L.K. Fionova: “End Of The World - Our Today's Everyday Reality, Created By Our Hands "- Alternative View

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L.K. Fionova: “End Of The World - Our Today's Everyday Reality, Created By Our Hands "- Alternative View
L.K. Fionova: “End Of The World - Our Today's Everyday Reality, Created By Our Hands "- Alternative View

Video: L.K. Fionova: “End Of The World - Our Today's Everyday Reality, Created By Our Hands "- Alternative View

Video: L.K. Fionova: “End Of The World - Our Today's Everyday Reality, Created By Our Hands
Video: The Ultimate Virtual Reality: the Simulated World Our Brain Generates for Us - Moran Cerf, at USI 2024, May

Reference: Fionova Lyudmila Kuzminichna was born in Novokuznetsk. In 1966 she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys with a degree in physics of metals. In 1972 she defended her Ph. D., and in 1985, her doctoral dissertation. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, specialist in the field of solid state physics. She worked at the Institute of Solid State Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, at the Institute for Problems of Technology in Microelectronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Author of over 70 articles and 2 monographs. LK Fionova is one of the founders of a new scientific direction in solid state physics: "physics of interfaces in crystals." She made a great contribution to the formation of this trend in the Soviet Union. The works of L. K. Fionova are widely known in the world, she worked at the universities of Paris, Mexico City, Sendai (Japan), a significant part of her work was done in collaboration with scientists from France, Bulgaria, Japan, Mexico. L. K. Fionova is the author of the non-fiction books Political Causes of the Global Ecological Crisis (from White Alves 2009), Defeat, War Against Reason, Doomed Civilization. Publicistic articles by L. K. Fionova are widely represented on the Internet, published in periodicals.


Lyudmila Kuzminichna, my first question will be removed from the storms of our time. Please tell us how your path in science began? And why did you choose such a difficult path? Was it family influence or something else?

- My specialty is solid state physics. Of course, heredity played the main role in choosing a profession. My maternal grandfather, with a rural parish school and accounting courses, was an educated and intelligent person. He spent his free time in libraries and bookstores, in the evenings he read books. He loved what he called "the elements" - the wind, thunderstorm, studied their nature. His main hobby was astronomy. My father had extraordinary talent for the exact sciences, and therefore he - an illiterate village boy - was able, having passed the educational program and the workers' school, to enter the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute and graduate brilliantly. I have always liked physics and mathematics for their beauty and logic, they were given easily, because the choice of physics as a specialty was natural. But,probably influenced by the fashion for physics in the sixties. the romance that surrounded the atomic physicists, rocket scientists …

Although there was a real breakthrough in science, in the physics of elementary particles, those who, out of selfish motives, used the achievements of science to create nuclear weapons, for dubious space programs that worked mainly as a means of political domination, hyped the fashion. They were the ones who needed young cadres ready to risk their health, and therefore films, books, poems about selfless heroes-physicists, ready to die “for science”, were flowing. Physics competitions were huge. Today we are unraveling the results of this "romance" - the planet is poisoned with radioactive waste, rocket fuel. However, physics and mathematics are not to blame for this, these disciplines are the basis of the understanding of the world, and I believe that every educated person should know them in fairly serious volumes, it is worth studying them in all, even humanitarian universities.

You have achieved a lot on your scientific path. Your work is widely known in the world, you are one of the founders of a new scientific direction in solid state physics. It would seem that you can rest on your laurels? However, since the 90s, you changed your field of activity, taking up social work and the environment. What caused this change?

- In the early seventies, after defending my Ph. D. thesis, I was hired by the Institute of Solid State Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Chernogolovka. The conditions for scientific work here were excellent - a modern experimental base, well-developed services, a staff of technical assistants. I started a new, my own subject, taking part in the formation of a new section of the theory of solids - the physics of interfaces in crystals. Several laboratories of the Soviet Union, actively cooperating, in fact, created the Soviet school of surface physics, which was important not only for fundamental physics, but also for the development of many new industries, in particular, microelectronics. Along with all-Union seminars, we began to hold meetings with Bulgarian, French, Japanese and German colleagues. But that was in the mid-eighties - the Soviet Union and Soviet science were living out their last days.

In addition, the more successfully the work progressed, the more recognition it received, the more the resistance of the institute's leadership grew - I described all this in the documentary story "The End of Gryaznukha". But I managed to defend my doctoral dissertation.

