All Indigenous Peoples Of America Are From Siberia! - Alternative View

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All Indigenous Peoples Of America Are From Siberia! - Alternative View
All Indigenous Peoples Of America Are From Siberia! - Alternative View

Video: All Indigenous Peoples Of America Are From Siberia! - Alternative View

Video: All Indigenous Peoples Of America Are From Siberia! - Alternative View
Video: Do you know where Native Americans come from? 2024, July

White gods in America thousands of years ago, Columbus's discovery that he was not the first

Ancient legends of the Indians of Central and South America tell that white bearded people once landed on the shores of their country. They brought the Indians the basics of knowledge, laws, writing, the entire civilization. They arrived in large, strange vessels with swan wings and hulls glowing so brightly that they looked like giant snakes gliding through the water. Approaching the shore, people disembarked from the ships - blue-eyed and fair-haired - in robes of rough black material with a round opening at the neck and short wide sleeves.

Video format of the article - White gods in America thousands of years ago, and the discovery of Columbus that he was not the first! All indigenous peoples of America are from SIBERIA !:

The legend of a single white god, who was the beginning of each of the most ancient civilizations of the Indians of both Americas, has also survived to this day. The Toltecs and Aztecs of Mexico called the white god Quetzalcoatl, the Incas - Kon-Tiki Viracocha, for the Chibcha he was Bochica, and for the Mayans - Kukulcan. The Peruvians, who to this day claim that the gods had blonde hair and blue eyes, called him Justus. Indian chronicles say that white bearded people appeared on the shores of Lake Titicaca, where they built a huge city and taught the local population to live in a civilized manner, 2000 years before the Incas.

This is a copy of one of the so-called. Aztec Codex - handwritten books of the Aztecs, made in the form of drawings. Quetzalcoatl is depicted on it not only with a cross, but also with a beard and European appearance.


Pizarro wrote about the Incas: “The ruling class in the Peruvian kingdom was light-skinned, the color of ripe wheat. Most of the nobles were remarkably like the Spaniards. In this country I met an Indian woman so fair skinned that I was amazed. Neighbors call these people children of the gods …"

They did not mix with the Indians, had an incomparably better education compared to their subjects, and spoke a special language. There were 500 such members of royal families before the arrival of the Spaniards. Chroniclers report that eight rulers of the Inca dynasty were white and bearded, and their wives were “white as an egg”. Garciglaco left an impressive description of how, once, when he was still a child, another dignitary took him to the royal tomb. Ondegardo (that was his name) showed the boy one of the rooms of the palace in Cuzco, where several mummies lay along the wall. Ondegardo said they were former Inca emperors and he saved their bodies from decay. By chance the boy stopped in front of one of the mummies. Her hair was white as snow. Ondegardo said it was the mummy of the White Inca, the 8th ruler of the Sun. Since it is known that he died at a young age,then the whiteness of his hair can in no way be explained by gray.

Promotional video:

In 1925, archaeologists discovered two large necropolises on the Paracas Peninsula in the southern part of the central Peruvian coast. The burial contained hundreds of mummies of ancient dignitaries. Radiocarbon analysis determined their age - 2200 years … When the mummies were opened, a striking difference from the main physical type of the ancient Peruvian population was revealed. Here is what the American anthropologist Stewart wrote at the time: "It was a group of large people, absolutely not typical for the population of Peru" …"


So, the Spaniards were not the first white people to set foot on the American continent, just as Columbus was not its first discoverer. All the more surprising for them was the reaction of the local population or their appearance.

Honoré quotes a letter from Columbus. “On November 6, 1492, he wrote that after a 12-mile march, his messengers found a village in which about 1000 people lived. The locals (whom Columbus called Indians) greeted them with honors, settled them in the most beautiful houses, took care of their weapons, carried them on their hands and kissed their feet, trying to make them understand in any way that they were white people who came from the gods. About 50 inhabitants asked my messengers to take them with them to heaven to the eternal gods …"


