Why Are We Here: A New Hypothesis Of The Emergence Of Humanity - Alternative View

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Why Are We Here: A New Hypothesis Of The Emergence Of Humanity - Alternative View
Why Are We Here: A New Hypothesis Of The Emergence Of Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Why Are We Here: A New Hypothesis Of The Emergence Of Humanity - Alternative View

Video: Why Are We Here: A New Hypothesis Of The Emergence Of Humanity - Alternative View
Video: The Truth About The COVID Origin and the Lab Leak Theory 2024, September

The main question ever asked by humanity: "Why are we here?" - this is the desire to understand the reason for the emergence of man as a species You can turn to religion and theology, to physics and biology, to history and conspiracy theories, but this question was unanswered, so it remained without this answer. Although, there are several hypotheses here …

Why us?

No one will dispute the fact that a person is very different from what is on our planet. We look more like eggs thrown into a sparrow's nest by some cuckoo: we seem to belong to birds, but we flap our wings differently. Everything in the Earth's ecosystem is interconnected. Each structural element of nature in some way affects the work of other structural elements and depends on their influence. If we draw such connections in the form of arrows, then all plants, animals, microorganisms have two-sided arrows (because they take something, and give something back) and only a person gets out of this holiday of harmony with his one-sided arrow (because we only take) … If people are not included in this ideal scheme, then we have appeared somehow differently from others. As if everyone was born naturallyand we are the only ones who are a consequence of artificial insemination. How can we explain our origins?

God, monkey or alien

Darwin's theory

The most famous theory of human origin (and so far the most logically argued) is the theory of Charles Darwin. The scientist saw the solution to the problem in the main natural mechanism - natural selection.

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It took thousands of years of different conditions for a man to develop to his present form. People (and all living organisms) adapted to them, which entailed certain mutations. If you don't know how to adapt, you won't survive! The most memorable example on this topic: hares who have learned to change their skin color for the winter. Everything is simple here - he did not enter the trend of white fur, he became too noticeable against the background of snow with his gray unseasoned fur coat - he died. Only those hares survived, which were always "in style". In the future, only these "mods", respectively, gave offspring. Well, in their children a similar "taste" for changing fur is already embedded in the genes. What do we conclude: a "fashionable sentence" is often followed by a death sentence! But returning to people, remember the phrase that a man should be "a little more beautiful than a monkey"? So,this comparison is to some extent applicable to women, since all humans are descended from primates (at least until someone proves otherwise). It turns out that our ancestors are primates - this is how they adapted to unfavorable conditions, adapted and "adapted" … before us.

The recipe for human creation from God

Not everyone likes to be modernized in the likeness of a monkey, because “in the likeness of the Lord” for our vanity sounds all the nicer. So, what recipe did God choose for the creation of mankind? He did not complicate everything, and simply created Adam from the earth ("You will return to the earth from which you were taken, for dust you and to dust will return"), and Eve from Adam's rib. All ingenious is simple!

Helping Alien Lives

I think everything is also quite clear here: alien races flew in, they did something here (there is no evidence other than the inexplicable architecture of ancient times, so what they did is also not clear) and - ladies and gentlemen, let me imagine, a reasonable man! This theory also combines the concept of gradual development. That is, if the "Martians" really put their hand (claw, tentacle, or whatever they have there) to the appearance of such a species as a person, then only as an impetus for the mutation of genes that were presented on our planet. After all, all the chemicals that are present in the human body are on Earth.

Where do we come from? Who are we? Where are we going?

An interesting series of questions that still have no answer. This is the name of the painting by the French artist Paul Gauguin, presented above. How can you find the answer to these questions? Many, to solve the problem, advise looking at it from a different angle.

I propose to use this advice and transform three questions into one: "Why are we here?" Is there some kind of logic in our presence in this universe or are we just some kind of system failure? I think there should be a logical rationale. And not because "the ways of the Lord are inscrutable" and "He has a plan for everyone." My thought boils down to the fact that if the Universe is such a thorough system that it was able to model the ideal physical laws under which life is possible, it could not be mistaken.

