There Is No Ozone Hole Over Russia - Alternative View

There Is No Ozone Hole Over Russia - Alternative View
There Is No Ozone Hole Over Russia - Alternative View

Video: There Is No Ozone Hole Over Russia - Alternative View

Video: There Is No Ozone Hole Over Russia - Alternative View
Video: ВИЧ в России / HIV in Russia (Eng & Rus subtitles) 2024, June

A Russian scientist denied a rumor that appeared in the media last Friday that a huge ozone hole had formed over Russia. According to Alexander Kislov, professor of meteorology at Moscow State University, the atmospheric anomaly over Western Siberia may still disappear.

The researcher measured the loss of ozone over the regions of the Russian Federation and hastened to reassure his compatriots. According to the scientist, the loss of ozone over the Siberian region is 50%, while over St. Petersburg and Moscow - 35% and 20%, respectively. In this regard, local residents have no reason to fear the harm to health of the atmospheric deviation.

According to Kislov's statement, a negative anomaly can be considered an ozone hole only if the ozone level in the near-earth layers of the atmosphere decreases for a month, and until then there is a chance that the unusual atmospheric phenomenon will pass by itself. The specialist advised the inhabitants of Siberia to use the data of the Aerological Observatory, and not to trust the media.

Elena Razumovskaya