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In the early 90s, it became impossible to live on the salary of a doctor of sciences in Russia, so I left to work abroad on a contract basis. I received several invitations because my works were known in the world, my monographs were published in Moscow in the Nauka publishing house and in France.

The first shock from work in the West was caused by a low level of science, a much lower creative potential of Western scientists suffering from total commercialization. The complete discrepancy between reality and enthusiasm about the success of the supposedly prosperous capitalist world, already heard in the liberal media in the eighties, forced me to write the story "Japan by contract." The story is, in fact, a diary written during my days at a Japanese university. I published it under a pseudonym so as not to let my Japanese colleagues down, whom I love and sympathize with as victims of American expansion.

It quickly became clear that working in the West is worth it only for the sake of money, paying for it with professional and human degradation. Still, working abroad is useful - it gives a three-dimensional vision of the situation. The main conclusions of the wanderings were harsh.

1. All over the world, science has been turned into a workshop for the production of technical toys that bring profit to "sponsors". For the sake of receiving grants, scientists lie, talented, honest, thinking are not expelled. Destroyed.

2. Everywhere people are degrading, struck by the consumer society, the religion of money, which builds them into the process of self-destruction.

3. All over the world nature is dying.

The fourth conclusion was optimistic: despite the devastation, Russia remains the most lively place on Earth, and it is possible to try to save the world only from here. And the question is exactly that - to save the world.

In 98 I returned to Russia. I found my institute empty, not working. Science in Russia was purposefully destroyed in order to destroy the country. It has become technically impossible to work, writing fake reports and plans, imitating activities is also a path to degradation. At the Academy of Sciences there were reductions, they were expelled en masse - a quarter, a third of scientific workers. My colleagues, earning heart attacks and depression, wrote letters of resignation at the request of the management of their own free will. I refused to do this and in 2008 was dismissed under the article “for violation of labor discipline”. Probably, this is the only example of dismissal from the Academy of Sciences of a world-famous doctor of sciences for such an article. Usually this article is used to get rid of alcoholics.

There seems to be an American movie, "Driven into the Battleground." This is my case. There was no choice but to fight, although I had never been interested in politics before. My favorite job and family filled my life. And although I consider those who destroyed the USSR to be criminals, there are positive aspects to the events of the nineties, no matter how blasphemous it sounds. We were saved from the Soviet paternalism, which taught us to go with the flow thoughtlessly. We were forced to leave scientific corners and think about global problems.

Now, after 10 years of active political work, I can say that a scientist must have a clear political position, because his activity has too much influence on the development of civilization. A scientist, any person endowed by nature with the ability to think analytically, any honest person must participate in the political life of the country, otherwise crooks will take this place. Moreover, a scientist is obliged to do this in difficult times for the country, like a doctor who, in days of war or epidemic, is obliged to leave a comfortable clinic and go to the battlefield or to a cholera barrack.

In the past year, the whole world together celebrated the “end of the world”. And aside from jokes, how real is the threat of the end of the world in the form of ecological collapse today? And what are the possible scenarios?

- “The End of the World” has been turned into a humor subject, into an easy bread for journalists, into an object of market trade, profit. Only a degenerate can frolic in the face of his own doom. Alas, degenerates have become the predominant population among media figures, politics, business, their number in society is intentionally increasing, because morons are a convenient object of management. Such humanity is indeed worthy of the end that awaits it. People were so mad that they forgot - they are sitting on a small, fragile spaceship, almost destroyed by human activity. If we continue to consider the Earth as a warehouse of gratuitous resources and a bottomless trash heap, if we think of the subsoil only as a source of profit, mercilessly pulling them out, if we continue to chop and burn forests and fill the atmosphere,the world's oceans and space are poisonous products of their thoughtless life - the end of the world will come inevitably and very quickly, destroying a person as a biological species or killing all life on the planet in general.

Our end scenarios are well founded scientifically. By unstoppably continuing to pollute the atmosphere with greenhouse gases, we are causing global warming. Its result is anomalous climatic phenomena, drought, desertification of large areas, flooding of significant areas due to the melting of polar ice. This process can be smooth or abrupt - rising sea levels cause an increase in pressure on the bottom, which can lead to the formation of a crack and, as a result, trigger a giant tsunami that will flood most of the planet. And it will not be water, but broth from Hiroshima, Fukushima, Chernobyl, nuclear waste, pesticides, products of laboratories for chemical and bacteriological weapons and other poisons that have been produced by feral humanity. The growing seismic activity is also capable of burying our world, megavolcanoes like in Yellowstone in the USA,and the falling magnetic field of the Earth for not quite known reasons, expanding ozone holes.

