Cyril And Methodius As An Established Phantasmagoria - Alternative View

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Cyril And Methodius As An Established Phantasmagoria - Alternative View
Cyril And Methodius As An Established Phantasmagoria - Alternative View

Video: Cyril And Methodius As An Established Phantasmagoria - Alternative View

Video: Cyril And Methodius As An Established Phantasmagoria - Alternative View
Video: 'Житие Кирил и Методий и делото им' Документален филм - St. Cyril & Methodius Documentary (Eng Sub) 2024, October

Have you ever thought that the works of Herodotus are works of art? Yet this circumstance is known to all historians. And, nevertheless, our fathers and grandfathers, you and I and, alas, our children and grandchildren both studied and continue to study the history of the ancient world according to the inventions of Herodotus, moreover, rather contradictory. Although studying ancient history from it is like studying the history of France or America from the books of Jules Verne or Mark Twain.

However, the twenty-first century is a time of discoveries that make many rightly doubt the inviolability of the "classical" historical works and the figures derived in them.

Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the Russian State Library, where the annual Moscow Cyril and Methodius Readings are currently held, was the platform where the merits of traditional historical characters were questioned. At the reader's conference “On the 1150th Anniversary of the Great Moravian Mission of Sts. Cyril and Methodius: controversial issues of the origin of the Slavic alphabet "with a sensational report" Cyrillic and Old Russian writing "was made by the President of the Academy of Fundamental Sciences, a famous writer, author of many scientific monographs Andrei Alexandrovich Tyunyaev. Before you are fragments of his speech, which are of interest in the light of new historical data not only for the scientific community.

Sergei Eremeev, laureate of the A. P. Chekhov Literary Prize.


The modern version of the origin of Russian writing is known. This is an ecclesiastical legend that comes down to the date of 863. And a character named Cyril, whose name the letter was named after.

Meanwhile, as TSB writes, "the majority of scientists … believe that Cyril created the verb." The same is reported by the linguist M. Fasmer: "Cyrillic is the name of the (Glagolic) alphabet invented by Cyril." That is, Cyril has nothing to do with the Cyrillic alphabet.

Promotional video:

Steps of falsification

The legend has its origins in Europe in 1863 in the initiatives of the Catholic Church. This year was declared by the Roman Church as the "Year of the Slavic Jubilee" with the center of the celebrations in Velehrad. In the same year, the Russian Holy Governing Synod, following the lead of Rome, established a celebration for both saints "in commemoration of the millennium from the initial consecration of our native language with the Gospel and the faith of Christ." At this stage, Cyril and Methodius were not yet considered the "inventors of the Russian alphabet": the newly-minted saints were simply enlighteners of the Slavs - to Christianity.

In 1880, "in Rome they were canonized." And only after 1880 the church began to submit Cyril and Methodius as “inventors” of the Russian alphabet. It is for this reason that Brockhaus and Efron give a bibliography for the article "Cyril and Methodius" dated only after the 1880s. Previously, neither Rome nor the Russian Orthodox Church knew these "inventors of Russian writing", and no works devoted to them were published.

In the article "Cyril", published in the encyclopedic dictionary 1890-1907. there is a detailed numbered list: "Cyril, the name of several saints and clergy …". But “St. Cyril”is not in it. In the Bible Encyclopedia of 1891, republished in 1990 with the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, nor about “St. Cyril”, there is no information about his invention of the Cyrillic alphabet.

About the title of the letter

In his edition of 1890-1907. Brockhaus and Efron in the article "Cyrillic" cite two spellings of the word - "Cyrillic" and "Cyrillic", and also accompany the church version with an eloquent adjective - "attributed". And in the dictionary of 1940, edited by Ushakov, we find the same - "Cyrillic" and "Cyrillic, Cyrillic". That is, the name with one letter "l" indicates the lack of connection with the name Cyril.

In Russian, the suffixes -ITS (a) and -LITS (a) form feminine nouns not from personal names, but from the name of males. For example, the master is the craftswoman, the reaper is the reaper, the owner is the owner. From this it is clear that the word KIRILITSA could be formed either from KIRIL + ITZA, or from KIRILETS.

M. Fasmer in his article "Cyril" gives the original name of the Russian writing of the time of birch bark letters - "Old Russian KURILOVITSA (in" Ghoul Dashing ", 1047)". This word is formed from KURIL and the suffix -OVITS (a), which is a variant of the suffix -ITS (a). M. Fasmer also cites the verb SMOKE - "to sew carelessly, to write scribbles", from which you can get SMOKED - SMOKER - SMOKER (example: owner - owner - owner).

