Ainu - White Race - The Indigenous Inhabitants Of The Japanese Islands - Alternative View

Ainu - White Race - The Indigenous Inhabitants Of The Japanese Islands - Alternative View
Ainu - White Race - The Indigenous Inhabitants Of The Japanese Islands - Alternative View

Video: Ainu - White Race - The Indigenous Inhabitants Of The Japanese Islands - Alternative View

Video: Ainu - White Race - The Indigenous Inhabitants Of The Japanese Islands - Alternative View
Video: Ainu - History of the Indigenous people of Japan DOCUMENTARY 2024, October

There is one ancient People on earth that has been simply ignored for more than one century, and more than once was persecuted and genocidal in Japan due to the fact that by its existence it simply breaks the established official false history of both Japan and Russia.

Now, there is reason to believe that not only in Japan, but also in Russia there is a part of this ancient indigenous people. According to preliminary data from the last census, held in October 2010, there are more than 100 Ains in our country. The fact itself is unusual, because until recently it was believed that the Ainu lived only in Japan. They guessed about this, but on the eve of the census, employees of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences drew attention to the fact that, despite the absence of Russian peoples in the official list, some of our fellow citizens persistently continue to consider themselves Ains and have good reasons for this.

As studies have shown, the Ains, or KAMCHADAL SMOKERS, did not disappear anywhere, they simply did not want to recognize them for many years. And yet Stepan Krasheninnikov, a researcher of Siberia and Kamchatka (18th century), described them as Kamchadal Kuriles. The very name "Ainu" comes from their word "man" or "worthy man" and is associated with military operations. And according to one of the representatives of this ethnic group in an interview with the famous journalist M. Dolgikh, the Ainu fought against the Japanese for 650 years. It turns out that this is the only nation that remains today, who from ancient times held back the occupation, resisted the aggressor - now the Japanese, who were, in fact, Koreans with possibly a certain percentage of the Chinese population, who moved to the islands and formed another state.

It has been scientifically established that the Ainu already inhabited the north of the Japanese archipelago, the Kuriles and part of Sakhalin and, according to some sources, part of Kamchatka and even the lower reaches of the Amur already about 7 thousand years ago. The Japanese who came from the south gradually assimilated and drove the Ainu to the north of the archipelago - to Hokkaido and the southern Kuriles.

The largest clusters of Ainu families are now located on Hokaido.

According to experts, in Japan the Ainu were considered “barbarians”, “savages” and social margins. The hieroglyph used to denote the Ainu means "barbarian", "savage", and now the Japanese also call them "hairy Ainu" for which the Ainu do not like the Japanese.

And here the policy of the Japanese against the Ainu is very well traced, since the Ainu lived on the islands even before the Japanese and had a culture several times, or even orders of magnitude, higher than that of the ancient Mongoloid settlers.

But the theme of the Ainu's dislike for the Japanese probably exists not only because of the ridiculous nicknames addressed to them, but also probably because the Ainu, let me remind you, have been subjected to genocide and persecution by the Japanese for centuries.

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At the end of the XIX century. about one and a half thousand Ainu lived in Russia. After the Second World War, they were partly evicted, partly they left themselves together with the Japanese population, others remained, returning, so to speak, from their difficult and protracted service for centuries. This part mixed with the Russian population of the Far East.

Outwardly, the representatives of the Ainu people very little resemble their closest neighbors - the Japanese, Nivkhs and Itelmens.

The Ains are the White Race.

According to the Kamchadal Kurils themselves, all the names of the islands of the southern ridge were given by the Ain tribes who once inhabited these territories. By the way, it is wrong to think that the names of the Kuril Islands, Kuril Lake, etc. arose due to hot springs or volcanic activity.

It's just that the Kurils, or Kuril people, live here, and "kuru" in Ainsky is the People.

It should be noted that this version destroys the already flimsy basis of the Japanese claims to our Kuril Islands. Even if the name of the ridge comes from our Ains. This was confirmed during the expedition to the island. Matua. There is the bay of Ainu, where the oldest site of the Ainu was discovered.

