Why Do People Block The Memory Of The Soul - Alternative View

Why Do People Block The Memory Of The Soul - Alternative View
Why Do People Block The Memory Of The Soul - Alternative View

Video: Why Do People Block The Memory Of The Soul - Alternative View

Video: Why Do People Block The Memory Of The Soul - Alternative View
Video: Dark Souls 2 Dissected #1 - How Soul Memory Was Solved 2024, October

And really for what?

I want to understand this, understand why and how it affects the life of a person and his soul. First, I will write my reasoning on this topic, only then, I will ask my Guardian Angel to tell about it.

I inherited the ability to feel souls in people, and in general to hear my soul. I did not love the bodies of people, but the souls close to them in their bodies. Only then did I begin to remember why I love them. Past lives began to open up in front of me, not only on earth, but also beyond.

But, all this began to open after I remembered my rapists from the life before last, and, realizing my guilt, forgave them. It was like a test to move forward, to open the memory. How will I behave? Feel hate or forgiven and let go? What will I get from what I saw, liberation or sticking to revenge? I passed the test, and my memory began to unfold further.

I don't just meet anyone, and every person on my way is important, and brings some lesson for me, some resource. It’s important to be able to accept and let go, and I’m still learning this painful lesson, but easier and easier. And this is already awareness, without which development is impossible. I am more and more aware of myself and the world.

What would have happened if I had remembered everything from the very beginning?

I had to block this ability almost immediately. How my ability to see the subtle world in infancy was blocked. I was frightened by what I saw, to convulsions, and this ability was hidden in me. Hope to get her back. So far, it opens only as needed.

A person with an unprepared psyche, without awareness, without responsibility for his world, will not use the memory of the soul for good. Therefore, they close the memory of the soul to people, and reveal it as a person is ready to accept it without condemnation, and with gratitude for the lesson.

Promotional video:

I hope I have clearly stated my point of view on memory blocking.

Now I want to ask my Guardian Angel Araharkh about blocking the memory of the soul in people.

- Tell me, please, Araharh, why do they block the memory of souls from birth?

- This is a part of the process that takes place on the ground, a part of the game, in which you are the players, so that you go to another status of the game - to the status of observers, and then control the game. To enter the status of observers, it is necessary to distribute all debts and accept the principle of the game, then abilities, including memory, are included. Acceptance means being aware of responsibility for your thoughts, deeds and actions. Condemnation of someone stops, the understanding comes that you have no enemies, but only teachers and students, that everything is for the better.

When duality in consciousness ceases, a person goes to another level - the one who controls his game. His soul desires come true quickly and environmentally, for all souls. He lives in the present, it is difficult to piss him off, he feels good everywhere, he is always aware, and everywhere he finds something to thank the creator for in his heart. And he sees him in everyone, and everywhere. It is like returning to the soul world in a physical body. Rare people reach this level, but they are on the earth, and it keeps on them. The more there are, the easier it is for the land and people to move to a new level of development, - answered Araharkh.

- Thank you for your specific answer. That is, the memory of the soul is blocked to people on purpose? I ask.

- Yes, and with their consent. At the same time, the soul gets a unique experience living in a semi-sleeping state in a person. When it is activated, memory begins to awaken. A soul awakened in a person in a past life is born awakened in a next life. Nowadays, many children are born with open memories, which is good. People's consciousness wakes up gradually, and this process can no longer be stopped by anything. He walks, and everything changes around, believe it or not, but this is already a fact. Everything that happens in the world is created by you, your thoughts and deeds. You yourself are the creators of everything that is, in each of you there is a part of the creator, and he gives you the right to create, and you create. God cognizes himself through you, in your different epostases, in your different creations and your systems, in different states of your consciousness. You choose how you live,and the further you go, the more your power of choice becomes. Your thoughts become stronger, your emotions become more destructive, your feelings become more pronounced.

Heaven on earth will come when you prefer feelings to emotions, - answered Araharh.

- Wow, how much information you gave me. I need to digest this, re-read it several times, so that it calms down in the subconscious, replacing what contradicts this. Thank you Araharh.

I wish all my readers awareness of what is, and acceptance of themselves and the world.

My poems to him.

I remember you and for thousands of years

Love lived in my heart.

I remember you and there are no places in the world

Wherever I find you.

Author: Natalia Rodionova