In his memoirs, Cortes quotes an excerpt from Montezuma's speech: “We know from the letters we inherited from our ancestors that neither I nor anyone else inhabiting this country are its indigenous inhabitants. We came from other lands. We also know that we trace our lineage from the ruler to whom we were subordinates. He came to this country, he again wanted to leave and take his people with him. But they had already married local women, built houses and did not want to go with him. And he left. Since then, we have been waiting for him to return someday. It will return just from the side you came from, Cortez …"

The Aztecs thought that their expectations had come true, that the gods had returned as promised. Moreover, they returned to that "special" year, which the priests calculated, and which was repeated every 52 years. The clothes of the conquistadors were very similar to those of the long-awaited gods. That is why the civilizations of the Indians with powerful military organizations and a multi-million population did not put up almost any resistance to the Spanish conquistadors, whose number barely reached 1000. Neither the Aztecs nor the Incas did almost nothing when the Spaniards broke into their temples and smashed the gold and marble statues of the white gods …

It is enough to look at some of the exhibits from the gold museum in Peru, which from time to time is replenished with new ones, and of which there have already accumulated more than 20 thousand.


These gold jewelry is only a tiny fraction of the famous "Inca gold" from the semi-mythical country of El Dorado. Perhaps it would be superfluous to say that the white gods also taught the art of gold mining and processing of the Indians.


Find 10 differences: The vase on the left is made in Tripoli, the vase on the right is made in Teotihuacan (the difference in the production is 700 years - the lids are completely the same.).


At the beginning of the 20th century, archaeologists found figurines and images of bearded gods in Central and South America - Ecuador, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, El Salvador, their images can be seen in the drawings of ancient manuscripts stored in the libraries of European capitals, but, alas, for the general public they are not yet available, we will remove this limitation if possible.

Photos of real Indians:


Bronze plate depicting a warrior with the head of an enemy, Crespi collection (Ecuador):


Stone pipe in the shape of the head of a bearded man, Soper-Savage collection:


Earthen incense burner in the shape of the "old god" Chiutecuhtli, Aztec culture, Mexico:


Earthen incense burner in the shape of the "old god" Chiutecuhtli, Aztec culture, Mexico


Stone head of a bearded man, Olmec culture, Mexico:


On the northern coast of Peru in the period from I to VIII centuries. the developed agricultural culture of mochica (or urine) flourished. A distinctive feature of the Moche cultural complex is painted burial ceramics. Figured polychrome vessels moche are rightfully considered one of the masterpieces of ancient Peruvian art. One of these vessels depicts a battle scene, or rather its finale. Indian warriors in full armor escort the captured enemy. And if the bodies of the soldiers are painted in red, then the naked body of the prisoner is depicted in white. Moreover, the prisoner has relatively short black hair and the same black beard. The battle scenes are typical of the Mochica ceramics complex and are very realistic, despite the presence of a rather strict iconographic canon. Therefore, we can safely assumethat on this vessel a representative of the white race is indeed depicted as a prisoner. That is, in this case we are talking about the image of a specific person.

Drawing of a scene from a vessel of Moche culture, Peru:


Indians' labyrinths

In October 2006, American researcher Daniel Byers, using a White's DFX professional metal detector, inspected a school stadium in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, and discovered an unusual object at a depth of approximately 40 cm. It turned out to be a trapezoidal metal plate measuring 5.6 x 3.7 cm with a small hole in the upper edge. The plate had relief images on both sides. On the obverse there was an image of a young man in a loincloth and an elaborate headdress, and on the back was a double-edged ax.

Minoan Pendant, Cleveland, Ohio.


The image of the young man was almost a copy of a fresco in the Palace of Knossos in Crete. This is a well-known depiction of the so-called "Prince with the Lilies", which is usually dated to about 1550 BC. e. In addition, on the right half of the plate were placed two symbols related to Linear A in Crete. This writing system was used mainly for clerical purposes and did not last long in Crete, from about 1700 to 1550. BC. It was replaced by the Linear B system. The double-edged ax is an image of the ceremonial Mycenaean ax labrys!


"The Prince with the Lilies", a fresco from the Palace of Knossos in Crete:


However, this find is not the only one related to the Minoan culture. In 1975, on the banks of the Penobscot River (Maine), a plate 8.5 cm wide was found, made of a silver-nickel alloy. It depicted a woman in a wide bell-shaped skirt, a high pointed hat and a large pectoral pectoral. The woman held a snake in her left hand. This iconographic image is well known in Minoan culture. So the goddess of the moon was portrayed.


