How Did Jericho Really Fall? - Alternative View

How Did Jericho Really Fall? - Alternative View
How Did Jericho Really Fall? - Alternative View

Video: How Did Jericho Really Fall? - Alternative View

Video: How Did Jericho Really Fall? - Alternative View
Video: How Did Jericho Fall? 2024, October

As the archaeological finds made in the territory of the Middle East show, in these places on the territory of present-day Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, many millennia ago and long before the arrival of Semitic nomads from the Arabian Desert, there was an Indo-European civilization of fair-haired and light-eyed Caucasians. Because of these discoveries, all official archaeological work at the sites of this civilization has been frozen, and in these regions, certain forces have constantly provoked wars and conflicts over the past decades, terrorist movements have been created, and political instability has been maintained.

All this is done to conceal from humanity the truth about the true history, as well as the greatest destruction of ancient artifacts that do not fit into the official history and the "biblical project", according to which the Semitic is supposedly the most ancient civilization. But the truth is that the Semites came to ready-made soil, mixing with the population of the Proto-Slavic (judging by the pantheon of gods, as already written about) civilization of the Middle East, and then simply seizing these lands, which is written about, albeit in in a fairly distorted form, in the writings of the "chosen by God" people.


However, the truth is that as early as 7 thousand years BC. a pre-Semitic civilization already existed here, which built Jericho and many other cities, most of which are still buried by the sands. And the capture of Jericho, described in the Old Testament, did not take place in the same way as it is described in the Jewish scriptures. Here's what you can read about this in the book of the participant of the archaeological expedition in Jericho, which took place at the end of the twentieth century, Yu. Petukhov, "The Primordial Origins of the Russes":

“Unfortunately, in those days there was no written language. And that is why we do not know the names of the leaders-tsars, generals, magi-ideologists, not only of Jericho, but also of many other cities, settlements, social associations of the Rus. The only way to replenish our knowledge about the Indo-Europeans 12 - 3 thousand BC, in addition to archeology, linguistics. anthropology and ethnography, this is a meticulous analysis of the biblical and other Middle Eastern texts, compiled on the basis of ancient oral legends, legends, epics. And the isolation of names, events, myths, rituals, ceremonies, toponyms, etc., that got into the Semitic writings from the Indo-Europeans' epic that existed in these lands for a very long time.

Here we must not forget that the Semitic nomads occupied the lands of the Indo-Europeans quite late. They themselves, the inhabitants of the Arabian wilderness, sheep breeders, practically before joining Canaan, had neither their own history nor their own epic. Gradually capturing the cities and villages of a millennial civilization, they turned out to be the unwitting heirs of the colossal historical memory of their predecessors. Over time, part of this memory was lost, and part of it was creatively reworked and included in their own annals-chronicles already in their own language. This all happened much later than the period under consideration. But we must know that we get information about Indo-Europeans, figuratively speaking, through the twisted three-thousand-year prism of a completely different ethnic group. This is what obliges us to a scrupulous critical analysis of the Old Testament and other texts of that time …

Jericho-Yaricho, the city of the Rus, was a flourishing center of the pre-ceramic culture of the super-ethnos; trade and exchange routes from north to south and from west to east passed through it. But this does not mean that other regions of the Rus were vegetating. On the lands of today's Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, partly Iran and Turkey, there were many centers of culture, agriculture, and production. which can be considered archaeological cultures of the Jericho type …

The entire territory of present-day Syria …, Northern Iraq deserves the closest attention of Indo-European researchers. New excavations (if they can be broken through) bring more and more unexpected results. So, it was found that in the Mureybet settlement, located 50 km from the present city of Aleppo, Indo-European Rus, who cultivated wheat, built clay houses, as early as 9 millennium BC. mastered the technique of making ceramic dishes!.. It is possible that the Russians of Muraibet were not the only ones. But … Let us repeat that at present, excavations that can lift the veil over the early history of the Indo-Europeans in the Middle East are not encouraged.