Everything goes to destruction

So, what is the answer to the question "Why are we to the Universe?" The answer lies in the area of entropy. Entropy is a part of energy that cannot be transformed into mechanical work (no, this is not laziness!). To explain in simpler words, imagine the process of making wine! Here it is infused in bottles with grape cake (fermentation occurs thanks to it) and after a while you pour it into a clean bottle. And the poorly thrown grape cake remains. And everyone would just continue to throw him out if savvy Georgians hadn't come up with chacha! They, to some extent, transformed the residual energy. Why does the universe need entropy? Scientists have long noticed that the Cosmos has two natural tendencies: to destruction (corrosion, decay and many other things that make everything mortal) and to the formation of ordered forms (drops collect in puddles,gases into clouds, planets into solar systems, etc.). And everything seems to be cool, harmony and balance in all its glory, if not for the subtext of ordered forms: with their help, the Universe produces destruction on a larger scale. Before the time-time continuum we understand was created due to the explosion, there was nothing, only the initial Chaos. And then, all of a sudden, everything sorted out. And then there are two options, or the Universe, "built" this continuum, like a baby cake - in order to destroy it with pleasure, or there was a mistake and now it is trying with all its might to return everything to square one.as the time-time continuum we understand was created due to the explosion - there was nothing, only the initial Chaos. And then, all of a sudden, everything sorted out. And then there are two options, or the Universe, "built" this continuum, like a baby cake - in order to destroy it with pleasure, or an error has occurred and now it is struggling to return everything to square one.as the time-time continuum we understand was created due to the explosion - there was nothing, only the initial Chaos. And then, all of a sudden, everything sorted out. And then there are two options, or the Universe, "built" this continuum, like a baby cake - in order to destroy it with pleasure, or an error has occurred and now it is struggling to return everything to square one.


So, what happens: because of the Explosion, residual energy was formed, which needs to be put somewhere, and therefore Father Cosmos directed all his resources to building systems where this energy will dissipate (collapse). It is this idea that Jeremy England carries to the masses. Dan Brown described this hypothesis in a very accessible language in his book "Origin". So accessible that I won't even try to explain it myself, but just give excerpts from the book:

The tree absorbs the concentrated energy of the sun. He uses it for growth, and then radiates into nature in the infrared range - in the least concentrated form of energy. Photosynthesis is a very efficient mechanism for increasing entropy. The highly concentrated energy of the sun is attenuated and dissipated by the tree. And thus the total entropy of the Universe increases. The above is even more true for living organisms - including humans. A living organism uses ordered systems as food, converts them into energy, and then dissipates them into the environment as heat.

People are a tool for destruction

Everything seems to be clear. Only one thing is not clear: why was it necessary to create such a complex species as a person? Why was it necessary to form such a complex nervous system in us? Why is this "woe from the mind", damn it? I’m all because only people, possessing such a high intelligence, create complex mechanisms to simplify their own life and simplify the purpose of the Universe. Our machines, factories, stations are just the perfect tool for dissipating energy! We, as a species, transform an amount of energy on a daily basis that does not transform all the species on Earth combined. We are not quite a simple, but elegant solution of the Universe to its goal.

Carling, albeit in his own way, also talked about it. We are all used to discussing the harm of humanity to the environment: because of us, glaciers are melting, because of us, fresh water is disappearing, because of us, animals are dying out. And even before us, the planet destroyed 97% of the species (somewhere a dinosaur sighed sadly). We have nothing to do with it! Imagine how the Universe, rubbing its misted glasses, examines the dinosaurs it has created and sadly calculates the percentage of energy dissipation: “Not enough! I'm not investing in deadlines at all! I have a Deadline in 7 trillion years! Something more effective is needed. " She is like House throwing a ball against the wall and suddenly with a shout of "Eureka!" draws a drawing - you think who? - a person. Having quickly figured in my head that dinosaurs (as representatives of the conservative party) will not let her people develop,she hurls a meteorite to the ground (common fetish). And now, when almost all species die, a small rodent, hiding in the ground, experiences all the cataclysms. And with his story "The Last Survivor" our story begins - the history of mankind. Who knows, maybe after a while the Universe will again appreciate the charts and looking sadly at the clock, will go to draw another ingenious drawing. Perhaps somewhere out there, in the depths of the distant Cosmos, some meteorite number 2 is already flying, and dinosaurs, giggling maliciously, make room for us next to them in nothingness. So, there is no need to think about any global mission of humanity! If life slips lemons, you need to make lemonade out of them! If the Universe uses our life only to dissipate as much energy as possible, then this means that in this process we should get as much pleasure as possible,experience as much happiness as possible, fulfill all your dreams. The Universe has its own goals, and man has his own.