The American archaeologist Gunnar Thompson, in his book The True Story of America's Discovery (1994), indicated that Minoan inscriptions were found in Georgia and on the shores of the Amazon in Brazil. At the end of the 19th century, the American antiquarian G. Bancroft reported that the Pima Indians in Arizona showed Spanish travelers their symbol of wisdom, the role of which was played by the image of a labyrinth, identical to that which was later found on the wall of the palace at Knossos.

Minoan labyrinth, relief from the Palace of Knossos in Crete:


Indian labyrinths:


The Pima Indians are descendants of the Hohokam culture that existed in the southwestern United States from the 1st to the 15th centuries. From this culture to the present day, the remains of an extensive irrigation system and interesting cultural monuments - rock towns - have been preserved. In one of the largest such settlements, called by the Spaniards Cassa Grande, images of the Minoan labyrinth are also known, made on the walls of houses and religious buildings.

The American researcher G. S. Colton argued that the Pima Indians' depictions of the labyrinth are indistinguishable from those on a number of coins of classical Greece (VIII-VI centuries BC). The heyday of the Minoan culture is attributed to the period of the XXVIII-XV centuries. BC. Therefore, it can be argued that the described finds date back to the 2nd millennium BC. or even earlier. Considering that the ancient Minoans were excellent sailors, as well as the fact that Minoan inscriptions were found in North and South America, the hypothesis of visits to the New World by immigrants from Crete looks quite justified.

For us, this information is TOP interesting, since in the previous article we found out, based on the decoding of the Phaistos disc, that the Minoans, they are also Trypillians-Pelasgi, the ancestors of the Etruscans, were a Slavic tribe.

In the 1970s, the newspaper Za Rubezhom reprinted an article from the English newspaper Daily Telegraph. It said: “According to new data obtained from the study of mysterious inscriptions on stones in New England, the first person to set foot on the land of America, a thousand years before Columbus, was a Celtic - Scottish or Irish. The most important evidence comes from archaeological excavations at Mystery Hill in North Salem, New Hampshire - inscriptions in the Celtic Ogam language. Dr. Barry Fell, a professor at Harvard University, has a long history of translating the inscriptions and believes they date back to the 800-300 AD period. BC. At one of the meetings of the society, he suggested: based on the fact that the traces of the Celts are lost here in the depths of the centuries, we can assume that they disappeared here as an independent ethnic group,mingling with the local Indian population.

The discovery of Celtic inscriptions in the New World has paradoxical consequences for the Old World. For European archeology, where more liberal views of the Celtic period have developed in recent years, new discoveries in America could mean an influx of information on issues such as the dating of megalithic structures and their purpose, including new information about the gods who were honored there.

In fact, Christian priests did not have time to eliminate the pagan inscriptions on the megaliths of New England, and now these documents can help to find out who built such structures in Europe, where there are practically no inscriptions from the pre-Christian era.

Ogami writing


Let us turn to the conclusions of the British Colonel-researcher James Churchward. And he came to them as a result of studying the Mayan languages. According to various sources, there are up to 80 of them, they are united into 10 language groups, many are already dead. Taking one of them, the Kara-Maya language, the colonel decided to correlate the Mayan lexemes with the Greek letters and found that they correspond, that the modern Greek alphabet consists of the Kara-Mayan lexemes, well, or vice versa, decide for yourself!


Analyzing the works of representatives of different sciences from different countries of the world, built on reliable historical facts and covering the history of America before and after 1492, one can be convinced of the obvious incompatibility of the Europocentric "truth" with the present truth. For example, science is well aware that Western Europe, whose powerful civilization today has a huge impact on the whole world, at the end of the 15th century lagged far behind the original cultures of the Mughal Empire in India, the Ming Dynasty in China, the Aztec and Inca empires in Central and South America, the Kingdom of Benin in West Africa, and the Aboriginal people in Australia, who developed and flourished without any outside influence.