The main thing is that the “end of the world” is not some sudden mystical event, as the media present it, but a long process caused by the vicious system of our entire civilization, its false values. We already live in conditions of increasing destruction of the country and civilization, degradation of nature and people, which will inevitably lead to a universal end. The end of the world is our today's everyday reality, created by our hands, our stupidity, greed, cowardice, laziness.

The main problem is that science is disfigured, weeding has removed the smartest and most honest from it. Most scientists are engaged, intimidated, paid for, as a result, we do not have complete and reliable knowledge about the state of the planet, for such knowledge will most likely be extremely inconvenient for the masters of the world and people will demand to replace insane greedy maniacs with sensible pilots of a spaceship.

The commander-in-chief of a civilization that wants to live should not be a financial swindler, but an environmental scientist, it is he who should determine such economic, political, demographic behavior of humanity that will not harm the Earth. If people fail to make such a replacement, a sad end awaits them - to die themselves, to see the death of their children.

Is there an understanding of these threats in Russia and the world, or does everyone hope for "maybe", for a "leader", etc.?

- Of course, the leaderships of countries and financial structures have more reliable data than the masses, they have access to reports on the environmental situation on the planet that are closed to the public. However, no measures are taken adequate to the seriousness of the situation. The volume of greenhouse gas emissions over the past year increased by 2.5%, the main pollutant is the United States and does not intend to reduce the rate of energy consumption. Environmental activities are mostly decorative, imitative. Thus, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, having declared 2013 the Year of Environmental Protection, proudly reports that the country has become the first in the world in oil production and the laying of new pipelines. And it does not take any measures to develop non-resource sectors of the economy.

America and Israel are starting one war after another, using radioactive ammunition - in short, they act as if they have a spare planet where they are evacuated, destroying this one. If it turns out that they do not have a spare planet, then it remains only to think that these people are crazy, because they diligently saw the branch on which they sit.

The only reaction of the mighty of this world to the impending catastrophe is the active construction of individual bunkers, which creates additional pressure on an already overstressed ecosystem, i.e. brings the end closer. The question of where the hiding will get out when the food supply runs out, these builders, apparently, do not ask themselves. This behavior proves once again that the world is run by stupid, possibly even mentally unhealthy people who do not understand that there are no individual means of salvation from a global catastrophe, that, despite billions of dollars in bills, they will perish along with the whole world, which they are actively destroying.

And in order to distract people from this obvious conclusion, the air is being filled today with conversations about some evil aliens in order to hammer people into their heads: the green men are to blame, not the Rothschild-Rockefellers and their servants - presidents, parliamentarians, corrupt journalists …

There is no understanding of the inevitability of the real end of the world among the masses of the population. The overwhelming majority of people, by their nature, are not able to think in global categories - they are busy with their daily affairs, this is normal for the normal course of life. But today we have come to the brink of an abyss and indifference in the face of our own death ceases to be the norm. But humanity has degraded so much that it has lost the instinct for self-preservation. There is no need to even talk about the hope for "maybe", people simply do not think about matters that go beyond the framework of primitive everyday needs, and are firmly convinced that the existing situation, even if not brilliant, will last forever.

The degradation of a person - physical, mental, moral - is the main danger of our time. In the context of an imbalance in scientific and expert activities throughout the planet, humanity has become like a sacrifice, which was blinded before execution.

How often do you visit the provinces? What are your impressions of these trips, meeting people? What is the state of mind?

- I've been in the provinces for seven years, every summer 2-3 months, preferring the cities of the Volga region. Maybe because my grandfather is a Volzhan and my childhood in Siberia passed under his stories about the Volga as something great and sacred. The Volga region is the heart of Russia, a middle, special land. We go to the provinces to work - to give lectures, to meet with those who are concerned not only with personal problems - with members of political and public organizations. Among our friends are young politicians, museum workers, preserving historical treasures for a meager salary, environmentalists, journalists … We actively cooperate with the organizations of the Communist Party - they are better in the provinces than in Moscow. Moscow is immoral, because it is indifferent to the country that feeds it, Moscow does not think about the province, which lives in such poverty that an ordinary Muscovite has no idea. Moscow's snobbery will inevitably end badly.

