Mysteries Of The Human Psyche: Stockholm Syndrome - Alternative View

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Mysteries Of The Human Psyche: Stockholm Syndrome - Alternative View
Mysteries Of The Human Psyche: Stockholm Syndrome - Alternative View

What surprises the human psyche does not present. It would seem that the victim, under no circumstances, should treat with understanding and sympathy for his tormentor.

Nevertheless, this happens, and this phenomenon is called Stockholm syndrome. Most often it manifests itself during hostage-taking. Stockholm Syndrome is not a mental illness, but it is not yet fully understood and is highly controversial in scientific circles.


37 years before this phenomenon was called "Stockholm Syndrome", it was described by Anna Freud, daughter and follower of the famous psychologist Sigmund Freud. Anna Freud believed that the consciousness of a person in a stressful situation creates certain blocks.

For example, the victim justifies everything with fate, which cannot be changed, or refuses to accept what is happening as reality, or tries to explain the actions of the one who caused all the troubles. This helps to distract and distance from thoughts of a real threat. Freud's daughter called this mechanism of psychological defense, an emotional connection with a tyrant, "identification with the aggressor."

The term Stockholm Syndrome appeared after the hostage-taking in Stockholm. On 23 August 1973, Jan-Erik Ulsson entered one of the banks in the Swedish capital, who had just been released from prison. The criminal had a pistol in his hands, he shot into the air with the words: "The party is starting!"


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The police reacted almost instantly, but Ulsson managed to injure one of the arriving police officers, and he ordered another at gunpoint to sing "Lonely Cowboy". How long this performance would have lasted is unknown. But one of the bank's clients, an elderly man, found the courage to demand that the bandit stop this mockery and release the policeman. Surprisingly, Ulsson released not only the policeman, but also his defender.

The criminal took hostage the bank employees - three women and one man. He locked himself with them in the vault, a small room 3 by 14 meters. And the drama began, which lasted 6 days. Ulsson put forward the following requirements: 3 million kroons, weapons, car, release of Olofsson, his cellmate. The latter was done immediately.

True, they took a promise from Olofsson that he would calm down the terrorist and help free the hostages. For this he was promised a pardon. But the authorities did not know that the robbery was arranged precisely and only in order for Olofsson to be free.

The police could not dare to storm, because police psychologists believed that criminals could go to any measure. In addition, elections were to be held in three weeks, and the authorities could not allow the scandalous completion of the operation and the death of the hostages. And finally, this bank served the entire Stockholm police, and there was only one day left before the salary was paid.

Meanwhile, Ulsson, seeing that the rest of his demands were in no hurry, began to threaten with reprisals against the hostages. And for persuasiveness, during a telephone conversation with the authorities, he began to strangle one of the women so that her wheezing could be heard in the receiver.

Suddenly, two days later, relations between the bandits and the hostages improved. They talked, talked about their lives, played tic-tac-toe. The victims suddenly demanded that the police stop the liberation operation. One of the women herself called the Prime Minister and said that the criminals were sympathetic to the hostages, and demanded to fulfill all that was promised to them.

Ulsson had to somehow show the authorities that he was ready for decisive action, and he decided to wound one of the hostages. Women began to persuade a male colleague to act as a victim. And they persuaded, but, fortunately, this was avoided. But the man, after his release, said that he was even pleased that the choice fell on him.

On August 28, the police launched a gas attack, the hostages were released and the perpetrators were arrested. Even after that, the four hostages hired lawyers for their captors, and in the future, a warm relationship remained between them. And at the trial, they said that they were not afraid of bandits, but of the police.

Psychiatrist Nils Beyeruth, who consulted the police during the operation, suggested using the term "Stockholm syndrome" for such phenomena.


An absolutely incredible case of the manifestation of Stockholm Syndrome occurred with Patricia Hirst, the granddaughter of an American billionaire. The girl was abducted from her home in February 1974 by the terrorist organization SLA. For two weeks, the kidnappers kept Patricia in a closet, blindfolded and gagged. Moreover, the first days she was not allowed to eat, was not allowed to go to the toilet and was raped.


The terrorists' demands were unusual: every California resident in need of food for $ 70 and a huge circulation of their propaganda literature. According to rough estimates, meeting these conditions would cost the girl's family $ 400 million.

Therefore, the counter offer was as follows: $ 6 million in three installments. After the first two installments were paid, and there was one day before the hostage was released, the SLA presented an audio message to Patricia, in which she stated that she was joining the organization and would not return to the family.

After that, the former victim participated in robbing two banks, a supermarket, stealing cars, taking hostages along with the rest of the organization and making explosives. In 1975 she was arrested.

After a psychiatric examination, it turned out that the girl had a mental disorder resulting from the experienced helplessness and extreme horror. That is why her concepts of "bad" and "good" have changed places and Patricia began to identify herself with terrorists.