When Christopher Columbus first set foot on the land of the "New World", this vast continent was "new" only for Europeans. And from the point of view of world history, the civilization and culture of America had already gone through by that time numerous periods of rise and fall, prosperity and stagnation, forward movement and retreat. America, already then the scene of countless events, was in no way inferior to the Old World in terms of the richness of its history. Even then, it kept many ancient secrets, inaccessible to the eyes of aliens, and was a truly mysterious, mysterious world, in some directions far ahead of Europe.

According to the available scientific data, about 75 million indigenous people lived on the American continents 500 years ago. They spoke 2000 languages. Each of these peoples had their own, distinct from others, civilization and culture.


The resettlement of a person from Eurasia to America took place many times: the first time 40-35 thousand, the second - 28-25 thousand, and the third - 14-10 thousand years ago. The original Americans were from Eurasia. This is fully confirmed by the data of archaeological science.

How did the leading anthropologists interpret the problem of the origin of North Americans? According to Alesh Hrdlichka, American "Indians" descend from the population of Siberia. Having studied the craniological characteristics of the indigenous population of Siberia, he concluded that there were morphological similarities between Siberians and the "Indians" of North America. Based on Morgan's theory, scientists carried out a comparative analysis of DNA molecules in the chromosomes of the current "Indians" inhabiting different regions of the United States, established their similarities and differences, as a result of which they came to the conclusion that from a genetic point of view, all the examined groups of "Indians" come from a single a kind that lived from 15 to 30 thousand years ago.


According to many microbiologists, 95 percent of American "Indians" are descendants of people from a small group that, by the end of the Ice Age, crossed from Eurasia to America through the Bering Isthmus. Genetic arguments lead us to speculate that the Eskimos, Aleuts, and the Na-Dene have common roots and that they migrated from Eurasia to America about 7,500 years ago.

The mounds of America have a direct thousand-year "genetic" connection with the mounds of Asia and Eurasia. Totemism in Eurasia and America has common roots.

Until 1942, the American mound range stretched from the Great Lakes in the north to the Gulf of Mexico in the south and from the eastern part of the Great Lowland to the Appalachian Mountains, covering them completely. Burial mounds have been built here continuously for 4000 years. Their huge number, impressive size and amazing beauty did not leave anyone indifferent.

The American scientist L. N. Shaffer, who specially studied these mounds, divides the time of their construction into three periods (epochs).

In the first period, approximately in 1500-700 BC, the territory of the construction of the mounds was limited to the lower Mississippi and the adjacent fields.

The second period is called "Forest", or "Adena-Hopewell" and covers the period from 500 BC to 400 AD. The most important mounds at this time were built along the Ohio River and its tributaries, from where they began to spread along the eastern wooded valleys.

The third period of the construction of the barrows covers the years 700-1700 AD. Archaeologists call it the "Mississippi era." It was during this time that an agglomeration of the most magnificent mounds arose in the Cahokia area near East St. Louis, Illinois. In 900-1200 AD in the whole of Northeast America there was no equal to them in scale.


For what, why, for what purpose were so numerous and dissimilar mounds built?

Some burial mounds with different heights, built in the form of a circle or ellipse, were grave monuments.

Mounds of adobe, discovered in 1925 by the archaeologist Warren near Etow, Georgia, which were later determined to be "Indians" prayer houses. The ancient Americans built wooden temples and houses of worship on their rooftops.

Another type of burial mounds described by M. Stingle is made of clay according to the model of multistage pyramids. The Kahokiy mound on the Mississippi has just such a shape. The length and width of the base of this monument, which is considered the most grandiose example of the architectural art of the "Indians", was equal to 350x210 meters, and its height was 30 meters.


In Northeast America, more precisely in the states of Wisconsin and Ohio, USA, one more type of mounds is found, in their outlines these huge structures strongly resemble certain animals, but in size they are thousands of times larger. The mound, towering in Ohio, has the shape of a snake, and the "tail" of one of them is 300 meters.


Another mound in Wisconsin, 60 meters long, resembles an American alligator, and another, in South Dokota, looks exactly like a turtle. All six mounds, discovered 100 years ago near the city of Crawford, Wisconsin, appear before the gaze in the form of huge birds soaring upward with spread wings.