The province deservedly hates Moscow. Provincial trust has to be earned, sometimes for years. But Muscovites are obliged to do this by sharing information, newspapers, books, possibly material resources, money - everything they can with active people from the regions. So we will preserve the integrity of the country, we will not let us be torn apart. So we will resist the ugly concentration of life in megacities, convenient for the financial mafia, destructive for humans and nature.

The province is a different country, not Moscow. Its problems are more tragic and harsh, and, therefore, the potential for resistance is more powerful here. By giving the provinces information about the achievements of the capital's patriotic opposition, about new ideas and political technologies, by including regional groups in network structures, we will help this potential to be realized. Moreover, the province is still preserved in terms of morality and cultural traditions. People there are cleaner and better, the concept of "relatives" has not died in them, love for their small homeland, for the land, for their native river is alive …

You are one of the founders of the so-called. Committee of the Sta. Please tell us what kind of organization it is. What is its history, activities and tasks

In 2004, we got together - several scientists from different fields, but with the same patriotic position, with a common understanding of the gravity of the situation and the need to fight. This is how the Sta-K100 Committee arose. We set ourselves the task - to write analytical studies on the most important problems of the country - on the defeat of science and education, on the economic, political, ecological situation … We - sociologists, biologists, physicists, chemists - shared information with each other, wrote joint works. Thus, creating a collective mind, because only he is able to comprehend the huge flows of information of modern society, developing a multidimensional vision of the problem, which is necessary to make the right decision in the current unprecedentedly difficult situation.

The basis for the effective work of the committee is the use of modern information and political technologies, close cooperation and warm friendly relations between its members.

K100 is not formalized, does not have a rigid structure and formal membership. It is a flexible networked entity with a core of permanent members and many expert allies who periodically engage in specific tasks. We do not have a rigid work plan, minutes, formal periodic meetings. We meet as needed, form teams for specific projects.

Writing analytical articles and reviews is not the only activity of the K100. An important component of our work is participation in practical political activities. Here, as in science, theory must be verified by practice at every step. We have many partners - political parties, patriotic newspapers, book publishers … We are not armchair scholastics - theoreticians, we do not invent hypotheses. The topics of our analytical articles and books come from the actual needs of Russia today, from rallies, party congresses of patriots, from courtrooms.

The most important component of K100's activities is collective projects, for which K100 usually invites partners. We held round tables on the problems of science and education on the basis of the newspapers Vremya and Sovetskaya Rossiya, a round table on ecology on the basis of the opposition factions of the State Duma. In collaboration with B. Mironov and T. Mironova, we held a conference "Russia in the context of the global crisis" in the Russian State Library. K100 members take part in roundtable meetings and conferences of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian creative movement Russian Lad. In recent years, we have preferred the format of Internet conferences, considering them the most effective modern form of work. In the fall of 2010, we held an Internet conference "Scientists on Russian-Belarusian Relations", timed to coincide with the presidential elections in Belarus. Our main partner is the Znanie-Vlast! Newspaper. The conference was attended by 20 scientists from 4 CIS countries, the result of the conference was the invitation of a group of its participants to Belarus to meet with scientific and student teams, which gave a serious impetus for cooperation.

The main concern and main problem of K100 is working with young people. But this is not only our problem. The defeat of science, emigration of 1 million 200 thousand researchers, internal emigration - the departure of university graduates to commercial and service structures - knocked out a whole generation of intellectuals. In science today there are no thirty, forty, fifty. Only old people and children, who, having prepared a dissertation, also strive abroad. In addition, young people are afraid of losing their jobs, "showing up" in political activity. Finally, they simply do not have the time and energy - a sweatshop system has established itself in Russia. And yet, we manage to solve this problem. We very much respect and appreciate our young colleagues, albeit a few, but very worthy, we very much hope that they will reach victory.

The last event held by the Committee was an Internet conference dedicated to the future of Russia, during which those who wished could send their answers to questions about the arrangement of Russia and the work of patriotic forces. Are you satisfied with the outcome of this conference? Did she give something, in your opinion? Can you briefly highlight a certain main conclusion - the answer to the eternal question “what to do”? Not in the abstract future, but right now?