Therefore, according to experts, it is very strange to say that the Ainu have never been to the Kuriles, Sakhalin, Kamchatka, as the Japanese are doing now, assuring everyone that the Ainu live only in Japan (after all, archeology speaks of the opposite), so they, the Japanese, supposedly you need to give up the Kuril Islands. This is purely untrue. In Russia, there are the Ainu - the indigenous White People who have a direct right to consider these islands as their ancestral lands.

American anthropologist S. Lauryn Brace, from Michigan State University in Horizons of Science, No. 65, September-October 1989. writes: "The typical Ainu is easy to distinguish from the Japanese: he has lighter skin, thicker hair, a beard, which is unusual for Mongoloids, and a more prominent nose."

Brace studied about 1,100 crypts of the Japanese, Ainu and other ethnic groups and concluded that the privileged samurai class in Japan are actually descendants of the Ainu, and not the Yayoi (Mongoloids), the ancestors of most modern Japanese.

The story with the Ainu estates is reminiscent of the story with the higher castes in India, where the highest percentage of the White man haplogroup is R1a1

Brace goes on to write: “… this explains why the facial features of the ruling class are so often different from those of today's Japanese. The real Samurai, the descendants of the Ainu warriors, acquired such influence and prestige in medieval Japan that they intermarried with the rest of the ruling circles and brought in the blood of the Ainu, while the rest of the Japanese population was mainly the descendants of the Yayoi."

It should also be noted that apart from archaeological and other features, the language has been partially preserved. There is a dictionary of the Kuril language in the "Description of the Land of Kamchatka" by S. Krasheninnikov.

In Hokkaido, the dialect spoken by the Ainu is called saru, but in SAKHALIN it is called reichishka.

It is not difficult to understand that the language of the Ainu differs from the Japanese language in syntax, phonology, morphology and vocabulary, etc. Although there have been attempts to prove that they have family ties, the overwhelming majority of modern scholars reject the assumption that the relationship between languages goes beyond the contact relationship, involving the mutual borrowing of words in both languages. In fact, no attempt to link the Ainu language to any other language has been widely accepted.

In principle, according to the well-known Russian political scientist and journalist P. Alekseev, the problem of the Kuril Islands can be solved politically and economically. To do this, it is necessary to allow the Ainam (partially resettled to Japan in 1945) to return from Japan to the land of their ancestors (including their original area - the Amur region, Kamchatka, Sakhalin and all the Kuriles, creating at least following the example of the Japanese (it is known that the Japanese parliament only in 2008 did he recognize the Ainov as an independent national minority), the Russian dispersed autonomy of an “independent national minority” with the participation of the Ains from the islands and the Ains of Russia.

We have neither people nor funds for the development of Sakhalin and the Kuriles, but the Ains do. The Ainu who migrated from Japan, according to experts, can give an impetus to the economy of the Russian Far East, namely by forming not only on the Kuril Islands, but also within Russia, national autonomy and reviving their family and traditions in the land of their ancestors

Japan, according to P. Alekseev, will be out of work, because the displaced Ainu will disappear there, and in our country they can settle not only in the southern part of the Kuril Islands, but throughout their original area, our Far East, eliminating the emphasis on the southern Kuriles. Since many of the Ainu deported to Japan were our citizens, the Ainu can be used as allies against the Japanese, restoring the dying Ainu language.

The Ainu were not allies of Japan and never will be, but they can become allies of Russia. But unfortunately we ignore this ancient People to this day.

With our pro-Western government, which feeds Chechnya for a gift, which deliberately flooded Russia with people of Caucasian nationality, opened the unhindered entry for emigrants from China, and those who are clearly not interested in preserving the Peoples of Russia should not think that they will pay attention to the Ains, only the CIVIL INITIATIVE will help here.

As noted by the leading researcher of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Academician K. Cherevko, Japan exploited these islands. In their law there is such a thing as "development through trade exchange." And all the Ainu - both conquered and unconquered - were considered Japanese, were subject to their emperor. But it is known that even before that, the Ainu paid taxes to Russia. True, this was of an irregular nature.

Thus, it is safe to say that the Kuril Islands belong to the Ainam, but one way or another, Russia must proceed from international law. According to it, i.e. according to the San Francisco Peace Treaty, Japan abandoned the islands. There are simply no legal grounds for revising the documents signed in 1951 and other agreements today. But such matters are resolved only in the interests of big politics, and I repeat that only their Brotherly people, that is, We, can help this people from outside.