Ch. Rau investigated "shaped" mounds; in the state of Wisconsin, scientists discovered a total of 483 such mounds. According to his data, 24 mounds depict birds, 11 deer, 16 rabbits, 20 bears, etc.

It goes without saying that the ancient Americans did not erect such mounds by accident or out of mere whim. Scientists are looking for the main reason for this in the beliefs of the "Indians", namely, in totemic beliefs. All of these geometric shapes and figures are believed to represent their iconic totems. This statement is quite logical, one can fully agree with it.

Totemism is the most widespread belief in the world, it has been studied in detail by scientists. Among them, in particular, one should highlight the studies of Edward Taylor, Sigmund Freud, John McLennan, Andrew Lang, James Fraser, S. Reinach, W. Wundt, S. P. Tolstova, D. E. Haituna, N. A. Alekseeva, L. Rassonia.


So in the beliefs of American "Indians" totemism occupies an extremely important place. Moreover, the terms "totem" and "totemism", firmly rooted in most of the world's languages, go back to the languages of the "Indians"! For example, in the language of the "Indian" Ojibwe tribe, the word "totem" means "clan". This is a genus of some animals - a genus of bears, wolves, turtles, deer, rabbits … In North America, the tribes of "Indians" -Algonquins (this group includes the Ojibwe) consider animals as their ancestors, and call themselves by the name of the corresponding totem animal. The "Indian" tribes of Oroan and Mund, living in the mountainous regions of the country, considered snake-shaped fish, hawk, falcon, and gray heron as their ancestor totems. Interestingly, each member of the tribe carries this name as their own name.


The recognition of totems as the ancestors of people is found not only among the "Indians" of America. It is well known that totemism is inherent in most of the peoples who once inhabited Africa, Australia and Asia. For example, the Bechuan tribes of Africa called themselves by totem names bakuena (crocodile), batlapi (fish), balaunga (lion), bamorar (wild-growing grapes). According to E. Taylor, it was strictly forbidden to kill a totem animal or eat its meat. And according to the conclusions of the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, the main distinguishing feature of the Australian totemism was that the totem of the tribe was considered not only as the common ancestor of the members of the tribe, but also as the owner of sacred power, protecting their descendants. In addition, members of the tribe were strictly forbidden to kill their totems and eat their meat, men and women who have a common totem,had no right to sexual intercourse and incest. These prohibitions were strictly observed, since no one doubted that those who dared to violate them would face a cruel punishment of a totem or sudden death.


If we consider the issue in the light of scientific data, we cannot fail to notice that the totemic beliefs of the "Indians", like their ancestors themselves, "migrated" to America from Eurasia!

In fact, the prohibitions associated with them are similar to those of the peoples inhabiting the Eurasian continent.

But what thread runs from Eurasia to the American mounds? It turns out that such a thread exists - tangible and durable. The mounds inherent in the culture of the "Indians" are borrowed from other civilizations. From whatever scientific position one approaches the issue, prototypes of the mounds must be sought primarily in Eurasia. For Eurasia, firstly, is the historical homeland of the first Americans ("Indians") who penetrated into America in ancient times through the Bering Isthmus. Secondly, in Eurasia, the culture of mounds is ubiquitous and has deep historical roots. Thirdly, it is logical to assume that the first settlers did not go to America empty-handed. There is good reason to believe that the first Americans brought their language, customs, and beliefs to new lands with them. For language, tradition and belief are inherent attributes of being;they are inherent in man, man is inseparable from them; they are passed down from generation to generation and are so natural for a person that it is simply impossible to erase them from his consciousness.

One more circumstance must be borne in mind - the wide representation of the kurgans in Eurasia, namely in Siberia. There is no need to go far for examples - it will probably be enough to note that only on the territory of Kazakhstan in the XX century were two large groups of mounds of world importance discovered. The first of them is the Issyk kurgans, located near Almaty at the foot of the Alatau, which were discovered by archaeologist K. Akishev (and found the "golden warrior" there).


The second is the Berel agglomeration in Altai, discovered by archaeologist Z. Samashev, where the burial place of two nobles (a woman and a man) and the remains of twelve horses with gold harnesses were found.


