?" Steiger wondered.

And scientists still have no answer to this question.