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And yet the main part of the superethnos developed rather consistently. The villages, settlements and cities of the Rus belonged to the same ethnoculture and almost did not experience external influences. And now we can firmly say that there were not tens, not hundreds, but thousands of such settlements and settlements in the ancestral homeland of the Indo-Europeans (including, of course, Asia Minor, the islands and the Zagros). Anyone who has not been to the Syrian Zhesira (the desert steppe beyond Euphrates, which was once a flourishing land), cannot even imagine that one can travel hundreds of kilometers along the road and see endless chains of unrevealed tales. And under each tell there is a settlement. And this is only in Zhesire.

But back to those settlements that have been investigated by archaeologists and anthropologists. This is the site of Beida near Jordanian Petra - 320 km from Jericho. Beida was also a serious market center that controlled the trade and exchange routes leading to the Mediterranean, Red, Dead Seas. And in Beida, there was a smooth transition from round to rectangular houses without population change. Consequently, round houses simply outlived their usefulness among progressive Russians …

The Rus of the pre-ceramic phases A and B left Jericho in the 7th millennium BC. We do not know what caused them to leave. Perhaps by this time, the number of border pre-ethnic groups of Neanderthaloids had sharply increased, attacking the city in order to seize food and steal women. Perhaps there were other reasons. We cannot say anything now. Research and excavations in the cities and settlements of the Indo-European Rus are “frozen”.

Finally, it should be noted that the biblical tradition about the destruction of the walls of Jericho by the sounds of trumpets of the Judeo-Israeli grouping tabors entering the land of Canaan describes the events of 1100 - 900. BC. (According to Jewish tradition, the date of the conquest of Canaan is 1240 BC, but in fact the events took place later and not exactly as they are described in the Torah - the desire of the Jews to make their history more ancient is quite understandable and understandable, but, by and large, the essence is not in dates, and in the macro process itself, which swept the Middle East in 3 - 1 thousand BC, and then Europe).

Indeed, the militant nomadic vagabonds who invaded from the wild Arabian deserts into the flourishing areas of the high Canaanite Indo-European civilization of the Rus, destroyed the ancient half-abandoned city and exterminated everything living in it, from people to dogs, cats and pigs - there is archaeological and documentary evidence for this (with a certain amendment - archaeologists have established that the walls of Jericho collapsed as a result of the digging made by the "besiegers"). “And they took the city. And they put to the curse everything in the city, both men and women, both young and old, and oxen and sheep and donkeys, they destroyed all with the sword "(Old Zab. Nun, 6:20). But these events took place 6,000 (six thousand!) Years after the Indo-Europeans of phase B left the city of Yaricho-Jericho.

And a little more clarification. "They destroyed it with a sword …" Of course, the “biblical Jews” did not have any swords, it’s just epic beauty. The Rus-Philistines, Rus-Hittites, Canaanites had swords … The invaders-shepherds were armed with stones, sticks, stone knives. And Jericho-Yaricho by the time of his "capture" was a dilapidated, abandoned settlement without a prince, without a garrison squad, with a degraded hybrid population."

All modern "official" history is built on similar deceptions and pseudo-historical myths, the main purpose of which is to make the Semitic civilization more ancient and hide any artifacts pointing to the pre-Semitic highly developed Caucasian civilizations that are our ancestors. That is why the official history, which is an integral part of the "biblical project" of the enslavement of mankind, diligently does not recognize the existence of antediluvian civilizations of the "golden age", the existence and ancient "war of the gods" of the legendary Atlantis and Hyperborea, the stellar origin of mankind and the creation of a hostile race of aliens in the course of genetic experiments - some hybrid peoples and races, fulfilling the plan of their masters to seize the Earth and establish a satanic "new world order" on it.

Is it any wonder that any artifacts associated with ancient civilizations are either carefully hidden in the storerooms of museums, or destroyed, or become exhibits in private closed collections? Well, the most ancient megalithic structures are simply declared "natural natural formations", as was the case, for example, with the megaliths of Gornaya Shoria, whose man-made character no longer raises any doubts among independent researchers who studied them directly on the spot. All this once again confirms the facts of numerous falsifications of the so-called. "Official" history, which has very little to do with the events that actually happened in the past.