Issyk kurgans were erected approximately in the 5th-4th centuries BC, and as for the age of the Altai ones, scientists currently believe that they are about two and a half thousand years old. But since the research work on them has not yet been completed, the possibility of changes in the dating is not excluded.

Some burial mounds, like the American ones, are striking in their scale, and the gigantic agglomerations are in no way inferior in size to the agglomerations of the New World. For example, a group of kurgans called "Kyryk oba" ("Forty kurgans"), located on the territory of the West Kazakhstan region, namely, in the oil-bearing Karachaganak region. Three so-called "royal mounds" are distinguished in it. The largest of them is 20 meters high and 150 meters in diameter. The adjoining two burial mounds also delight in their scale - the width of one of them is almost a hundred meters.


Comparison of the Eurasian and American mounds makes it possible to see their similarity not only in size, but also in shape and functions performed. There are, of course, some differences. Mounds of American "Indians" were erected in four different forms (circle, ellipse, pyramid and in the form of totem animals) and that each of them was built for a specific purpose. Among the Eurasian mounds there are many built in the form of a circle and an ellipse. However, in Eurasian mounds in the form of pyramids and "figurative" ones depicting totem animals are not represented, or they have not yet been found.

Common symbols (solar and crosses) of Indians and Slavs.

The world is ruled not by ideas and thoughts, but by signs and symbols.



Solar symbols, the most common of which is the swastika, (the swastika is a special type of heavenly movement) were widely used by the aboriginal peoples of North, Central and South America. There they have been used since ancient times, in the so-called pre-Columbian Maya and Aztecs in South America. At the same time, the swastika was found on grain grinders, Brazilian Indian women wore it on raincoats, the Pueblo Indians painted the swastika on dance rattles, and mound makers in Arkansas and Missouri applied a spiral version of the swastika to their ceramics. The Swastika was used by the Comechingon Indians who lived in the territory of modern Argentina. It is assumed that this culture is the direct heir to another aboriginal culture - Ongamira, which dates back to the 5th millennium BC. In North America, the swastika has been found in abundance in the mounds and Indian burials of Tennessee and Ohio.


Most of the archaeological finds with swastikas found in North America are in the Prehistoric Ethnography Department of the US National Museum. First of all, it is an extensive collection of large, patterned shells found in Florida, the Mississippi River Valley, and the Northern States.


Pay attention to this swastika image as it is a calendar. To understand this is just 4 rays of 13 cells, in each we get 4 * 13 = 52 the number of weeks in a year! 52 * 7 = 364 days, plus the central cell, that's 365 days for you!

You yourself can compare the finds made by the Indians before the Columbian era:


Finds made in Tripoli Ukraine 5-4 millennium BC:


Swastika in Crete, Moneta, 1500-1000 BC:


Indian Embroidery:


Our ornaments in embroidery:


Who used the swastika 100 years ago:


Let's talk about another symbol that is very common today among the American Indians - the cross.

However, we note that the practice of using this symbol by the Indians goes into the darkness of millennia and has nothing to do with Christianity. Moreover, different tribes and different civilizations of the Indians used different types of crosses - "Maltese", "Greek", "Catholic", etc. When the Spanish conquistadors began the conquest of the New World in the 16th century, the Catholic monks who arrived with them noted with surprise that the cross is a symbol of the worship of "wild barbarians" and is placed in their temples in a place of honor.


So, the cross was brought to America by not Christian missionaries at all. Thus, one Catholic priest Marquette reported in his messages the following: “I was very glad to find that in the very middle of the village there was a huge cross, decorated with several skins, red belts, bows and arrows, which the kind Indians sacrificed to Great Manita for the care that he protected them in the cold winter, and the gift of prey hunting. As you can see, the Catholic missionary was not embarrassed by the fact that the cross was painted with Indian signs, covered with skins of sacrificial animals and dedicated to the local Indian god, and this ritual was practiced long before the first missionary appeared in those places.


By the way, when the Spanish missionaries arrived in one area in Mexico, they found there giant stone steles, including in the form of crosses, which the Indians worshiped. These crosses were symbols of the rain god Chuck, but Catholic missionaries attributed them to the mission of the apostle Thomas. Other Indian tribes applied crosses to the bodies of newborns, believing that in this way they ward off evil spirits from them.