Outstanding historian and archaeologist Academician BA Rybakov published unique data: “There is a deep-rooted opinion that the church was a monopolist in the creation and distribution of books; this opinion was strongly supported by the churchmen themselves. It is only true here that monasteries and episcopal or metropolitan courts were the organizers and censors of book copying, often acting as intermediaries between the customer and the scribe, but the executors were often not monks, but people who had nothing to do with the church. We have calculated the scribes according to their position.

For the pre-Mongol era, the result was this: half of the book scribes were laymen; for the 14th - 15th centuries. calculations gave the following results [9]: metropolitans - 1; deacons - 8; monks - 28; clerks - 19; priests - 10; “God's servants” - 35; priests - 4; paroboks - 5. In total, according to our count, 63 laymen and 47 clergymen, i.e. 57% of the artisan scribes did not belong to church organizations. The main forms in the studied era were the same as in the pre-Mongol era: work to order and work on the market."

Let's remember what they wrote on in Russia in antiquity - they were KORA (birch bark) and KERA (a plaque with wax - cera). The Novgorod Psalter (1st quarter of the 11th century) is written on three KERAH. Sometimes SHKURA or SHKIRA was used, as, for example, for writing the Avesta. Hence the universal verb, which is fixed in many Indo-European languages - WRITE. In Russian it is KARAKULI, in it. schreiben, fran. écrire, ital. scrivere, isp. escribir, lat. ceris aliquid mandare - write something down.

Let's add a few more options. Estonian kirjutamine, kirjutis, kirjatükk - "writing"; but in the same Estonian there is a shorter word - kiri - "letter", that is, almost "Kirill". The same in Finnish kirje - "letter". To this we must add not only the Swede. korrespondens - "letter".

Hence, finally, we understand why Constantine was called Cyril. KIRIL is a writer, like, for example, French. écrivain.

About life in Russia before the appearance of Cyril

Christianity paints Russia as wild and uneducated. Patriarch Kirill, in one of his speeches, extremely “tolerant” and demonstrating “true” “care” for our Motherland, drove all the Russians into branches - to coexist with monkeys. According to the plan of the church, we must prostrate ourselves before the enlightening genius of faith.

However, archaeological sources paint a completely different picture for us. In a series of our reports, we showed that in Russia, starting from the 5th millennium BC. e., there were ancient trade routes. The trade was in silver, bronze, jade, lapis lazuli, amber and gold. Already in the Bronze Age, Russia traded with Ancient Egypt and Sumer, as well as with Ancient England and Ancient Afghanistan.

Skeptics can ask questions. We will answer them. All of these trade routes are abundantly marked with archaeological finds. In particular, not so long ago an amber necklace made of Russian amber was found in England. There are many finds of Egyptian goods in the Urals. Jade and lapis lazuli found in Russia are of Badakhshan origin. In other words, trade in the Bronze - Iron Ages in Russia was very active. Even silk appeared on our lands several centuries earlier (6th century BC) the discovery of the so-called Great Silk Road (2nd century BC).

In a series of our publications, we also studied the population of Rus in the pre-Cyrillic time. It turned out that in the Iron Age there were as many settlements on our territories as in the Middle Ages. Maps compiled by archaeologists from the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences show that the distance between some villages was no more than 200 meters.

Calculation of the number of native speakers shows that the so-called Indo-European language family has a much more ancient history than all other language families. If the Indo-European language, or rather the Russian language of the ancient stage, was formed earlier than the 50th millennium BC. e., then, for example, "Turkic languages" are a product of the Bronze - Iron Ages.

Competitions between the regions - Russia and the East - are clearly not in favor of the East in all respects.

About writing and language families

In our monograph Russian China: Export of Civilization, we analyzed most of the currently known types of writing and showed that all of them served Indo-European languages in the Bronze and Iron Ages.

And this is without exception

There is, however, one. This is Aramaic. It was artificially attributed to the Semitic languages. And then, just as artificially from the Aramaic script, they derived all the scripts that again serve the languages of the Indo-European family of languages.

In this regard, it is necessary to recall the following. In our monograph "History of the emergence of world civilization" we have shown that modern man is represented not by several races, but by several SPECIES. In those years (2006 - 2009), this concept caused thoughtfulness among scientists. However, in July 2012, the Russian Academy of Sciences has already officially confirmed that people on Earth belong to several species, let's call them: the European population is the descendants of the Neanderthals, the Russians are the descendants of modern humans, the Asians are the descendants of the Denisov archanthropus. Africans, judging by the data of genetics, are descendants of African archanthropics or even hominins of Olduvai cultures.

