A Scotsman Photographed An Astronaut-like Humanoid In The Forest - Alternative View

A Scotsman Photographed An Astronaut-like Humanoid In The Forest - Alternative View
A Scotsman Photographed An Astronaut-like Humanoid In The Forest - Alternative View

A man living in the west of the Lowlands claims to have photographed an unknown entity during a recent trek into the forest. According to the anonymous author, he went out into nature that day with his nephew.

The Scotsman writes: “We were returning from Windy Hill to Renfrewshire. I decided to take a picture of my nephew who was walking in front of me. Then a strange feeling came over me, as if someone was nearby and watching us. I looked around carefully, but did not see anyone outside the forest. I also thought then that, most likely, this is a beast lurking somewhere: nothing dangerous, they themselves are afraid of a person. However, when we returned home and transferred the obtained photographs from the camera to the computer, I immediately noticed a certain humanoid creature in the same image with my nephew. I even felt a little belatedly creepy, almost scary."


In the picture presented by the British, a humanoid is really visible, as if dressed in a white space suit with a dark filter on his face. The stranger stands behind the trees on the left and seems to be looking at the photographer. By the way, some users of the World Wide Web even saw the second "astronaut" in the picture, looking out from behind the first. Maybe there were really two outsiders? And who are they? Needless to say, according to the author of the photo and his nephew, we are talking about representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization.

It is noteworthy that in the eighties in the forests of Renfrewshire there were several high-profile incidents involving unidentified flying objects, and these incidents riveted the attention of ufologists from all over the Earth. Many journalists even called Renfrewshire the "British Roswell". At that time, at least a hundred people, mostly local residents, witnessed the appearance of UFOs.

Skeptics, of course, do not believe that this picture shows at least one humanoid in a spacesuit, even a human. Materialists on the web are convinced that this is just a mossy stump with snags. True, why it has a light, almost white color, doubters cannot answer. There has been no snow here for a long time. In addition, skeptics often call bigfoots, chupacabras and ghosts that fall into camera lenses in forests as stumps and snags, so this argument is already pretty fed up.

In addition, the author of the picture claims that he experienced too much excitement in the forest at that moment to be a mere coincidence, and even more so caused by some kind of snag …