In the city of Palenque, Mexico, the remains of an ancient Aztec temple have been preserved. On the reverse side of one of the altars, there is a three-meter cross, framed by a complex symbolic pattern. The Aztecs and other Indian tribes of Mesoamerica called such a cross "the tree of possession" or "the tree of health" and considered it a symbol of life. The ritual clothes of the Aztec priests and nobility were completely covered with crosses, which can be seen in the figure, which depicts a scene of the ritual bloodletting of an Aztec nobleman with "Greek" crosses. In the spring, the Aztecs made sacrifices to their goddess of fertility, Kenteotl, the patroness of heaven and corn, nailing a young man or girl to a cross, and then shooting them with arrows with set plumage on fire.

The cross was a sacred symbol among the Mayan Indians. The so-called "angels" of the Maya Indians had crosses painted in different colors on their foreheads. The first page of the Mayan Codex depicts a "Maltese" cross.


The cross was used (and is still in use) by the North American Indians, and different crosses had different meanings. As Thomas Wilson notes, at the end of the 19th century, Colonel Garrick Mallery thoroughly researched the theme of the cross among the tribes of North American Indians and described it in the "Tenth Report" of the Ethnography Department of the National Museum of the United States on American Indian pictography, which has 800 pages and 1300 illustrations. In particular, he wrote that among the Dakota Indians the "Greek" cross means a combination of 4 winds blowing from 4 caves, in which the souls of people live before their incarnation in human bodies; and "Catholic" is a mystical animal for them - a dragonfly. The crosses on Eskimo bow arrows represent flocks of birds. For them, a cross placed on the head of a human figure meant a shamanic spirit or demon. The Hidatsa Indians designated them on the maps of the dwellings of the Dakota Indians. The "Maltese" cross was a symbol of virginity among the Moki Indians, and a stylized alligator among the Chiriqui Indians.

However, the Navajo Indians revered the cross as a symbol of the sun father. In addition, a significant amount of material evidence stored in the funds of the US National Museum shows that the cross, be it "Maltese" or "Greek", appears on Indian products together with solar symbols. The same can be seen in large numbers in the embroideries that adorn the national Indian costumes, the elements of which are very reminiscent of the Slavic-Aryan solar symbols, among which the star of Svarog and the Kolovrat are very clearly visible. And this, in general, is not at all surprising. Among the Slavs, the cross is still a symbol of the sun and fire, as well as an amulet symbol. There is a point of view that the word Krust (krs) means Fire. So, among the Baltic peoples, there are such varieties of the Cross as: a guardian cross from all undead (Lietuvena Krusts),fire cross (Uguns Krusts) - similar in its outline to the swastika, the cross of Perun (Perkona Krusts) or thunder cross. Also known is the Finnish (oblique) cross, in the shape of the letter X, which, according to a number of researchers, in Russia was revered as a “female” cross. Therefore, at the heart of the symbol of fertility (zhita, a sown field - a rhombus with dots in its four corners) is also clearly visible oblique, X-shaped cross, which also serves as a talisman against pestilence.

White-skinned, blond gods from Eurasia brought civilization to the American Indians, which means that they also brought the symbols. As for North America, archaeologists have found many anthropomorphic masks with features of a white man made from shells in Indian mounds and burials.

In some Inca (or pre-Inca) sacred sites, such as Tiwanaku or Puma Punku, there are still images of people with beards and European features. Moreover, these were not just people, but the central figures in mythology or history, regardless of which people built these sanctuaries.

The megaliths of America are another unexplored topic, but American Stonehenge was found there, which is inherent only in European builders. Plus the fact that some parts of the US Antlantic coast are simply paved with megalithic breakwaters, and the remains of the sanctuaries on these shores speak for themselves who built them.


Almost the entire coast of New York, which is about 200 kilometers, is lined with megaliths of the same type. Both across and along the coast, from small 60 meters, and up to 1.5 kilometers in length. Since the coast is cut by bays and peninsulas, breakwaters are found not only from the side of the open ocean, but also inside the bays. There are also islands that are fully lined around the perimeter.