- The volume and efficiency of K100 collective projects is growing, because each completed project becomes a launching pad for the future, bringing in already proven partners, a scheme of interaction that has been developed over the years, ensuring efficient work with minimal energy consumption. Here we have a synergistic effect - well-coordinated teamwork gives rise to the energy of interaction that allows us to move forward, having at our disposal very modest resources.

The largest collective project for K100 was the Internet conference "Russia: the Image of the Future", held in October-November 2012. The project was implemented thanks to the unification of eight organizations of expert analysts into a single Organizing Committee. In addition to the Hundred Committee, it included the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, the International Slavic Academy, the Scientific Center of the All-Russian Creative Movement Russkiy Lad, the Movement for the Revival of Russian Science, the conceptual and analytical newspaper “Knowledge-Power!”, Scientific and Educational Publishing House “White Alvy”, ZUBR - All-Ukrainian public association "For Ukraine, Belarus, Russia" (Ukraine). The creation of the Organizing Committee is already a serious step in the consolidation of the expert community of the patriotic movement.

The information block of the project consisted of six sites (four in Moscow, Krasnoyarsk and Kiev) and two rings - Russian and Belorussian. The systematic publication of the materials of the project "in paper" was provided by the newspaper "Knowledge-Power!" the possibility of creating such a block is also a sign of a certain maturity of the movement.

The results of the conference exceeded the expectations of the organizers - 65 reports were received from 22 cities, 6 countries, which testifies: despite the total destruction of the intellectual potential of the post-Soviet space for 20 years, it was not possible to completely destroy it. Another positive sign is the successful assimilation of new technologies, most of the participants came not as a result of personal connections, but thanks to the Internet.

The conference revealed that the expert community understands the situation well and highlights the key threats. Many project participants named the natural worldview, the environmental doctrine as an ideology capable of uniting patriotic forces. As a state structure desirable for Russia, a society of social justice dominated with the priority of environmental standards - eco-socialism.

The project showed that there is an understanding of the need for international associations to solve the problems of Russia and the world. The participation of the Indian professor Arun Mohanti in the project, a personal meeting with whom became an important milestone in the development of the project, marked the beginning of cooperation with the CIS Department of Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi. The participation of Professor V. Gromov from the USA was just as important.

The conference participants gave a clear answer to the question "what to do?" The answer is simple - to continue the activities that the patriotic opposition is engaged in - to write analytical articles, disseminate truthful information - on the Internet, books, newspapers … Gather smart and honest people, creating groups, organizations, networks … Teach young people, help them fall in love with a healthy lifestyle, protect yourself from corruption, learn to think. Help those who, in difficult conditions, are trying to build ecovillages, create alternative energy sources … And do all this regularly, persistently, systematically, firmly believing that one day the embryos of new life will exceed the critical size, creating a viable country, a new conservation civilization.

Such an answer can only be given by the network, the collective mind, but not everyone perceives such an answer, someone calls it confusion, wanting to get a certain golden key that will open the magic door to a brighter future with one turn. Among the project participants, such were in an absolute minority - 2-3 people - and this is another indicator of the success of the project, the success of the opposition forces developing in the right direction.

What are your (and your colleagues') plans for the further development of the project?

- The conference showed that a new political class has entered the scene, which rejects the spontaneous activity characteristic of the first stages of the patriotic movement, and gives preference to a professional, project-based approach to political work. A highly qualified political class, as it matures, will be able to pick up a falling country and lead it in the right direction. This project contributed to the formation of such a class.

The main outcome of the conference is the strengthening of the community of expert analysts, the creation of horizontal network structures. The formed network made it possible to identify new names, bringing together thinking people from many cities and countries. The conference gave people an impulse for understanding the processes, for creative development, raised the level of participants through the exchange of information. We already have fruits - information resources that covered the project, published a number of works by the participants, the impetus for writing which was the project.

Groups have already arisen that plan joint articles, joint actions, for example, the creation of a calendar of Slavic holidays, the development of the Eco-Settlement program, resistance to the continuing defeat of science …

The Internet project was accompanied by personal meetings, Round Tables, which gave us the opportunity to get to know each other, get to know each other better. Cohesion of the expert community - ideological and organizational - is the most important thing for strengthening the opposition. And our main task constantly remains relevant - to attract intellectuals to politics, to the patriotic field.

Conversation was conducted by Elena Semyonova
