Someone Drove 16-ton Stone Balls 500 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

Someone Drove 16-ton Stone Balls 500 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View
Someone Drove 16-ton Stone Balls 500 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

Video: Someone Drove 16-ton Stone Balls 500 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

Video: Someone Drove 16-ton Stone Balls 500 Thousand Years Ago - Alternative View

Very interesting findings of scientists have already been mentioned in various sources. So on January 17, 2003, a message appeared that after some mysterious object flew over the taiga, very small balls of unknown origin were discovered during excavations. What it was - a UFO, a meteorite, it is not clear. In addition, such balls, only of a very huge size, are very often found in different parts of our planet. Scientists call them the balls of the ancient gods. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and Honorary Member of the New York Academy of Sciences Anatoly Garshits believes that all these findings can be explained quite logically.


He told how in the forties of the last century, when cutting down the jungle of Costa Rica, they found several mysterious objects. They were stone balls of almost regular shape. Some of them reached three meters in diameter and weighed about sixteen tons, and there were also ones that did not exceed the size of a children's ball and were 10 centimeters in diameter. There were a huge number of balls, they lay in groups of three to fifty pieces. Such an amazing find was jokingly called "balls that the gods played with." When they decided to study these amazing artifacts, they found that a very strange picture opened from a bird's eye view. Numerous stone balls were folded into squares, triangles and circles of regular shape, oriented to the parts of the world. What is the nature of these stones, who placed them in this way and, most importantly, for what purpose?

After studying, archaeologists came to the conclusion that the stones belong to the 14-15th centuries AD. Then the Incas and Mayans, the ancestors of the Indians, lived in those parts. But, even taking into account the very developed culture of these peoples, it is hard to believe that they could create huge objects with their bare hands. There was an assumption that another, unknown to us civilization could exist on the territory of Costa Rica.


Special commissions were created to carry out excavations. After a careful study of the area, we were very surprised. During lengthy excavations, not a single object was found that would indicate human activity - not a single pot, tool or decoration. This means that it is unlikely that people once lived in those jungles. We decided to investigate in more detail the age of these balls and it turned out that they are about one hundred thousand to half a million years old.

And after such a discovery, various hypotheses began to arise. Since the balls lay not in a disorderly heap, but in the form of celestial constellations, they assumed that these were astronomical observatories arranged by an ancient civilization. Or maybe in those places battles of giant warriors took place. The most popular theory was that in ancient times, representatives of a very advanced civilization laid out these stone balls in order to determine the landmarks of ships arriving from space. Many scientists, believing in this theory and armed with the latest and most advanced technology at that time, observed space and everyone was waiting for some signs in the sky.

Meanwhile, similar finds began to occur all over the world - Mexico, Brazil, USA, Australia, Nepal, Egypt, Romania, Kazakhstan, Altai, even in Franz Josef Land.

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Doctor of Biological Sciences, leading researcher at the Institute of Organic and General Chemistry, Valentin Glazov, who took part in the research of mysterious objects, wrote that there were all kinds of rumors about these balls. There was a lot of information that there was an anomalous field around them, all electrical appliances were off scale, the clock stopped. People who were near the plantations of these balls, breathing quickened, coordination of movement changed, memory lapses, sleep disturbances occurred. Against the background of such rumors, all sorts of fantastic versions began to appear that such balls are special devices tuned to the waves of reception and transmission of the signal of the "cosmic mind". Many people began to come to the places where the mysterious finds were located, allegedly to treat various diseases. Someone even, in fact,managed to heal, maybe the healing properties really helped.


The three largest balls, which were found in the late 70s in Guadalajara, were sent to the American University of New York. There, these balls were sawed and carefully examined from the inside. After that, scientists decided that these artifacts were in some way not made by people, that is, they do not have a technogenic, man-made origin. The very same internal structure of such balls had a very complex composition - alloys of rare earth metals, repeatedly twisted in a spiral. The chemical properties that these alloys exhibited were very mysterious.


But, despite all these incredible rumors, research, scientists and geologists are confident that the balls appeared as a result of natural origin. They were not created by the gods, but were formed through the influence of factors such as water, wind, rain, which for centuries washed away ash and earth. Apparently, many millions of years ago, several volcanic eruptions took place in the region of South America. As a result, there was a very strong earthquake, lava covered the soil for many kilometers, and glassy particles ejected from the craters of the volcano began to form spheres, which then turned into balls.


Elena Matveeva, a leading researcher at the Central Research Institute of Geology of Rare-Earth and Non-Ferrous Metals, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, explained that an ideal ball is obtained when crystallization occurs evenly at all sides. The balls came to the surface after many millennia, as a result of the so-called weathering - exopholization.

Of course, this is a very convincing theory, but debates about mysterious stone balls are still ongoing. After all, some of them represent a granite base, which does not fit into this hypothesis.