All these species evolved very unevenly. For example, Africans lagged behind in the development of technology from the Russian human species by 500 - 700 thousand years, and Asians lagged behind by 300 thousand - 1 million years. Under these conditions, endowing Asia with the beginning of writing is at least fantastic. Even today, the "civilizations" of the East base their prosperity on theft of technology.

The graphical presentation of data on the development and distribution of the initial letter suggests the following. According to the available archaeological data, the letter originated in the territory concluded between today's Moscow and the Balkans, approximately in the 7th millennium BC. We have at our disposal an image of the letter "Ж" relating to the indicated time. Also, the repertoires of several systems of Balkan writing have been compiled. They are all identical.

In the Neolithic, the letter spread towards China and towards Sumer. Almost everywhere in the Iron Age.

By the beginning of the early Middle Ages, all of Eurasia, North Africa and both Americas possessed writing. Even some wild tribes, whose representatives were originally hunted by immigrants from Europe with the aim of eating them, possessed the letter.

And in this common-written cauldron on the whole Earth, suddenly, violating all conceivable and inconceivable laws, a white, unwritten hole was formed - and this, it must happen, was Russia. For some "unknown" reason, only Russia had no written language. Rich, advanced, trading with the whole world, Russia - and did not have its own written language.


Attributing to a certain "Cyril and Methodius" the invention of writing for the Russian people, the church simply acted according to a template. Prior to that, one of the Jewish religions - Islam - already had its own "sacred" scripture. The scheme is as follows. The first in the conquered people (Islam - "obedience"), the Jews sent the book Taurat - "Torah". The second was a scripture called Zabur - "Psalter". The third conquered Islamites received from the Jews the book Injil - "The Gospel". And finally, the fourth Muslims received the Koran - al-Qur'an, Quran, Koran, kor'an - translation: "(holy) scripture."

Thus, the scheme for the introduction of Islam and Christianity is the same:

  • Islam: Taurat - Zabur - Injil - Koran;
  • Christianity: Torah - Psalter - Gospel - CYRILLIC.

During a meeting in 1956 between the "Russian" church and representatives of the US church, representatives of the Orthodox Church did not deny the reactionary role of this church in the history of the cultural development of the Russian people. The Church was the persecutor of the enlightenment of the people and instilled ignorance and obscurantism. The church tried to hinder the spread of literacy. It hampered the development of education and science, and sought to destroy the books of leading scientists.

At church cathedrals of the 14th - 17th centuries. indexes of prohibited books were considered and approved. The oldest church monument - the Pilot Book - appointed a church curse for reading such books. Books recognized as harmful were proposed to be burned on the bodies of persons in whom they were found. Under Ivan III, Prince Lukomsky was burned in a wooden cage for keeping and reading books in Moscow. The Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy had the duty to burn heretical, fortune-telling (calendar and scientific) and “blasphemous” (Russian) books.

These are facts known to historians. Is it worth asking the question in their presence: why is there no written evidence in Russia?

Another recent fact. After such a large-scale church repression in Russia, one of the ancient Russian books was found in the United States. After twelve years of negotiations with the library of Harvard University, the public foundation "Revival of Tobolsk" managed to obtain consent for the restoration and scanning of S. U. Remezov's manuscript for its subsequent publication. And only in 2011, that is, 300 years after its creation, in Russia, finally, this unique atlas became available to a wide range of amateurs, specialists and scientists.

But the circulation of the edition is only 600 copies. That is, we again see the hand of the conspirators: to spend huge state funds and not release anything!..


  1. The name "Cyrillic" comes from the verb "kurat", that is, "write", "draw scribbles"; the nickname of Constantine - Cyril - comes from the verb "kurat" and means "writer", as well as the title of the book Kuran - "scripture".
  2. The letter originated in the Neolithic - Bronze, and in the Iron Age it was distributed everywhere and on all continents. Russia was artificially withdrawn from this process by the efforts of the church. According to numerous testimonies, religious leaders burned Russian books together with their owners.
  3. We can only hope that future archaeological finds will give us such evidence of Russian writing as, for example, birch bark letters. But even earlier than the 11th century, time; in pre-revolutionary Russia, whole libraries of ancient birches were kept.

Author: Andrey Tyunyaev