Scientists believe that Stockholm Syndrome is not a mental illness. In their opinion, this is a normal reaction of the psyche to circumstances that can injure her. The syndrome almost always develops according to the same scenario: the hostages begin to feel sympathy for the kidnappers and distrust of the authorities, and then the criminals begin to feel positive emotions towards the hostages.

First of all, the victim's behavior can be explained by the hope of leniency in case of obedience, so the hostages try to obey and try to find an excuse for the offender in order to win his approval. They understand that they can be saved only if they do not provoke the terrorist to take drastic measures.

Another lever of this mechanism is that people, being in a state of shock from the experience of horror, interpret the actions of the criminal in their favor. This allows you to get rid of fear at least a little. And the victim's attachment to the terrorist creates in her a kind of imaginary sense of security. After all, this nice person cannot pose a real threat to life!

There is another reason for the syndrome. The victim begins to mistakenly believe that if he acts at the same time with the criminal, he will be able to be under his protection, and therefore, safe. It is known that Stockholm syndrome manifests itself if hostages and invaders are together in an enclosed space for at least 3-4 days. During this time, they manage to get to know each other better.


The victims are imbued with the problems and demands of the terrorists and begin to consider them fair, they are even ready to forgive the bandits for putting their lives in danger. Moreover, the captives begin to fear a police assault, since, in their opinion, the probability of dying during an assault is greater than at the hands of an invader.

Now, when it became known about the Stockholm syndrome, law enforcement officers during anti-terrorist operations are trying to encourage its development among the hostages. This is necessary in order for the situation to come to its last phase - the appearance of sympathy for the victim in the offender. Then the chances of survival for the latter increase.

In general, Stockholm syndrome occurs in one of the twelve hostage-taking cases. Racial, national, religious differences or inadequacy, hysteria of terrorists can serve as obstacles to establishing communication.

I must say that it is quite difficult to get rid of the syndrome that has arisen, it acts for a fairly long time.


When it comes to the Stockholm syndrome, associations arise with extreme situations: hostage-taking, prisons, wars, etc. But its manifestations are not only in cases of criminal violence, quite often we can observe the syndrome in ordinary life (manager - subordinate, teacher - student, head of the family - household members, etc.). In fact, wherever the weak depend on the strong, Stockholm Syndrome can occur.

The first hope that in the case of their unconditional obedience, the second will show condescension and approval. And if the strong is not only strict but also just, then loyalty from the weak is assured to him.

The marriage traditions of some peoples can serve as a good example of the domestic syndrome. In some places, the tradition of bride kidnapping is still preserved. Of course, in our time it is more of a performance, but there are exceptions when a girl is stolen without her consent. She is in the groom's house for a long time under the protection of relatives and gradually becomes attached to the kidnapper. And even having received the opportunity to return to his home, he does not use it.

But this is something exotic, but domestic violence is quite common. After all, it is not for nothing that the saying "beats means loves". She perfectly characterizes the traumatic connection between the victim and the rapist.


Most cases of Stockholm syndrome occur in women who are beaten by their husbands. Nevertheless, suffering, a woman hides what is happening and sometimes even finds an excuse for the aggressor. Of course, there are quite a few reasons for this: material dependence, the well-being of children, shame, and so on. But all these are the same manifestations of the Stockholm syndrome.

Or the cause of the syndrome may be the relationship between parents and children - when the child has a feeling that he is not loved. And he blames himself for this, that he is the wrong person, that there is nothing to love him for. Thus, the same victim psychology arises: do not argue, even if you are wrong, and you will not be punished. This is a very difficult situation, because a child cannot change anything, being dependent on a domestic tyrant.

In addition, it is not uncommon for Stockholm Syndrome to occur in rape victims.


This painful addiction is easy to acquire, but getting rid of it is much more difficult. The help of an experienced psychiatrist is simply needed here. A person with Stockholm Syndrome does not realize that there is something wrong with him.

His behavior and beliefs seem logical to him. He seems to be isolated from the outside world with its normal concepts. It is known that psychological rehabilitation after abduction or hostage-taking occurs rather quickly, the doctor, as a rule, manages to put "good" and "bad" in their places.

The situation is more complicated with the everyday syndrome. It is difficult for victims of domestic violence to convince them that they need help. They do not want to leave their world, although life in it is not very good. To help the victim overcome the syndrome, first of all, someone is needed who will provide material and moral support.

This is necessary so that the victim feels more confident and does not perceive the situation as hopeless. Treatment of Stockholm syndrome should be started as early as possible, otherwise the process will become irreversible.

Of course, you would not wish anyone to be in conditions when this syndrome occurs, but forewarned means forearmed. We do not know what surprises the subconscious mind can present in a stressful situation. Therefore, psychologists advise to maintain inner convictions, even if you have to appear submissive.

That is, you need to analyze your inner state and not lose the ability to think logically. And sooner or later, there will be a way out of any hopeless situation.